
Digital Signature Algorithms (ECDSA, EdDSA).

API for using digital signatures with the SE.


sl_se_ecc_sign(sl_se_command_context_t *cmd_ctx, const sl_se_key_descriptor_t *key, sl_se_hash_type_t hash_alg, bool hashed_message, const unsigned char *message, size_t message_len, unsigned char *signature, size_t signature_len)

This function computes Elliptic-Curve Cryptography (ECC) digital signatures of a message.

sl_se_ecc_verify(sl_se_command_context_t *cmd_ctx, const sl_se_key_descriptor_t *key, sl_se_hash_type_t hash_alg, bool hashed_message, const unsigned char *message, size_t message_len, const unsigned char *signature, size_t signature_len)

This function verifies Elliptic-Curve Cryptography (ECC) digital signatures of a message.

Function Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_se_ecc_sign (sl_se_command_context_t * cmd_ctx, const sl_se_key_descriptor_t * key, sl_se_hash_type_t hash_alg, bool hashed_message, const unsigned char * message, size_t message_len, unsigned char * signature, size_t signature_len)

This function computes Elliptic-Curve Cryptography (ECC) digital signatures of a message.


Pointer to an SE command context object.


Pointer to sl_se_key_descriptor_t structure.


Which hashing algorithm to use. Ignored for EdDSA keys, since EdDSA always uses SHA-512 for Ed25519 and SHA-3 for Ed448.


The input message is a message digest. Ignored for EdDSA keys, and treated as false.


The message to be used to compute the signature.


The length of message.


The computed signature.


The length of the computed signature.


  • Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) generates a message digest using the input message for computing signatures. The input parameters hash_alg and hashed_message do not apply for EdDSA.

P-521 Elliptic Curve for Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) expects a 544 bits (68 bytes) buffer for storing private keys, and a 1088 bits (136 bytes) buffer for storing public keys and signatures. The first 23 bits of d, Qx, Qy, R and S are padding bits to comply word-aligned addressing.


  • SL_STATUS_OK when the command was executed successfully, otherwise an appropiate error code (sl_status.h).

Definition at line 113 of file platform/security/sl_component/se_manager/inc/sl_se_manager_signature.h


sl_status_t sl_se_ecc_verify (sl_se_command_context_t * cmd_ctx, const sl_se_key_descriptor_t * key, sl_se_hash_type_t hash_alg, bool hashed_message, const unsigned char * message, size_t message_len, const unsigned char * signature, size_t signature_len)

This function verifies Elliptic-Curve Cryptography (ECC) digital signatures of a message.


Pointer to an SE command context object.


Pointer to sl_se_key_descriptor_t structure.


Which hashing algorithm to use. Ignored for EdDSA keys, since EdDSA always uses SHA-512 for Ed25519 and SHA-3 for Ed448.


The input message is a message digest. Ignored for EdDSA keys, and treated as false.


The message to be used to compute signatures.


The length of message.


The signature to be verified.


The length of signature.


  • The input parameters hash_alg and hashed_message do not apply for Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA).

P-521 Elliptic Curve for Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) expects a 544 bits (68 bytes) buffer for storing private keys, and a 1088 bits (136 bytes) buffer for storing public keys and signatures. The first 23 bits of d, Qx, Qy, R and S are padding bits to comply word-aligned addressing.


  • SL_STATUS_OK if the signature is successfully verified, otherwise an appropiate error code (sl_status.h).

Definition at line 167 of file platform/security/sl_component/se_manager/inc/sl_se_manager_signature.h