Extensible Network Co-processor (xNCP)#

The XNCP functionality provides a way for an NCP application to send and receive custom EZSP frames to and from a HOST. This gives users the ability to develop custom serial protocols between a HOST and the NCP.

An NCP application can use the API emberAfPluginXncpSendCustomEzspMessage to send custom EZSP messages to the HOST. The message will be sent to the HOST in an asynchronous manner, but the application can use the EmberStatus return byte from the API to tell if their message was successfully scheduled.

An NCP application wishing to receive and handle custom EZSP frames from a HOST should make use of the callbacks provided by this module. The two most important callbacks to an NCP application will most likely be emberAfPluginXncpGetXncpInformation and emberAfPluginXncpIncomingCustomFrameCallback. Users will want to implement the former of these two callbacks to declare the manufacturer ID and version of their NCP application. The second callback will need to be implemented for the NCP application to process custom EZSP frames coming from the HOST. Using this callback, the message can be processed and the response can be written. Upon return of this function, the custom response will be sent back to the HOST.


emberAfPluginXncpSendCustomEzspMessage(uint8_t length, uint8_t *payload)

Sends a custom EZSP message.

Function Documentation#


EmberStatus emberAfPluginXncpSendCustomEzspMessage (uint8_t length, uint8_t * payload)

Sends a custom EZSP message.


The length of the custom EZSP message. Ver.: always


The custom EZSP message itself. Ver.: always

Sends a custom EZSP message payload of length to the HOST.


  • An EmberStatus value describing the result of sending the custom EZSP frame to the HOST.

Definition at line 61 of file ./app/ncp/plugin/xncp/xncp.h