Coulomb Counter#

Callbacks for Coulomb Counter Component.



Tick function for this plugin.

sl_zigbee_af_coulomb_counter_event_cb(uint32_t mask, uint32_t options)

Update the state of all tracked additive modes.

Callbacks Documentation#


void sl_zigbee_af_coulomb_counter_tick (void )

Tick function for this plugin.


This tick function monitors the time since the last time we saved the NVM token and makes sure we periodically write it to flash.

Definition at line 136 of file app/framework/plugin/coulomb-counter/coulomb-counter.h


void sl_zigbee_af_coulomb_counter_event_cb (uint32_t mask, uint32_t options)

Update the state of all tracked additive modes.


Mask for choosing between the User-defined or Default modes.


Values to set for the User-defined or Default modes.

Updates the current state of all tracked additive modes. All bits raised in the bitfield indicate that the state is current 'On'. Any update to the bitfield from the previously stored value will trigger an energy consumption update. Upper 16 bits are the user-defined additive modes while the lower 16 bits are reserved for the Radio states and core modes.


  • User must not set/unset the lower 16 bits, those are reserved for internal use. Only the upper 16 bits may be used for any custom additive states.

Definition at line 152 of file app/framework/plugin/coulomb-counter/coulomb-counter.h