Gecko OS 4 Features

Feature Versions Notes
Application Development APIs
Command API 4.0+ Commands and variables for all supported features. See Command interface .
Command response buffering 4.0+ See system.cmd.buffered variable.
Command response timestamps 4.0+ See system.cmd.timestamp variable.
Variable group getters 4.0+ Get all variables in a category, e.g. http.server . See the get command.
Console manual editing tools 4.0+ The Gecko OS terminal supports arrow history, tab auto-complete, and in-line editing. See Command Interface, Manual Command Editing Features .
Multiple command UARTs 4.0+ See bus.data_bus variable.
Remote Command Terminal 4.0+ See Serial Interface, Using the Remote Terminal .
Apps 4.0+ Gecko OS Apps - features supported by Native C APIs. See Native C API . SDK includes Gecko OS Studio (GSS) .
App MQTT library 4.0+ IBM Bluemix support
Web App 4.0+ Customisable app providing setup, monitoring, command interface, and more. See Gecko OS Web App .
Separate Data and Log Buses 4.0+
REST Command API 4.0+ See HTTP Server, Command Request/Response .
Websocket Command API 4.0+ See WebSocket Command Stream .
Broadcast data 4.0+ Broadcast module properties in JSON format. See Networking and Security, Broadcast Status Announcement .
Bus and Data Streaming
Bus 4.0+ Write check, separate data/log bus options. See Bus variables .
Bus Stream Mode 4.0+ Stream data directly between serial interface and a network stream. See Stream Mode .
UART BAUD > 5.25Mbps 4.0+ See uart.baud variable.
Device Management
Device Management Server (DMS) 4.0+ Monitor, manage and maintain your fleet of devices. See Zentri DMS .
Secure Over the Air Device Firmware Update (DFU) 4.0+ See dfu_update and dfu_query commands.
Factory DFU 4.0+ Update firmware via serial interface. See dfu_update
DMS secure websocket 4.0+ Real-time telemetry and messages to and from the DMS.
DMS command console 4.0+ Issue commands to your device via the DMS console.
Device Configuration and State
Settings file 4.0+ Save variable settings to file, load setting from file, specify default configuration file
System Indicators 4.0+ Blink LEDs (GPIOs) in various states. See system.indicator.gpio and system.indicator.state . Respond to system indicator events using the Native C API. See the system/indicator example app .
File System
Flash file system 4.0+ See File System .
Bulk flash 4.0+ See system.bflash variables.
User encrypted files 4.0+ See File System, Encrypting Files .
ADC 4.0+ Support for MCU Analog to Digital Converters. See adc_take_sample command.
Crystal driven RTC 4.0+ Real Time Clock. See time.rtc variable.
Configurable HFXO 4.0+ Optionally enable external crystal oscillator. See system.hfxo.enabled and system.hfxo.status variables.
Ethernet interface 4.0+ Where hardware support available, e.g. WGM160P. See Ethernet variables .
Ethernet/Soft AP Bridge 4.1+ See Ethernet Bridge .
GPIO 4.0+ See Peripherals, GPIOs .
GPIO alias 4.0+ See gpio.alias variable.
I2C 4.0+ See I2C Master Peripheral Controlling and Monitoring .
PWM 4.0+ MCU Pulse Width Modulators. See pwm_update command.
SPI master 4.0+ See SPI Master Peripheral Controlling and Monitoring .
Internet and Network Protocols
DHCP client 4.0+ See Networking and Security, DHCP Client .
DHCP client cache 4.0+ Store DHCP lease in NVM (Non-Volatile Memory) and load on startup.
DHCP server 4.0+ DHCP Server via SoftAP Interface . See Networking and Security, DHCP Server .
DHCP server lease time 4.0+ See softap.dhcp_server.lease_time variable.
DNS server 4.0+ DNS Server via SoftAP Interface . See Networking and Security, DNS Server .
IPv4 4.0+ IPv6 is not supported.
IP UDP multicast 4.0+ See wlan.multicast.address variable.
HTTP client 4.0+ See Networking and Security, HTTP Client .
HTTP server 4.0+ See Networking and Security, HTTP Server .
HTTP server Basic auth 4.0+ See HTTP Server Security and Authorization .
HTTP server not found/missing default pages 4.0+ See http.server.notfound_filename and http.server.root_filename variables.
HTTP client TLS certificates 4.0+ See Networking and Security, HTTPS Client .
HTTPS client 4.0+ See Networking and Security, HTTPS Client .
HTTPS server 4.0+ See Networking and Security, HTTPS Server .
IO Connection 4.0+ See Peripherals, GPIO Controlled Network Connection .
mDNS 4.0+ See Network Discovery and the mDNS variables.
NTP 4.0+ Network Time Management. See ntp variables.
Multiple sockets 4.0+ See HTTP Server Simple WebSocket Demonstration .
Configurable buffer size 4.0+ See network.buffer variables.
Setup Net Config 4.0+ See setup command and and related setup variables.
Setup Web 4.0+ Set up network credentials using Web App. See Getting Started .
Setup scripts 4.0+ See Setup Configuration Script .
Soft AP 4.0+ Wireless Access Point. See SoftAP Interface .
Soft AP MAC filter 4.1+ See SoftAP MAC Filter .
Soft AP and WLAN concurrently 4.0+ See softap.auto_start and wlan.auto_join.enabled variables.
SMTP 4.0+ Email, SMTP client. See Networking and Security, SMTP Client .
Stream auto-close 4.0+ See stream.auto_close variable.
TCP client 4.0+ See Networking and Security, TCP Client .
TCP server 4.0+ See Networking and Security, TCP Server .
TCP server multiple clients 4.0+ See tcp.server.max_clients variable.
TLS client 4.0+ Full TLS client support. See Networking and Security, TLS Client .
TLS server 4.0+ See Networking and Security, TLS Server .
TLS 1.0 to 1.2, multiple cipher suites 4.0+ See TLS 1.0 - 1.2 Support .
UDP client 4.0+ See Networking and Security, UDP Client .
UDP server 4.0+ See Networking and Security, UDP Server .
Websocket client/server 4.0+ See Networking and Security, Websocket Client and Server .
Standard networking commands 4.0+ See ping , wlan_scan and network_lookup commands.
Other System Features
System activity GPIO 4.0+ See system.activity.gpio variable.
System: lock 4.0+ Lock certain variables from reset. See system.variable_lock variable.
System: factory reset configurable GPIO 4.0+ See system.factory_reset.gpio variable.
System: OOB 4.0+ Out-of-band Interrupts. See system.oob.gpio variable.
Safemode 4.0+ Revert to safemode on system failure. See Update and Recovery, Safe Mode .
Wi-Fi and Radio
802.11: b/g/n 4.0+ See wlan.rate.protocol variable.
Bit rate: up to 72.2 Mbps 4.0+ See wlan.rate.transmit variable.
Tx Power: + 16 dBm 4.0+ See wlan.tx_power variable.
Built-in antenna (optional) 4.0+ See variable.
WLAN RSSI averaging 4.0+ See wlan.rssi_average variable.