BLE Error Codes

Generic Error Codes

The following table represents possible coex modes supported:

Table 1. Bluetooth Generic Error Codes

Error Code Description
0x0103 Timeout
0x4E01 Unknown HCI command
0x4E02 Unknown Connection Identifier
0x4E03 Hardware failure
0x4E04 Page timeout
0x4E05 Authentication failure
0x4E06 Pin missing
0x4E07 Memory capacity exceeded
0x4E08 Connection timeout
0x4E09 Connection limit exceeded
0x4E0A SCO limit exceeded
0x4E0B ACL Connection already exists
0x4E0C Command disallowed
0x4E0D Connection rejected due to limited resources
0x4E0E Connection rejected due to security reasons
0x4E0F Connection rejected for BD address
0x4E10 Connection accept timeout
0x4E11 Unsupported feature or parameter
0x4E12 Invalid HCI command parameter
0x4E13 Remote user terminated connection
0x4E14 Remote device terminated connection due to low resources
0x4E15 Remote device terminated connection due to power off
0x4E16 Local device terminated connection
0x4E17 Repeated attempts
0x4E18 Pairing not allowed
0x4E19 Unknown LMP PDU
0x4E1A Unsupported remote feature
0x4E1B SCO offset rejected
0x4E1C SCO interval rejected
0x4E1D SCO Air mode rejected
0x4E1E Invalid LMP parameters
0x4E1F Unspecified
0x4E20 Unsupported LMP Parameter
0x4E21 Role change not allowed
0x4E22 LMP response timeout
0x4E23 LMP transaction collision
0x4E24 LMP PDU not allowed
0x4E25 Encryption mode not acceptable
0x4E26 Link key cannot change
0x4E27 Requested QOS not supported
0x4E28 Instant passed
0x4E29 Pairing with unit key not supported
0x4E2A Different transaction collision
0x4E2B Reserved 1
0x4E2C QOS parameter not acceptable
0x4E2D QOS rejected
0x4E2E Channel classification not supported
0x4E2F Insufficient security
0x4E30 Parameter out of mandatory range
0x4E31 Reserved 2
0x4E32 Role switch pending
0x4E33 Reserved 3
0x4E34 Reserved slot violation
0x4E35 Role switch failed
0x4E36 Extended Inquiry Response too large
0x4E37 Extended SSP not supported
0X4E38 Host busy pairing
0X4E3C Directed Advertising Timeout
0X4E3D Connection terminated due to MIC failure
0x4E3E Connection Failed to be Established
0X4E60 Invalid Handle Range
0x4E62 Invalid Parameters
0x4E63 BLE Buffer Count Exceeded
0x4E64 BLE Buffer already in use
0x4E65 Invalid Attribute Length When Small Buffer Mode is Configured
0x4E66 Invalid Name length when set to more than 16 bytes

Mode Error Codes

Table 2. BLE Error Codes

Error Code Description
0x4A01 Invalid Handle
0x4A02 Read not permitted
0x4A03 Write not permitted
0x4A04 Invalid PDU
0x4A05 Insufficient authentication
0x4A06 Request not supported
0x4A07 Invalid offset
0x4A08 Insufficient authorization
0x4A09 Prepare queue full
0x4A0A Attribute not found
0x4A0B Attribute not Long
0x4A0C Insufficient encryption key size
0x4A0D Invalid attribute value length
0x4A0E Unlikely error
0x4A0F Insufficient encryption
0x4A10 Unsupported group type
0x4A11 Insufficient resources
0x4B01 SMP Passkey entry failed
0x4B02 SMP OOB not available
0x4B03 SMP Authentication Requirements
0x4B04 SMP confirm value failed
0x4B05 SMP Pairing not supported
0x4B06 SMP Encryption key size insufficient
0x4B07 SMP command not supported
0x4B08 SMP pairing failed
0x4B09 SMP repeated attempts
0x4B0C SMP Failed
0x4C02 PSM Conn Failed
0x4D00 BLE Remote device found
0x4D01 BLE Remote device not found
0x4D02 BLE Remote device structure full
0x4D03 Unable to change state
0x4D04 BLE not connected
0x4D05 BLE socket not available.
0x4D06 Attribute record not found
0x4D07 Attribute entry not found
0x4D08 Profile record full
0x4D09 Attribute record full
0x4D0A BLE profile not found (profile handler invalid)
0x4057 HW Buffer Overflow