Command Class Utils#


CmdClassSupported(security_key_t eKey, uint8_t commandClass, uint8_t command, uint8_t *pSecurelist, uint8_t securelistLen, uint8_t *pNonSecurelist, uint8_t nonSecurelistLen)

Returns whether a given command is supported based on command class lists and different rules.

Function Documentation#


bool CmdClassSupported (security_key_t eKey, uint8_t commandClass, uint8_t command, uint8_t * pSecurelist, uint8_t securelistLen, uint8_t * pNonSecurelist, uint8_t nonSecurelistLen)

Returns whether a given command is supported based on command class lists and different rules.


The security key that the frame was received with.


The CC of the frame.


The command of the frame.


Pointer to the secure CC list.


The length of the secure CC list.


Pointer to the non-secure CC list.


Length of the non-secure CC list.


  • Returns true if the command is supported and false otherwise.

Definition at line 34 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.6QOxxjIBR/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/ApplicationUtilities/ZAF_command_class_utils.h