Ember Connect APIs sending and receiving messages. More...


The maximum length in bytes of the application payload for an unsecured message. This define has been deprecated, you should use the emberGetMaximumPayloadLength API instead. More...


void emberMessageSentHandler ( EmberStatus status, EmberOutgoingMessage *message)
A callback invoked when the stack has completed sending a message. More...
void emberMacMessageSentHandler ( EmberStatus status, EmberOutgoingMacMessage *message)
A callback invoked when a node of EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE type or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE type has completed sending a MAC frame. More...
void emberIncomingMessageHandler ( EmberIncomingMessage *message)
A callback invoked when a packet has been received. More...
void emberIncomingMacMessageHandler ( EmberIncomingMacMessage *message)
A callback invoked when a node of EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE type or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE has received a MAC frame. More...


EmberStatus emberMessageSend ( EmberNodeId destination, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t messageTag, EmberMessageLength messageLength, uint8_t *message, EmberMessageOptions options)
Sends a message to the passed destination short ID. More...
EmberStatus emberMacMessageSend ( EmberMacFrame *macFrame, uint8_t messageTag, EmberMessageLength messageLength, uint8_t *message, EmberMessageOptions options)
Creates a MAC level frame and sends it to the passed destination. This API can only be used for nodes of EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE node type or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE node type. More...
EmberStatus emberPollForData (void)
Sends a data request command to the parent node. Note that if the node short ID is a value of EMBER_USE_LONG_ADDRESS , the node shall use its long ID as source address. More...
EmberStatus emberSetPollDestinationAddress ( EmberMacAddress *destination)
Sets data polls destination address for nodes of EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE node type or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE node type. More...
EmberStatus emberPurgeIndirectMessages (void)
Purges all indirect transmissions from the indirect message queue. More...
uint8_t emberGetMaximumPayloadLength ( EmberMacAddressMode srcAddressMode, EmberMacAddressMode dstAddressMode, bool interpan, bool secured)
Returns the maximum payload according to the passed source and destination addressing modes, the passed secured flag, and the current configuration of the node. More...

Detailed Description

Ember Connect APIs sending and receiving messages.

See message.h for source code.

Macro Definition Documentation

The maximum allowed endpoint value.

Definition at line 34 of file message.h .

The maximum length in bytes of the application payload for a secured message. This define has been deprecated, you should use the emberGetMaximumPayloadLength API instead.

Definition at line 30 of file message.h .


The maximum length in bytes of the application payload for an unsecured message. This define has been deprecated, you should use the emberGetMaximumPayloadLength API instead.

Definition at line 24 of file message.h .

Function Documentation

uint8_t emberGetMaximumPayloadLength ( EmberMacAddressMode srcAddressMode,
EmberMacAddressMode dstAddressMode,
bool interpan,
bool secured

Returns the maximum payload according to the passed source and destination addressing modes, the passed secured flag, and the current configuration of the node.

srcAddressMode An EmberMacAddressMode value indicating the mode of the source address. Note, this parameter is only meaningful if the node was started as EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE .
dstAddressMode An EmberMacAddressMode value indicating the mode of the destination address. Note, this parameter is only meaningful if the node was started as EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE .
intrapan Indicates whether the frame is an interpan frame or not. Note, this parameter is only meaningful if the node was started as EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE .
secured Indicates whether the frame should be secured or not.
an invalid value of 0xFF if the node is currently active on a network or any of the passed parameters are invalid. Otherise, it returns the maximum payload length achievable according to the passed parameters.
void emberIncomingMacMessageHandler ( EmberIncomingMacMessage * message )

A callback invoked when a node of EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE type or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE has received a MAC frame.

message An ::EmberMacIncomingMessage describing the incoming packet.
void emberIncomingMessageHandler ( EmberIncomingMessage * message )

A callback invoked when a packet has been received.

message An EmberIncomingMessage describing the incoming packet.
EmberStatus emberMacMessageSend ( EmberMacFrame * macFrame,
uint8_t messageTag,
EmberMessageLength messageLength,
uint8_t * message,
EmberMessageOptions options

Creates a MAC level frame and sends it to the passed destination. This API can only be used for nodes of EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE node type or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE node type.

macFrame A pointer to an EmberMacFrame struct that specifies the source and destination addresses and the source and destination PAN IDs for the message to be sent. Note that if the source/destination PAN ID is not specified, it defaults to the node's PAN ID. Also, the destination address mode must be either EMBER_MAC_ADDRESS_MODE_SHORT or EMBER_MAC_ADDRESS_MODE_LONG . Also note that if the EMBER_OPTIONS_SECURITY_ENABLED in the passed options, the source address must be EMBER_MAC_ADDRESS_MODE_LONG .
messageTag A value chosen by the application. This value will be passed in the corresponding emberMacMessageSentHandler() call.
messageLength The size in bytes of the message payload. TODO: mention max length and getMaxPayload() API
message A pointer to an array of bytes containing the message payload.
options Specifies the EmberMessageOptions for the outgoing message.
an EmberStatus value of:
void emberMacMessageSentHandler ( EmberStatus status,
EmberOutgoingMacMessage * message

A callback invoked when a node of EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE type or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE type has completed sending a MAC frame.

status An EmberStatus value of:
message An EmberOutgoingMacMessage describing the outgoing MAC frame.
EmberStatus emberMessageSend ( EmberNodeId destination,
uint8_t endpoint,
uint8_t messageTag,
EmberMessageLength messageLength,
uint8_t * message,
EmberMessageOptions options

Sends a message to the passed destination short ID.

destination The destination node short ID.
endpoint The destination endpoint of the outgoing message. This value can't exceed EMBER_MAX_ENDPOINT .
messageTag A value chosen by the application. This value will be passed in the corresponding emberMessageSentHandler() call.
messageLength The size in bytes of the message payload. Use the emberGetMaximumPayloadLength() API to determine the maximum message length allowed.
message A pointer to an array of bytes containing the message payload.
options Specifies the EmberMessageOptions for the outgoing message.
an EmberStatus value of:
void emberMessageSentHandler ( EmberStatus status,
EmberOutgoingMessage * message

A callback invoked when the stack has completed sending a message.

status An EmberStatus value of:
message An EmberOutgoingMessage describing the outgoing packet.
EmberStatus emberPollForData ( void )

Sends a data request command to the parent node. Note that if the node short ID is a value of EMBER_USE_LONG_ADDRESS , the node shall use its long ID as source address.

and EmberStatus value of:
EmberStatus emberPurgeIndirectMessages ( void )

Purges all indirect transmissions from the indirect message queue.

an EmberStatus value of EMBER_SUCCESS if messages all indirect messages were purged, or another EmberStatus value indicating the reason of failure.
EmberStatus emberSetPollDestinationAddress ( EmberMacAddress * destination )

Sets data polls destination address for nodes of EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE node type or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE node type.

and EmberStatus value of EMBER_SUCCESS if the data poll destination was correctly set, a value of EMBER_INVALID_CALL otherwise.