sl_bt_evt_gatt_characteristic_valueGATT Client#

Indicates that the value of one or several characteristics in the remote GATT server was received.

Data Structures#

struct | sl_bt_evt_gatt_characteristic_value_s
| Data structure of the characteristic_value event.


#define | sl_bt_evt_gatt_characteristic_value_id 0x040900a0
| Identifier of the characteristic_value event.

Detailed Description#

Indicates that the value of one or several characteristics in the remote GATT server was received.

It is triggered by several commands: sl_bt_gatt_read_characteristic_value, sl_bt_gatt_read_characteristic_value_from_offset, sl_bt_gatt_read_characteristic_value_by_uuid, sl_bt_gatt_read_multiple_characteristic_values; and when the remote GATT server sends indications or notifications after enabling notifications with sl_bt_gatt_set_characteristic_notification. The parameter att_opcode indicates which type of GATT transaction triggered this event. In particular, if the att_opcode type is sl_bt_gatt_handle_value_indication (0x1d), the application needs to confirm the indication with sl_bt_gatt_send_characteristic_confirmation.

Data Structure Documentation#

◆ sl_bt_evt_gatt_characteristic_value_s#

struct sl_bt_evt_gatt_characteristic_value_s#

Data structure of the characteristic_value event.

Data Fields#

uint8_t | connection |

Connection handle

uint16_t | characteristic |

GATT characteristic handle. This value is normally received from the gatt_characteristic event.

uint8_t | att_opcode |

Enum sl_bt_gatt_att_opcode_t. Attribute opcode, which indicates the GATT transaction used.

uint16_t | offset |

Value offset

uint8array | value |

Characteristic value