Detailed Description

EFP (Energy Friendly PMIC) driver.

EFP (Energy Friendly PMIC) driver documentation


The EFP is a flexible, highly efficient, multi-output power management IC. This driver provides an API to configure and control EFP ICs. The EFP is controlled by the host SoC using an I2C bus. The driver support systems with multipple EFP ICs.

Configuring the EFP driver

Your application must provide a header file named efp_ instance _config.h . instance can be freely selected and could for example be EFP0 and EFP1 in a system with two EFP devices. Configuration file templates are found in the driver config folder.

Configuration options:

  • Energy mode transition mode. Host SoC can use several methods for changing EFP energy mode. Methods are either direct mode or I2C mode. I2C mode change EFP energy mode with I2C commands, direct mode use level transitions on I2C SDA and SCL lines. This provides fast energy mode transitions. Direct mode is achieved by host SoC using GPIO bit-banging or automatically by EMU hardware on SoCs with builtin EFP support (check EMU section of reference manual for EFP support).
  • EFP interrupt. The EFP has an interrupt line that can be useful for a host SoC. Set this option to have the EFP driver configure a GPIO for this use.
  • EFP powers host SoC. Set if the EFP IC power the host SoC, there can only be one EFP with this option in a system.
  • I2C instance: Select which I2C peripheral to use.
  • GPIO definitions for I2C SDA/SCL and IRQ pins.

Here is an example configuration file:


#include "sl_efp.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>

// <h>EFP driver configuration

// <o EFP_INSTANCE_EM_CTRL_MODE> Selects method of controlling EFP Energy Mode (EM) transitions.
// <efp_em_transition_mode_gpio_bitbang=> GPIO driven direct mode EM transitions
// <efp_em_transition_mode_i2c=> I2C transfers control EM transitions
// <efp_em_transition_mode_emu=> Builtin EMU controlled direct mode EM transitions
// <i> Default: efp_em_transition_mode_gpio_bitbang
#define EFP_INSTANCE_EM_CTRL_MODE       efp_em_transition_mode_gpio_bitbang

// <q EFP_INSTANCE_ENABLE_IRQ> Enable GPIO as interrupt input line from EFP.
// <i> Default: 1
#define EFP_INSTANCE_ENABLE_IRQ         1

// <q EFP_INSTANCE_POWERS_HOST> This EFP powers host SoC.
// <i> Default: 1

// </h> end EFP configuration

// <<< end of configuration section >>>

// <<< sl:start pin_tool >>>

// <gpio optional> EFP_INSTANCE_IRQ
#define EFP_INSTANCE_IRQ_PORT           gpioPortC
#define EFP_INSTANCE_IRQ_PIN            9

// <i2c signal=SDA,SCL> EFP_INSTANCE_I2C

#define EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SDA_PORT       gpioPortC
#define EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SDA_PIN        11
#define EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SDA_LOC        16

#define EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SCL_PORT       gpioPortC
#define EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SCL_PIN        10
#define EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SCL_LOC        14

// <<< sl:end pin_tool >>>

#define SL_EFP_INSTANCE_INIT {                                                         \
    .config_size = 0,                                   // No initial config           \
    .config_data = NULL,                                // No config data              \
    .is_host_efp = EFP_INSTANCE_POWERS_HOST,            // This EFP powers host SOC    \
    .em_transition_mode = EFP_INSTANCE_EM_CTRL_MODE,    // EFP EM transition mode      \
    .enable_irq_pin = EFP_INSTANCE_ENABLE_IRQ,          // Init GPIO as EFP IRQ        \
    .irq_port = EFP_INSTANCE_IRQ_PORT,                  // EFP IRQ port                \
    .irq_pin = EFP_INSTANCE_IRQ_PIN,                    // EFP IRQ pin                 \
    .i2c_peripheral = EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_PERIPHERAL,      // I2C port instance           \
    .i2c_scl_port = EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SCL_PORT,          // SCL port                    \
    .i2c_scl_pin = EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SCL_PIN,            // SCL pin                     \
    .i2c_sda_port = EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SDA_PORT,          // SDA port                    \
    .i2c_sda_pin = EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SDA_PIN,            // SDA pin                     \
    .i2c_scl_port_location = EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SCL_LOC,  // SCL port location           \
    .i2c_sda_port_location = EFP_INSTANCE_I2C_SDA_LOC,  // SDA port location           \

#ifdef __cplusplus


EFP driver example code

Basic example:

#include "efp_instance_config.h"

sl_efp_handle_data_t efp_handle_data;          // EFP instance data structure
sl_efp_handle_t      efp = &efp_handle_data;   // EFP instance pointer

int main( void )


  // Initialize EFP.

  // Load all configurations into an init structure, and pass it to the
  // driver initialization function.
  sl_efp_init_data_t init = SL_EFP_INSTANCE_INIT;
  sl_efp_init(efp, &init);

  // Set voltage regulator B (VOB) output voltage and peak currents.
  sl_efp_set_vob_em01_voltage(efp, 1100);
  sl_efp_set_vob_em23_voltage(efp, 1100);
  sl_efp_set_vob_em01_peak_current(efp, 108, 3300, 1100, 3300);
  sl_efp_set_vob_em23_peak_current(efp, 108, 3300, 1100, 3300);

  // Enable VOB in buck mode.
  sl_efp_set_vob_mode(efp, efp_vob_mode_buck);



Code for preparing for EFP interrupts:

#include "efp_instance_config.h"

int main( void )


  // Prepare for EFP IRQ from Coulomb counter (CC) full flag.
  sl_efp_write_register(efp, EFP01_STATUS_GM, 0xFF);    // Unmask all G flags
  sl_efp_write_register(efp, EFP01_CC_CAL, 0x28);       // Enable CC A

  // Setup GPIO interrupt.
  GPIO_IntConfig(init.irq_port, init.irq_pin, false, true, true);


  // Force CC full flag interrupt. This will trigger an IRQ.
  sl_efp_write_register(efp, EFP01_CMD, 0x10);          // Start CC Calibration



void GPIO_ODD_IRQHandler(void)
  // Make sure any ongoing EFP I2C transfer is completed before writing to EFP.

  // Clear EFP IRQ flag.
  sl_efp_write_register(efp, EFP01_STATUS_G, 0x40);

  // Clear GPIO interrupt flag.
  GPIO_IntClear(1 << init.irq_pin);

Example with custom EFP configuration data. The sl_efp_init() function can perform EFP configuration by passing an array of EFP {address,value} pairs. This array can be generated by the EFP calculator tool in Simplicity Studio.

#include "efp_instance_config.h"


// Array of 10 {address,data} pairs.
#define SL_EFP_INSTANCE_GEN {      \
    { EFP01_VOA_V,        4   },   \
    { EFP01_BB_IPK,       146 },   \
    { EFP01_BB_CTRL6,     0   },   \
    { EFP01_LDOC_BB_CTRL, 0   },   \
    { EFP01_BB_CTRL3,     181 },   \
    { EFP01_VOB_EM0_V,    13  },   \
    { EFP01_VOB_EM2_V,    13  },   \
    { EFP01_BK_IPK,       38  },   \
    { EFP01_BK_CTRL2,     80  },   \
    { EFP01_BK_CTRL1,     24  },   \

uint8_t efp_settings[SL_EFP_INSTANCE_GEN_SIZE][2] = SL_EFP_INSTANCE_GEN;

int main( void )


  // Initialize EFP, pass array of custom settings to init function.
  sl_efp_init_data_t init = SL_EFP_INSTANCE_INIT;
  init.config_size        = SL_EFP_INSTANCE_GEN_SIZE;
  init.config_data        = efp_settings[0];
  sl_efp_init(efp, &init);



Data Structures

struct sl_efp_handle_data_t
struct sl_efp_init_data_t
EFP driver initialization structure.


typedef sl_efp_handle_data_t * sl_efp_handle_t
An EFP driver instance handle.


enum sl_efp_em_transition_mode_t {
efp_em_transition_mode_gpio_bitbang ,
efp_em_transition_mode_i2c ,
Method for controlling EFP Energy Mode (EM) transitions.
enum sl_efp_voa_mode_t {
efp_voa_mode_disabled = _EFP01_BB_CTRL3_BB_MODE_DISABLED,
efp_voa_mode_wired_buck = _EFP01_BB_CTRL3_BB_MODE_WIREDBUCK,
efp_voa_mode_wired_boost = _EFP01_BB_CTRL3_BB_MODE_WIREDBOOST,
efp_voa_mode_wired_buck_ldo = _EFP01_BB_CTRL3_BB_MODE_WIREDBUCKLDO,
efp_voa_mode_buck_boost_autonomous = _EFP01_BB_CTRL3_BB_MODE_AUTONOMOUS,
efp_voa_mode_buck_boost_forced_buck = _EFP01_BB_CTRL3_BB_MODE_FORCEBUCK,
efp_voa_mode_buck_boost_forced_ntm = _EFP01_BB_CTRL3_BB_MODE_FORCENTM,
efp_voa_mode_buck_boost_forced_boost = _EFP01_BB_CTRL3_BB_MODE_FORCEBOOST
VOA regulator modes.
enum sl_efp_voa_sw_mode_t {
efp_voa_sw_mode_off = _EFP01_BIAS_SW_VOA_SW_CON_OFF,
efp_voa_sw_mode_on = _EFP01_BIAS_SW_VOA_SW_CON_ON,
efp_voa_sw_mode_on_in_em0 = _EFP01_BIAS_SW_VOA_SW_CON_ONINEM0,
efp_voa_sw_mode_on_in_em02 = _EFP01_BIAS_SW_VOA_SW_CON_ONINEM02
VOA SW (switched output) modes.
enum sl_efp_vob_mode_t {
efp_vob_mode_disabled = _EFP01_BK_CTRL1_BK_MODE_DISABLED,
efp_vob_mode_buck = _EFP01_BK_CTRL1_BK_MODE_BUCKONLY,
efp_vob_mode_ldo = _EFP01_BK_CTRL1_BK_MODE_LDOONLY,
efp_vob_mode_buck_ldo = _EFP01_BK_CTRL1_BK_MODE_BUCKLDO
VOB regulator modes.


void EMU_EM23PostsleepHook (void)
Reimplementation of EMU function with same name.
void EMU_EM23PresleepHook (void)
Reimplementation of EMU function with same name.
sl_status_t sl_efp_deinit ( sl_efp_handle_t handle)
Deinitialize EFP driver and underlying EFP hardware.
sl_status_t sl_efp_emu_ldo_enable ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, bool enable)
Turn the internal EMU LDO regulator that supplies DECOUPLE pin on or off.
sl_status_t sl_efp_enable_direct_mode ( sl_efp_handle_t handle)
Configure I2C GPIO pins for "direct mode" EM transfer mode.
sl_status_t sl_efp_enter_em0 ( sl_efp_handle_t handle)
Set EFP in EM0 energy mode.
sl_status_t sl_efp_enter_em2 ( sl_efp_handle_t handle)
Set EFP in EM2 energy mode.
sl_status_t sl_efp_get_vdd_avg ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, uint16_t *voltage_mv)
Measure average VDD.
sl_status_t sl_efp_get_vdd_max ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, uint16_t *voltage_mv)
Measure maximum VDD.
sl_status_t sl_efp_get_vdd_min ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, uint16_t *voltage_mv)
Measure minimum VDD.
sl_status_t sl_efp_init ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, const sl_efp_init_data_t *init)
Initialize EFP driver and configure underlying EFP hardware.
sl_status_t sl_efp_read_otp ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *data)
Read EFP OTP register.
sl_status_t sl_efp_read_register ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *data)
Read EFP control register.
sl_status_t sl_efp_read_register_field ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *data, uint8_t mask, uint8_t pos)
Read EFP control register field.
sl_status_t sl_efp_reset ( sl_efp_handle_t handle)
Reset EFP. Perform a full reset of the EFP, this is eqvivalent to a power on reset.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_em_transition_mode ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, sl_efp_em_transition_mode_t mode)
Set EM transition mode.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voa_em01_peak_current ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, unsigned int current_ma, unsigned int vddb_mv, unsigned int voa_mv, unsigned int inductor_nh)
Set regulator VOA EM01 peak output current.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voa_em23_peak_current ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, unsigned int current_ma, unsigned int vddb_mv, unsigned int voa_mv, unsigned int inductor_nh)
Set regulator VOA EM23 peak output current.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voa_mode ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, sl_efp_voa_mode_t mode)
Set regulator VOA mode.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voa_sw_mode ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, sl_efp_voa_sw_mode_t mode)
Set VOA SW (switched output) mode.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voa_voltage ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, unsigned int voltage_mv)
Set regulator VOA output voltage.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_vob_em01_peak_current ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, unsigned int current_ma, unsigned int vddb_mv, unsigned int vob_mv, unsigned int inductor_nh)
Set regulator VOB EM01 peak output current.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_vob_em01_voltage ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, unsigned int voltage_mv)
Set regulator VOB EM01 output voltage.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_vob_em23_peak_current ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, unsigned int current_ma, unsigned int vddb_mv, unsigned int vob_mv, unsigned int inductor_nh)
Set regulator VOB EM23 peak output current.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_vob_em23_voltage ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, unsigned int voltage_mv)
Set regulator VOB EM23 output voltage.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_vob_mode ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, sl_efp_vob_mode_t mode)
Set regulator VOB mode.
sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voc_voltage ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, unsigned int voltage_mv)
Set regulator VOC output voltage.
sl_status_t sl_efp_write_register ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, uint8_t addr, uint8_t data)
Write EFP control register.
sl_status_t sl_efp_write_register_field ( sl_efp_handle_t handle, uint8_t addr, uint8_t data, uint8_t mask, uint8_t pos)
Write EFP control register field.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Method for controlling EFP Energy Mode (EM) transitions.


GPIO driven "direct mode" EM transitions.


I2C transfers control EM transitions.


Builtin EMU controlled "direct mode" EM transitions.

Definition at line 276 of file sl_efp.h .

VOA regulator modes.


VOA disabled.


VOA wired buck.


VOA wired boost.


VOA wired buck and LDO.


VOA buck boost autonomous.


VOA buck boost forced buck.


VOA buck boost forced NTM.


VOA buck boost forced boost.

Definition at line 283 of file sl_efp.h .

VOA SW (switched output) modes.


VOA SW off.


VOA SW on in EM0, EM2 and EM4.


VOA SW on in EM0 only.


VOA SW on in EM0 and EM2.

Definition at line 295 of file sl_efp.h .

VOB regulator modes.


VOB disabled.


VOB buck only.


VOB LDO only.


VOB buck and LDO.

Definition at line 303 of file sl_efp.h .

Function Documentation

void EMU_EM23PostsleepHook ( void )

Reimplementation of EMU function with same name.

This function will be called upon wakeup from the _WFI() instruction in EMU_EnterEM2/3() functions, and will set the EFP in EM0 mode. A critical section is used to get predictable EFP energy mode sequence timing.

Definition at line 182 of file sl_efp.c .

References CORE_EXIT_CRITICAL , efp_em_transition_mode_gpio_bitbang , efp_em_transition_mode_i2c , and sl_efp_enter_em0() .

void EMU_EM23PresleepHook ( void )

Reimplementation of EMU function with same name.

This function will be called prior to the _WFI() instruction in EMU_EnterEM2/3() functions, and will set the EFP in EM2 mode. A critical section is used to get predictable EFP energy mode sequence timing.

Definition at line 203 of file sl_efp.c .

References CORE_ENTER_CRITICAL , efp_em_transition_mode_gpio_bitbang , efp_em_transition_mode_i2c , and sl_efp_enter_em2() .

sl_status_t sl_efp_deinit ( sl_efp_handle_t handle )

Deinitialize EFP driver and underlying EFP hardware.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.

Definition at line 320 of file sl_efp.c .

References SL_STATUS_OK .

sl_status_t sl_efp_emu_ldo_enable ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
bool enable

Turn the internal EMU LDO regulator that supplies DECOUPLE pin on or off.

Make sure that an external source supply the DECOUPLE pin turning the LDO off.
[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] enable True to turn LDO on, false to turn off.

Definition at line 333 of file sl_efp.c .


sl_status_t sl_efp_enable_direct_mode ( sl_efp_handle_t handle )

Configure I2C GPIO pins for "direct mode" EM transfer mode.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
This must be the last EFP driver function called prior to entering EM2/3 via EMU_EnterEMx() calls. Any EFP API call that involves an I2C transfer will leave the I2C GPIO pins in I2C mode.
SL_STATUS_OK on success. SL_STATUS_INVALID_MODE if current EM transfer mode is I2C. SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 219 of file sl_efp.c .

References efp_em_transition_mode_i2c , sl_efp_enter_em0() , SL_STATUS_INVALID_MODE , and SL_STATUS_OK .

Referenced by sl_efp_init() .

sl_status_t sl_efp_enter_em0 ( sl_efp_handle_t handle )

Set EFP in EM0 energy mode.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 234 of file sl_efp.c .

References efp_em_transition_mode_gpio_bitbang , efp_em_transition_mode_i2c , sl_efp_write_register() , sl_efp_write_register_field() , and SL_STATUS_OK .

Referenced by EMU_EM23PostsleepHook() , and sl_efp_enable_direct_mode() .

sl_status_t sl_efp_enter_em2 ( sl_efp_handle_t handle )

Set EFP in EM2 energy mode.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 258 of file sl_efp.c .

References efp_em_transition_mode_gpio_bitbang , efp_em_transition_mode_i2c , sl_efp_read_register() , sl_efp_write_register() , sl_efp_write_register_field() , and SL_STATUS_OK .

Referenced by EMU_EM23PresleepHook() .

sl_status_t sl_efp_get_vdd_avg ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
uint16_t * voltage_mv

Measure average VDD.

This function will measure VDDA or VDDB depending of the voltage on the VDDA pin after power on. If VDDA is powered this function returns a VDDA reading, otherwise a VDDB reading is returned.
[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[out] voltage_mv Average VDD voltage expressed in miilivolts.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 293 of file sl_efp.c .

sl_status_t sl_efp_get_vdd_max ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
uint16_t * voltage_mv

Measure maximum VDD.

This function will measure VDDA or VDDB depending of the voltage on the VDDA pin after power on. If VDDA is powered this function returns a VDDA reading, otherwise a VDDB reading is returned.
[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[out] voltage_mv Maximum VDD voltage expressed in miilivolts.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 302 of file sl_efp.c .

sl_status_t sl_efp_get_vdd_min ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
uint16_t * voltage_mv

Measure minimum VDD.

This function will measure VDDA or VDDB depending of the voltage on the VDDA pin after power on. If VDDA is powered this function returns a VDDA reading, otherwise a VDDB reading is returned.
[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[out] voltage_mv Minimum VDD voltage expressed in miilivolts.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 311 of file sl_efp.c .

sl_status_t sl_efp_init ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
const sl_efp_init_data_t * init
sl_status_t sl_efp_read_otp ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
uint8_t addr,
uint8_t * data

Read EFP OTP register.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] addr Register address.
[out] data The value read from the OTP register.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 488 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_read_register() , sl_efp_write_register() , sl_efp_write_register_field() , and SL_STATUS_OK .

sl_status_t sl_efp_read_register ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
uint8_t addr,
uint8_t * data

Read EFP control register.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] addr Register address.
[out] data The value read from the register.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 531 of file sl_efp.c .

References I2CSPM_Transfer() , SL_STATUS_IO , and SL_STATUS_OK .

Referenced by sl_efp_enter_em2() , sl_efp_init() , sl_efp_read_otp() , sl_efp_read_register_field() , and sl_efp_write_register_field() .

sl_status_t sl_efp_read_register_field ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
uint8_t addr,
uint8_t * data,
uint8_t mask,
uint8_t pos

Read EFP control register field.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] addr Register address.
[out] data The value read from the register field.
[in] mask Bit mask corresponding to target bit field.
[in] pos Bit number of least significant bit of target bit field.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 558 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_read_register() , and SL_STATUS_OK .

sl_status_t sl_efp_reset ( sl_efp_handle_t handle )

Reset EFP. Perform a full reset of the EFP, this is eqvivalent to a power on reset.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 579 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register() .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_em_transition_mode ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
sl_efp_em_transition_mode_t mode

Set EM transition mode.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] mode New EFP Energy Mode (EM) transition mode. See sl_efp_em_transition_mode_t for valid modes.

Definition at line 588 of file sl_efp.c .

References SL_STATUS_OK .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voa_em01_peak_current ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
unsigned int current_ma,
unsigned int vddb_mv,
unsigned int voa_mv,
unsigned int inductor_nh

Set regulator VOA EM01 peak output current.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] current_ma Target peak current expressed in milliamperes.
[in] vddb_mv VDDB expressed in millivolt.
[in] voa_mv VOA expressed in millivolt.
[in] inductor_nh Inductor size expressed in nanohenry.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 599 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register_field() , SL_MAX , and SL_MIN .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voa_em23_peak_current ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
unsigned int current_ma,
unsigned int vddb_mv,
unsigned int voa_mv,
unsigned int inductor_nh

Set regulator VOA EM23 peak output current.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] current_ma Target peak current expressed in milliamperes.
[in] vddb_mv VDDB expressed in millivolt.
[in] voa_mv VOA expressed in millivolt.
[in] inductor_nh Inductor size expressed in nanohenry.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 622 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register_field() , SL_MAX , and SL_MIN .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voa_mode ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
sl_efp_voa_mode_t mode

Set regulator VOA mode.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] mode Regulator mode.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 645 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register_field() .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voa_sw_mode ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
sl_efp_voa_sw_mode_t mode

Set VOA SW (switched output) mode.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] mode VOA SW mode.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 656 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register_field() .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voa_voltage ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
unsigned int voltage_mv

Set regulator VOA output voltage.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] voltage_mv Voltage in millivolt.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 667 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register() , SL_MAX , and SL_MIN .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_vob_em01_peak_current ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
unsigned int current_ma,
unsigned int vddb_mv,
unsigned int vob_mv,
unsigned int inductor_nh

Set regulator VOB EM01 peak output current.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] current_ma Target peak current expressed in milliamperes.
[in] vddb_mv VDDB expressed in millivolt.
[in] vob_mv VOB expressed in millivolt.
[in] inductor_nh Inductor size expressed in nanohenry.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 682 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register_field() , SL_MAX , and SL_MIN .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_vob_em01_voltage ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
unsigned int voltage_mv

Set regulator VOB EM01 output voltage.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] voltage_mv Voltage in millivolt.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 705 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register_field() , SL_MAX , and SL_MIN .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_vob_em23_peak_current ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
unsigned int current_ma,
unsigned int vddb_mv,
unsigned int vob_mv,
unsigned int inductor_nh

Set regulator VOB EM23 peak output current.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] current_ma Target peak current expressed in milliamperes.
[in] vddb_mv VDDB expressed in millivolt.
[in] vob_mv VOB expressed in millivolt.
[in] inductor_nh Inductor size expressed in nanohenry.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 722 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register_field() , SL_MAX , and SL_MIN .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_vob_em23_voltage ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
unsigned int voltage_mv

Set regulator VOB EM23 output voltage.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] voltage_mv Voltage in millivolt.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 745 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register() , SL_MAX , and SL_MIN .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_vob_mode ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
sl_efp_vob_mode_t mode

Set regulator VOB mode.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] mode Regulator mode.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 760 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register_field() .

sl_status_t sl_efp_set_voc_voltage ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
unsigned int voltage_mv

Set regulator VOC output voltage.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] voltage_mv Voltage in millivolt.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 771 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_write_register_field() , SL_MAX , and SL_MIN .

sl_status_t sl_efp_write_register ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
uint8_t addr,
uint8_t data

Write EFP control register.

[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] addr Register address.
[in] data The value to write to the register.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 788 of file sl_efp.c .

References I2CSPM_Transfer() , SL_STATUS_IO , and SL_STATUS_OK .

Referenced by sl_efp_enter_em0() , sl_efp_enter_em2() , sl_efp_init() , sl_efp_read_otp() , sl_efp_reset() , sl_efp_set_voa_voltage() , sl_efp_set_vob_em23_voltage() , and sl_efp_write_register_field() .

sl_status_t sl_efp_write_register_field ( sl_efp_handle_t handle,
uint8_t addr,
uint8_t data,
uint8_t mask,
uint8_t pos

Write EFP control register field.

This function performs a read-modify-write of a EFP register.
[in] handle EFP instance handle.
[in] addr Register address.
[in] data The value to write to the register field.
[in] mask Bit mask corresponding to target bit field.
[in] pos Bit number of least significant bit of target bit field.
SL_STATUS_OK or SL_STATUS_IO on I2C transfer errors.

Definition at line 812 of file sl_efp.c .

References sl_efp_read_register() , sl_efp_write_register() , and SL_STATUS_OK .

Referenced by sl_efp_enter_em0() , sl_efp_enter_em2() , sl_efp_read_otp() , sl_efp_set_voa_em01_peak_current() , sl_efp_set_voa_em23_peak_current() , sl_efp_set_voa_mode() , sl_efp_set_voa_sw_mode() , sl_efp_set_vob_em01_peak_current() , sl_efp_set_vob_em01_voltage() , sl_efp_set_vob_em23_peak_current() , sl_efp_set_vob_mode() , and sl_efp_set_voc_voltage() .