Gecko OS Native API

This is a list of all Gecko OS Native API functions, libraries, and utilities available for application development.
Core This contains all core API functionality
Types API core data types
Macros Core macros
Memory Basic memory allocation/loading functions
Commands Functions for issuing Gecko OS commands
Types Command data types
Data Streams Functions for reading, writing, etc data streams
Logging Debugging/logging functions
Macros Macros related to logging
Kernel Callbacks Application functions that are called BY the Kernel
Settings and NVM Apps can uniquely configure Gecko OS with Gecko OS variables using the Settings API
Gecko OS Settings Functions for reading/writing/loading Gecko OS variables
Macros Settings specific macros
Application NVM Functions for reading/writing/loading NVM entries that are custom defined by Gecko OS applications
Macros Settings specific macros
Device Management Server (DMS) The following APIs provide DMS related operations
Types DMS data types
Macros DMS macros
Telemetry DMS Telemetry
Message DMS device stream messages
Firmware Update Firmware update operations
Activation DMS activation operations
Network This contains all network related functionality
Interface Functions for starting/stop WLAN & SoftAP interfaces
Types Network Interface Types
Macros Network interface specific macros
Web Setup Functions for enabling/disabling web setup
Types Data types for web setup
Utility Network Utility functions
Types Network Utility Types
Protocols This contains various networking protocol functions
TCP/TLS Client/Server TCP/TLS client/server functions
Types TCP client/server types
UDP Client/Server UDP client/server functions
Types UDP client/server data types
HTTP Client HTTP client functions
Types HTTP client data types
HTTP Server HTTP server functions
Types HTTP server data types
Macros HTTP server macros
HTTP File Transfer HTTP file transfer functions
Types HTTP file transfer data types
HTTP Server Data Stream HTTP server APIs to transfer data between a client and device application h1. Features
Types HTTP server stream data types
General API HTTP server stream general API for both REST and Websocket clients
Websocket API HTTP server stream general API for Websocket clients
WebSocket Client/Server WebSocket client/server functions
Types WebSocket data types
SMTP SMTP functions
Types SMTP data types
NTP Network Time Protocol functions
Types NTP data types
Network Discovery This contains various features for finding the device on a local network Refer to the command API documentation for more information:
mDNS MDNS functions
Types MDNS data types
Periodic Broadcast Periodic Broadcast Functions
Types Periodic broadcast data types
Peripherals This contains all hardware peripheral related functionality
GPIO Functions for using General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) peripheral
Types Hardware GPIO data types
ADC Functions for using analog-to-digital (ADC) conversion peripheral
Types Hardware ADC data types
PWM Functions for using Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) peripheral
I2C Master Functions for using Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) peripheral
Types Hardware I2C data types
Macros Hardware I2C macros
SPI Master Functions for using Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) peripheral
Types Hardware SPI data types
Macros Hardware SPI macros
Stream APIs APIs for accessing SPI master 'stream' functionality
Direct APIs APIs for directly accessing SPI master peripheral
UART Functions for using Universal Asynchronous Receive/Transmit (UART) peripheral
Types Hardware UART data types
Button Button Utility
Types Button data types
CRC Checksum/CRC Utilities
Types Checksum/CRC data types
DMA Direct Memory Access (DMA) APIs
Types DMA data types
Custom Commands This contains all functionality needed to add/override commands to the Gecko OS Command API
Types Command types
Macros Command specific macros
Event Handling This contains all functionality needed to register/unregister event handlers
Types Event data types
Macros Event macros
RTOS This contains all Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) functions
Macros RTOS macros
Types RTOS types
Mutex RTOS mutex functions
Semaphore RTOS semaphore functions
Queue RTOS queue functions
Timer RTOS timer functions
Events RTOS event flag functions
Miscellaneous RTOS miscellaneous functions
File System This contains all file system related functionality
Types File types
Macros File specific macros
Log Files This contains functional for reading/writing log files
Types Log file types
Macros Log file specific macros
System System APIs contain all functionality required to control device operation
Time This contains all time functionality
Types Time specific types
Indicator This contains functionality to manage the system indicators
Types System indicator types
Powersave Functions that reduce power consumption
Backup Registers Functions to read/write battery-backed hardware registers
Monitor Functions to monitor system operations
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous system functions
Types Data types
Utilities This contains various utilities
String Functions for processing strings
Bitstring Bitstring utility
Types Bitstring data types
JSON JSON Utilities
Types JSON data types
Macros JSON macros
MessagePack MessagePack Utilities
Types MessagePack data types
Macros MessagePack macros
Read APIs for unpacking MessagePack data into object and reading their values
Write APIs for packing data into a MessagePack message
Buffered Writer APIs for writing (i.e. packing) data into a dynamic buffer
CSV CSV Utilities
Types CSV data types
Base64 Base64 Utilities
Decode Stream Base64 stream decoding
Encode Stream Base64 stream encoding
Sorting Sorting Utilities
Table/Lookup Table/Lookup Utilities
Macros Table/Lookup macros
Cryptography Cryptography Utilities
AES AES utilities
Types AES data types
MD5 MD5 utilities
Types MD5 data types
SHA1 SHA1 utilities
Types SHA1 data types
SHA256 SHA256 utilities
Types SHA256 data types
SHA512 SHA512 utilities
Types SHA512 data types
Secure Element (SE) Secure element utilities
Types Secure element data types
Fixed-Point Integer Fixed-Point Integer Utilities
Types Fixed-Point Integer data types
Macros Fixed-Point Integer macros
Delay Delay Routines
Thread-Safe Objects This utility contains mutable objects that are thread safe
Singly-Linked List Singly-Linked List
Types Singly-Linked List data types
Macros Singly-Linked List data macros
Circular Queue Circular Queue
Types Circular Queue data types
Dynamic Buffer Utilities for populating a buffer of variable length
Types Dynamic Buffer data types
SDK Utilities and Components SDK utilities and components
Example App Utilities Utilities for SDK example apps
Board-Specific Board-specific APIs
Secure Element Secure Element Components
Microchip ATCA Component for Microchip CryptoAuth devices
Types ATCA data types
Key Pair Elliptic Curve keypair APIs
Certificates Certificate APIs
Configuration Chip configuration APIs
Profiler Profiling utility
Types Profiler data types
Macros Profiler macros