Trust Center Network Key Update Unicast#

API and Callbacks for the Trust Center Network Key Update Unicast Component.

This is a Trust Center component that handles updating the Network Key by UNICASTING that key to each device encrypted with their link key. It is intended for use in Smart Energy networks. It will traverse the Trust Center's local key table and send the new NWK key to each non-sleepy device with an authorized link key (a device that has successfully performed key establishment). The new network key will be randomly generated. After all messages have been sent, it will broadcast a key switch message.

Function Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_zigbee_af_trust_center_start_network_key_update (void )

Definition at line 49 of file app/framework/plugin/trust-center-nwk-key-update-unicast/trust-center-nwk-key-update-unicast.h

Macro Definition Documentation#



Definition at line 48 of file app/framework/plugin/trust-center-nwk-key-update-unicast/trust-center-nwk-key-update-unicast.h