Manufacturing Library OTA#

API and Callbacks for the Manufacturing Library OTA Component.



Indicate whether the manufacturing library is currently running.


Indicate whether the manufacturing library token has been set.

API Documentation#


bool sl_zigbee_af_mfglib_running (void )

Indicate whether the manufacturing library is currently running.


Used to check whether the manufacturing library is currently running. Do not initiate scan/join behavior when the manufacturing library is currently running as this will cause a conflict and may result in a fatal error.


  • A ::bool value that is true if the manufacturing library is running, or false if it is not.

Definition at line 48 of file app/framework/plugin-soc/manufacturing-library-ota/manufacturing-library-ota-plugin.h


bool sl_zigbee_af_mfglib_enabled (void )

Indicate whether the manufacturing library token has been set.


Returns whether the manufacturing library token has currently been set. Reference designs are programmed to initiate off scan/join behavior as soon as the device has been powered up. Certain sleepy devices, such as security sensors, may also use the UART for manufacturing, which becomes inactive during normal operation. Setting this token allows the device to stay awake or hold off on normal joining behavior for a few seconds to allow manufacturing mode to be enabled. The last step in the manufacturing process is to disable this token.

Note: This token is disabled by default. To enable this token in the application, edit the file app/framework/plugin/mfg-lib/mfg-lib-tokens.h.


  • A ::bool value that is true if the manufacturing library token has been set or false if it has not been set.

Definition at line 68 of file app/framework/plugin-soc/manufacturing-library-ota/manufacturing-library-ota-plugin.h