The format of the actual data in the entry depends on the calendar type. For calendar type 00 - 0x02, it is a rate switch time and the data is a price tier enum (8-bit). For calendar type 0x03, it is a friendly credit switch time and the data is a bool (8-bit), which is friendly credit enabled. For calendar type 0x04, it is an auxiliary load switch time and the data is a bitmap (8-bit).

Public Attributes#


Public Attribute Documentation#


uint16_t sl_zigbee_af_calendar_day_schedule_entry_struct_t::minutesFromMidnight

Definition at line 56 of file app/framework/plugin/calendar-common/calendar-common.h


uint8_t sl_zigbee_af_calendar_day_schedule_entry_struct_t::data

Definition at line 57 of file app/framework/plugin/calendar-common/calendar-common.h