Firmware update operations. More...


gos_result_t gos_dms_dfu_query ( gos_dms_query_status_t *status_ptr, gos_buffer_t *server_msg)
Query DMS if a firmware update is available. More...
gos_result_t gos_dms_ota_update (const char *version_str, bool allow_multi_pass)
Update device's firmware. More...
gos_dfu_status_t gos_dms_get_dfu_status (void)
Return result of last firmware update (if available) More...
void gos_dms_clear_dfu_status (void)
Clear the DFU status to GOS_DFU_STATUS_NONE . More...

Detailed Description

Firmware update operations.

Function Documentation


void gos_dms_clear_dfu_status ( void )

Clear the DFU status to GOS_DFU_STATUS_NONE .

See also
gos_dms_get_dfu_status() for retrieving the current DFU status.
dms/ota_update/main.c .


gos_result_t gos_dms_dfu_query ( gos_dms_query_status_t * status_ptr,
gos_buffer_t * server_msg

Query DMS if a firmware update is available.

This queries the DMS and returns if an update is available. If thie API returns GOS_SUCCESS and status_ptr is:

See the Gecko OS command documentation for more information: dfu_query

The server_msg argument, a gos_buffer_t , should be pre-configured to point to a buffer that will be populated with a message from the server. The .data member should point to a string buffer. The size to be the size of the string buffer.
[out] status_ptr Pointer to gos_dms_query_status_t which will contain if an update is available
[out] server_msg gos_buffer_t pointer to buffer to hold message from server, leave NULL if unused
Result of API, see gos_result_t
dms/ota_update/main.c .


gos_dfu_status_t gos_dms_get_dfu_status ( void )

Return result of last firmware update (if available)

This returns the result of the last firmware update. This is typically called after calling gos_dms_ota_update()

Refer to gos_dfu_status_t for the available results codes.

The result codes are reset after a power-cycle or another DFU attempt
Result of DFU, see gos_dfu_status_t
dms/ota_update/main.c .


gos_result_t gos_dms_ota_update ( const char * version_str,
bool allow_multi_pass

Update device's firmware.

This API will invoke an OTA DFU update. The firmware the device is update to is determined by the supplied version argument.

If version is:

  • GOS_DMS_UPDATE_LATEST - update to latest firmware only if out-dated.
  • else version string - update to specified version (e.g. "3.3.2")

The DMS uses the device's current product to determine the available firmware. The device's product can be configured via web0based DMS GUI or gos_dms_activate() .

If successful, this API does NOT return. This API will immediately invoke the Gecko OS Kernel to perform the update. After attempting/performing the update, the Kernel will return control to the Gecko OS Services.

To determine the result of the update, use gos_dms_get_dfu_status() .

See the Gecko OS command documentation for more information: dfu_update

The API requires valid network credentials with an internet connection. If successful, this API does NOT return. After the update the app begins execution from the beginning.
[in] version_str Version to update firmware to, see this function's description for more information
[in] allow_multi_pass Enable/disab;e 'multi-pass' updates
Result of API, see gos_result_t
dms/ota_update/main.c .