HTTP client request configurations.

Public Attributes#

uint8_t *

HTTP server IP address.

uint8_t *

URL string for requested resource.


HTTP server port number.

si91x_socket_type_length_value_t *

SNI extension address. si91x_socket_type_length_value_t.

uint8_t *

HTTP body to be sent to the server. Setting this to null will process the request in chunked encoding.


Body length of data to be posted. In case of chunked request, body length should be equal to total content length.

User-defined extended header. If null, default extended header will be added internally. sl_http_client_header_t.


HTTP request timeout period. (Si91x chipsets does not support this feature).


HTTP request maximum retry count after timeout. (Si91x chipsets does not support this feature).


Retry period after max retry count reach. (Si91x chipsets does not support this feature).


Flag to use same TCP socket for connection. (Si91x chipsets does not support this feature).

void *

User defined context.

uint8_t *

The hostname of the HTTP server, as specified in the request header. If the hostname is NULL, then the ip_address is used instead of the hostname.

Public Attribute Documentation#


sl_http_client_method_type_t sl_http_client_request_t::http_method_type

HTTP request method. sl_http_client_method_type_t.

Definition at line 154 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


uint8_t* sl_http_client_request_t::ip_address

HTTP server IP address.

Definition at line 155 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


uint8_t* sl_http_client_request_t::resource

URL string for requested resource.

The maximum supported HTTP URL is 2048 bytes, when the SL_SI91X_FEAT_LONG_HTTP_URL Bit is enabled in the feature_bit_map. If the SL_SI91X_FEAT_LONG_HTTP_URL Bit is disabled then the maximum supported length for HTTP URL is (872-(length of User_name + length of Password) - length of hostname - length of IP address) bytes excluding delimiters.

Definition at line 157 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


uint16_t sl_http_client_request_t::port

HTTP server port number.

Definition at line 159 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


si91x_socket_type_length_value_t* sl_http_client_request_t::sni_extension

SNI extension address. si91x_socket_type_length_value_t.

Definition at line 160 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


uint8_t* sl_http_client_request_t::body

HTTP body to be sent to the server. Setting this to null will process the request in chunked encoding.

Definition at line 162 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


uint32_t sl_http_client_request_t::body_length

Body length of data to be posted. In case of chunked request, body length should be equal to total content length.

Definition at line 164 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


sl_http_client_header_t* sl_http_client_request_t::extended_header

User-defined extended header. If null, default extended header will be added internally. sl_http_client_header_t.

Definition at line 166 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


uint16_t sl_http_client_request_t::timeout_ms

HTTP request timeout period. (Si91x chipsets does not support this feature).

Definition at line 167 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


uint16_t sl_http_client_request_t::retry_count

HTTP request maximum retry count after timeout. (Si91x chipsets does not support this feature).

Definition at line 169 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


uint16_t sl_http_client_request_t::retry_period_ms

Retry period after max retry count reach. (Si91x chipsets does not support this feature).

Definition at line 171 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


bool sl_http_client_request_t::tcp_connection_reuse

Flag to use same TCP socket for connection. (Si91x chipsets does not support this feature).

Definition at line 173 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


void* sl_http_client_request_t::context

User defined context.

Definition at line 174 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


sl_http_client_event_handler_t sl_http_client_request_t::event_handler

Callback method. sl_http_client_event_handler_t.

Definition at line 175 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h


uint8_t* sl_http_client_request_t::host_name

The hostname of the HTTP server, as specified in the request header. If the hostname is NULL, then the ip_address is used instead of the hostname.

Definition at line 177 of file components/service/http_client/inc/sl_http_client.h