Border Router#
This module includes functions to manage local network data with the OpenThread Border Router.
This method provides a full or stable copy of the local Thread Network Data.
Add a border router configuration to the local network data.
Remove a border router configuration from the local network data.
This function gets the next On Mesh Prefix in the local Network Data.
Add an external route configuration to the local network data.
Remove an external route configuration from the local network data.
This function gets the next external route in the local Network Data.
Immediately register the local network data with the Leader.
Function Documentation#
otError otBorderRouterGetNetData (otInstance * aInstance, bool aStable, uint8_t * aData, uint8_t * aDataLength)
This method provides a full or stable copy of the local Thread Network Data.
[in] | aInstance | A pointer to an OpenThread instance. |
[in] | aStable | TRUE when copying the stable version, FALSE when copying the full version. |
[out] | aData | A pointer to the data buffer. |
[inout] | aDataLength | On entry, size of the data buffer pointed to by |
of file include/openthread/border_router.h
otError otBorderRouterAddOnMeshPrefix (otInstance * aInstance, const otBorderRouterConfig * aConfig)
Add a border router configuration to the local network data.
[in] | aInstance | A pointer to an OpenThread instance. |
[in] | aConfig | A pointer to the border router configuration. |
See Also
of file include/openthread/border_router.h
otError otBorderRouterRemoveOnMeshPrefix (otInstance * aInstance, const otIp6Prefix * aPrefix)
Remove a border router configuration from the local network data.
[in] | aInstance | A pointer to an OpenThread instance. |
[in] | aPrefix | A pointer to an IPv6 prefix. |
See Also
of file include/openthread/border_router.h
otError otBorderRouterGetNextOnMeshPrefix (otInstance * aInstance, otNetworkDataIterator * aIterator, otBorderRouterConfig * aConfig)
This function gets the next On Mesh Prefix in the local Network Data.
[in] | aInstance | A pointer to an OpenThread instance. |
[inout] | aIterator | A pointer to the Network Data iterator context. To get the first on-mesh entry it should be set to OT_NETWORK_DATA_ITERATOR_INIT. |
[out] | aConfig | A pointer to the On Mesh Prefix information. |
of file include/openthread/border_router.h
otError otBorderRouterAddRoute (otInstance * aInstance, const otExternalRouteConfig * aConfig)
Add an external route configuration to the local network data.
[in] | aInstance | A pointer to an OpenThread instance. |
[in] | aConfig | A pointer to the external route configuration. |
See Also
of file include/openthread/border_router.h
otError otBorderRouterRemoveRoute (otInstance * aInstance, const otIp6Prefix * aPrefix)
Remove an external route configuration from the local network data.
[in] | aInstance | A pointer to an OpenThread instance. |
[in] | aPrefix | A pointer to an IPv6 prefix. |
See Also
of file include/openthread/border_router.h
otError otBorderRouterGetNextRoute (otInstance * aInstance, otNetworkDataIterator * aIterator, otExternalRouteConfig * aConfig)
This function gets the next external route in the local Network Data.
[in] | aInstance | A pointer to an OpenThread instance. |
[inout] | aIterator | A pointer to the Network Data iterator context. To get the first external route entry it should be set to OT_NETWORK_DATA_ITERATOR_INIT. |
[out] | aConfig | A pointer to the External Route information. |
of file include/openthread/border_router.h
otError otBorderRouterRegister (otInstance * aInstance)
Immediately register the local network data with the Leader.
[in] | aInstance | A pointer to an OpenThread instance. |
See Also
of file include/openthread/border_router.h