A configuration structure for repeated transmits.
The PA will always be ramped down and up in between transmits so there will always be some minimum delay between transmits depending on the ramp time configuration.
Public Attributes#
The number of repeated transmits to run.
Repeat option(s) to apply.
When RAIL_TX_REPEAT_OPTION_HOP is not set, specifies the delay time between each repeated transmit.
When RAIL_TX_REPEAT_OPTION_HOP is set, this specifies the channel hopping configuration to use when hopping between repeated transmits.
Per-repeat delay or hopping configuration, depending on repeatOptions.
Public Attribute Documentation#
uint16_t RAIL_TxRepeatConfig_t::iterations
The number of repeated transmits to run.
A total of (iterations + 1) transmits will go on-air in the absence of errors.
of file common/rail_types.h
RAIL_TxRepeatOptions_t RAIL_TxRepeatConfig_t::repeatOptions
Repeat option(s) to apply.
of file common/rail_types.h
RAIL_TransitionTime_t RAIL_TxRepeatConfig_t::delay
When RAIL_TX_REPEAT_OPTION_HOP is not set, specifies the delay time between each repeated transmit.
Specify RAIL_TRANSITION_TIME_KEEP to use the current RAIL_StateTiming_t::txToTx transition time setting. When using RAIL_TX_REPEAT_OPTION_START_TO_START the delay must be long enough to cover the prior transmit's time.
of file common/rail_types.h
RAIL_TxChannelHoppingConfig_t RAIL_TxRepeatConfig_t::channelHopping
When RAIL_TX_REPEAT_OPTION_HOP is set, this specifies the channel hopping configuration to use when hopping between repeated transmits.
Per-hop delays are configured within each RAIL_TxChannelHoppingConfigEntry_t::delay rather than this union's delay field. When using RAIL_TX_REPEAT_OPTION_START_TO_START the hop delay must be long enough to cover the prior transmit's time.
of file common/rail_types.h
union RAIL_TxRepeatConfig_t::@0 RAIL_TxRepeatConfig_t::delayOrHop
Per-repeat delay or hopping configuration, depending on repeatOptions.
of file common/rail_types.h