Firmware Update Meta Data#
Command Class Firmware Update Meta Data enables a device to have its firmware updated remotely.
CC Firmware Update MD can be configured in cc_firmware_update_config.h.
This CC offers the option to define two functions in the application that will override the weak implementations:
The specification of CC Firmware Update MD can be found in
enum type OTA_STATUS use to
Please see description of CC_FirmwareUpdate_Init().
Please see description of CC_FirmwareUpdate_Init().
Invoked when another node initiates a firmware update of this device.
Invoked when the firmware update process finishes either successfully or with an error.
Initializes the Firmware Update Meta Data Command Class.
ZCB_CmdClassFwUpdateMdReqReport Callback function receive status on Send data FIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD_REQUEST_REPORT_V3.
Handles an Activation Set command.
Returns the maximum fragment size.
Gets maximum number of reports that can be sent in FW Update MD Get.
This function returns a firmware ID based on a given target index.
Initiates a firmware update.
handleCmdClassFirmwareUpdateMdReport Application function to handle incoming frame Firmware update MD Report
Defines for WaitTime field used in commmand = FIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD_STATUS_REPORT.
Enumeration Documentation#
enum type OTA_STATUS use to
Enumerator | |
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.WDdsgIAV6/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/FirmwareUpdate/inc/CC_FirmwareUpdate.h
Typedef Documentation#
typedef bool(* CC_FirmwareUpdate_start_callback_t) (uint16_t fwId, uint16_t CRC) )(uint16_t fwId, uint16_t CRC)
Please see description of CC_FirmwareUpdate_Init().
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.WDdsgIAV6/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/FirmwareUpdate/src/ota_util.h
typedef void(* CC_FirmwareUpdate_finish_callback_t) (OTA_STATUS status) )(OTA_STATUS status)
Please see description of CC_FirmwareUpdate_Init().
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.WDdsgIAV6/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/FirmwareUpdate/src/ota_util.h
Function Documentation#
bool CC_FirmwareUpdate_SetStartCallback (uint16_t fwId, uint16_t CRC)
Invoked when another node initiates a firmware update of this device.
N/A | fwId | ID of the firmware. |
N/A | CRC | CRC of the firmware. |
If the function returns true, the process will continue. If the function returns false, the node will report to the initiator that the firmware update requires authentication.
The function must take two arguments where the first one is the firmware ID and the second one is the CRC value of the firmware.
This function is weakly defined to return true, but can be defined by the application if desired.
Return true to continue the firmware update process and false to cancel it.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.WDdsgIAV6/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/FirmwareUpdate/inc/CC_FirmwareUpdate.h
void CC_FirmwareUpdate_SetFinishCallback (OTA_STATUS pOtaFinish)
Invoked when the firmware update process finishes either successfully or with an error.
N/A | pOtaFinish | Status of the firmware update. |
If the device reboots right after the firmware update, the function is invoked before the reboot.
The function must take an argument that is the status of the firmware update.
This function is weakly defined to do nothing and can be defined by the application if desired.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.WDdsgIAV6/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/FirmwareUpdate/inc/CC_FirmwareUpdate.h
bool CC_FirmwareUpdate_Init (CC_FirmwareUpdate_start_callback_t pOtaStart, CC_FirmwareUpdate_finish_callback_t pOtaFinish, bool support_activation)
Initializes the Firmware Update Meta Data Command Class.
[in] | pOtaStart | Pointer to a function that is invoked when another node initiates a firmware update. If the function returns true, the process will continue. If the function returns false, the node will report to the initiator that the firmware update requires authentication. The function must take two arguments where the first one is the firmware ID and the second one is the CRC value of the firmware. The argument is not required and can be set to NULL. In that case the firmware update process will continue without invoking the function. |
[in] | pOtaFinish | Pointer to a function that is invoked when the firmware update process finishes either successfully or with an error. If the device reboots right after the firmware update, the function is invoked before the reboot. The function must take an argument that is the status of the firmware update. The argument is not required and can be set to NULL. |
[in] | support_activation | Lets the application decide whether delayed activation of the firmware is supported. If set to true and the Activation bit in Request Get is set to 1, the node will not reboot to the new firmware image, but will instead wait for an Activation Set command. |
This function must be invoked before a firmware update can be initiated.
1 if NVM is supported else 0.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.WDdsgIAV6/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/FirmwareUpdate/src/ota_util.h
void ZCB_CmdClassFwUpdateMdReqReport (transmission_result_t * pTxResult)
ZCB_CmdClassFwUpdateMdReqReport Callback function receive status on Send data FIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD_REQUEST_REPORT_V3.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.WDdsgIAV6/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/FirmwareUpdate/src/ota_util.h
bool CC_FirmwareUpdate_ActivationSet_handler (ZW_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_ACTIVATION_SET_V5_FRAME * pFrame, uint8_t * pStatus)
Handles an Activation Set command.
N/A | pFrame | The Activation Set frame. |
N/A | pStatus | Status if the activation failed. |
If the fields in the frame match the firmware that is ready to be activated, the device will reboot into the new image and transmit an Activation Report. If the fields do not match, the function will return false. Returns
Returns false if the received values do not match with the stored firmware image. If they match, the function will not return, but the device will reboot from the new image.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.WDdsgIAV6/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/FirmwareUpdate/src/ota_util.h
uint16_t handleCommandClassFirmwareUpdateMaxFragmentSize (void )