RMU - Reset Management Unit


Reset Management Unit (RMU) Peripheral API.

This module contains functions to control the RMU peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. RMU ensures correct reset operation and is responsible for connecting the different reset sources to the reset lines of the MCU or SoC.


void RMU_ResetControl ( RMU_Reset_TypeDef reset, RMU_ResetMode_TypeDef mode)
Disable/enable reset for various peripherals and signal sources.
void RMU_ResetCauseClear (void)
Clear the reset cause register.
uint32_t RMU_ResetCauseGet (void)
Get the cause of the last reset.


#define RMU_LockupResetDisable (A) RMU_ResetControl ( rmuResetLockUp , A)
RMU_LockupResetDisable kept for backwards compatibility.


enum RMU_ResetMode_TypeDef {
rmuResetModeClear = 0,
rmuResetModeSet = 1
RMU reset modes.
enum RMU_Reset_TypeDef { rmuResetLockUp = _RMU_CTRL_LOCKUPRDIS_MASK }
RMU controlled peripheral reset control and reset source control.

Function Documentation


void RMU_ResetControl ( RMU_Reset_TypeDef reset,
RMU_ResetMode_TypeDef mode

Disable/enable reset for various peripherals and signal sources.

[in] reset Reset types to enable/disable.s
[in] mode Reset mode.


void RMU_ResetCauseClear ( void )

Clear the reset cause register.

This function clears all the reset cause bits of the RSTCAUSE register. The reset cause bits must be cleared by software before a new reset occurs. Otherwise, reset causes may accumulate. See RMU_ResetCauseGet() .


uint32_t RMU_ResetCauseGet ( void )

Get the cause of the last reset.

To be useful, the reset cause must be cleared by software before a new reset occurs. Otherwise, reset causes may accumulate. See RMU_ResetCauseClear() . This function call will return the main cause for reset, which can be a bit mask (several causes) and clear away "noise".

A reset cause mask. See the reference manual for a description of the reset cause mask.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RMU_LockupResetDisable ( A ) RMU_ResetControl ( rmuResetLockUp , A)

RMU_LockupResetDisable kept for backwards compatibility.

Enumeration Type Documentation


RMU reset modes.


RMU controlled peripheral reset control and reset source control.


Cortex lockup reset select.