Util Functions#

The Util Functions component provides helper functions to inform the application about the Wi-SUN PHY configured in the RAIL configuration file.


sl_wisun_util_connect(const uint8_t *network_name) SL_DEPRECATED_API_SDK_2024_6

Connect to a Wi-SUN network.

sl_wisun_util_get_phy_config(sl_wisun_phy_config_t *phy_config) SL_DEPRECATED_API_SDK_2024_6

Get PHY settings of the first RAIL configuration listed in RAIL's channelConfigs array.

Function Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_wisun_util_connect (const uint8_t * network_name)

Connect to a Wi-SUN network.


Name of the Wi-SUN network as a zero-terminated string


  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

  • One of the following:

    • SL_STATUS_OK if successful

    • SL_STATUS_INVALID_CONFIGURATION if a configuration that cannot be managed by the plugin is used

    • SL_STATUS_FAIL if an other error occured

Since Wi-SUN frequency band settings are deduced from first RAIL configuration listed in RAIL's channelConfigs array, using this function is not recommended if more than one RAIL configuration is described.

DeprecatedThis function will be removed in the future versions of the Wi-SUN stack.

Definition at line 82 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.TauBzA8CM/overlay/gsdk/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_util.h


sl_status_t sl_wisun_util_get_phy_config (sl_wisun_phy_config_t * phy_config)

Get PHY settings of the first RAIL configuration listed in RAIL's channelConfigs array.


Pointer to PHY configuration


  • SL_STATUS_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

  • One of the following:

    • SL_STATUS_OK if successful

    • SL_STATUS_INVALID_CONFIGURATION if a configuration that cannot be managed by the plugin is used

    • SL_STATUS_FAIL if an other error occured


  • Do not call this function while the Wi-SUN stack is started.

DeprecatedThis function will be removed in the future versions of the Wi-SUN stack.

Definition at line 61 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.TauBzA8CM/overlay/gsdk/protocol/wisun/stack/inc/sl_wisun_util.h