Asynchronous API Invocation#

WiSeConnectâ„¢ SDK v3.x has common API functions for both synchronous and asynchronous processing, while v2.x has different functions for synchronous and asynchronous processing.

As an example, the difference between access point connection APIs is illustrated below:

  • In v2.x, the rsi_wlan_connect_async() function is invoked to connect to a Wi-Fi AP asynchronously, and rsi_wlan_connect() to connect synchronously.

    status = rsi_wlan_connect_async(ssid, sec_type, secret_key, callback_ptr);    // Connect asynchronously
    status = rsi_wlan_connect((int8_t *)SSID, SECURITY_TYPE, PSK);                // Connect synchronously
  • In v3.x, the sl_wifi_connect() function is invoked with a timeout_ms parameter value of 0 to connect to a Wi-Fi access point (AP) asynchronously, and a value other than 0 to connect synchronously.

    status = sl_wifi_connect(SL_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE, &profile.config, 0);        // Connect asynchronously
    status = sl_wifi_connect(SL_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE, &profile.config, 15000);    // Connect synchronously