Configuring the Driver in BLE Mode#
This section provides the steps to configure BLE mode. BLE mode supports a maximum of three connections, that is, as main for two secondary connections (or) as main for one secondary connection and can connect to other main as secondary.
The below section provides the steps to configure BLE mode using startup script or manual commands. You can choose any one of the methods below.
Startup Script to Run BLE Only Mode#
Navigate to the rsi folder and use the scriptto run BLE only mode.
#./ BLE
See the Startup Script section for more details about startup script file to configure in different operating modes.
Manual Steps to Run BLE Only Mode#
For BLE usage, ensure that the dev_oper_mode is set in installation as given below and BLE interface is detected after installation. See the Installing the Driver section.
dev_oper_mode = 8
Configure Using HCI Commands#
To bring up the HCI interface, run the following command:
# hciconfig -a <hciX> up
After the device is up, you can advertise, scan and connect with other BLE devices. The device can be configured using hcitool or hciconfig.
Advertise, Scan, Connect Commands
Enable Advertise.
# hciconfig –a <hciX> leadv
Disable Advertise.
# hciconfig –a <hciX> noleadv
Initiate Scan - The following command displays the scan responses and advertising information:
# hcitool –i <hciX> lescan
Main Mode Connected State - Ensure that the remote device is in Advertise mode, then run the following command:
# hcitool –i <hciX> lecc <remote_MAC_Addr>
The "remote_MAC_Addr" parameter above is the MAC address of the remote device, e.g., ec:f6:4c:a0:3f:10.
Secondary Mode Connected State - Ensure that our device is in Advertise mode, then run the following command:
# hcitool –i <hciX> lecc <device_MAC_Addr>
The "device_MAC_Addr" parameter above is the MAC address of the of the EVB/module, e.g., ec:f6:4c:a0:3f:10
The above advertise, scan, and connect procedure can be followed for multiple secondaries.