MSC - Memory System Controller


Memory System Controller API.

Contains functions to control the MSC, primarily the Flash. Users can perform Flash memory write and erase operations, as well as optimization of the CPU instruction fetch interface for the application. Available instruction fetch features depends on the MCU or SoC family, but features such as instruction pre-fetch, cache, and configurable branch prediction are typically available.

Flash wait-state configuration is handled by CMU - Clock Management Unit . When core clock configuration is changed by a call to functions such as CMU_ClockSelectSet() or CMU_HFRCOBandSet(), then Flash wait-state configuration is also updated.

MSC resets into a safe state. To initialize the instruction interface to recommended settings:

The optimal configuration is highly application dependent. Performance benchmarking is supported by most families. See MSC_StartCacheMeasurement() and MSC_GetCacheMeasurement() for more details.
The flash write and erase runs from RAM on the EFM32G devices. On all other devices the flash write and erase functions run from flash.
Flash erase may add ms of delay to interrupt latency if executing from Flash.

Flash write and erase operations are supported by MSC_WriteWord() , MSC_ErasePage() , and MSC_MassErase() . Mass erase is supported for MCU and SoC families with larger Flash sizes.

MSC_Init() must be called prior to any Flash write or erase operation.

The following steps are necessary to perform a page erase and write:

uint32_t * userDataPage = (uint32_t *) USERDATA_BASE;
uint32_t userData[] = {
MSC_ErasePage (userDataPage);
MSC_WriteWord (userDataPage, userData, sizeof (userData));

Data Structures

struct MSC_ExecConfig_TypeDef
Code execution configuration.
struct MSC_EccConfig_TypeDef
ECC configuration.


void MSC_IntClear (uint32_t flags)
Clear one or more pending MSC interrupts.
void MSC_IntDisable (uint32_t flags)
Disable one or more MSC interrupts.
void MSC_IntEnable (uint32_t flags)
Enable one or more MSC interrupts.
uint32_t MSC_IntGet (void)
Get pending MSC interrupt flags.
uint32_t MSC_IntGetEnabled (void)
Get enabled and pending MSC interrupt flags.
void MSC_IntSet (uint32_t flags)
Set one or more pending MSC interrupts from SW.
void MSC_Init (void)
Initialize MSC module.
void MSC_Deinit (void)
Turn off MSC flash write enable and lock MSC registers.
void MSC_ExecConfigSet ( MSC_ExecConfig_TypeDef *execConfig)
Set MSC code execution configuration.
void MSC_EccConfigSet ( MSC_EccConfig_TypeDef *eccConfig)
Configure Error Correcting Code (ECC).
MSC_RAMFUNC_DECLARATOR MSC_Status_TypeDef MSC_WriteWord (uint32_t *address, void const *data, uint32_t numBytes)
Writes data to flash memory.
MSC_RAMFUNC_DECLARATOR MSC_Status_TypeDef MSC_ErasePage (uint32_t *startAddress)
Erases a page in flash memory.
SL_RAMFUNC_DECLARATOR MSC_Status_TypeDef MSC_MassErase (void)
Erase the entire Flash in one operation.
MSC_Status_TypeDef MSC_WriteWordDma (int ch, uint32_t *address, const void *data, uint32_t numBytes)
Writes data to flash memory using the DMA.


#define MSC_PROGRAM_TIMEOUT 10000000UL
Timeout used while waiting for Flash to become ready after a write.
Default MSC ExecConfig initialization.
#define MSC_ECC_BANKS (1)
Series 2 chips incorporate 1 memory bank including ECC support.
Default MSC EccConfig initialization.


enum MSC_Status_TypeDef {
mscReturnOk = 0,
mscReturnInvalidAddr = -1,
mscReturnLocked = -2,
mscReturnTimeOut = -3,
mscReturnUnaligned = -4
Return codes for writing/erasing Flash.

Function Documentation


void MSC_IntClear ( uint32_t flags )

Clear one or more pending MSC interrupts.

[in] flags Pending MSC intterupt source to clear. Use a bitwise logic OR combination of valid interrupt flags for the MSC module (MSC_IF_nnn).


void MSC_IntDisable ( uint32_t flags )

Disable one or more MSC interrupts.

[in] flags MSC interrupt sources to disable. Use a bitwise logic OR combination of valid interrupt flags for the MSC module (MSC_IF_nnn).


void MSC_IntEnable ( uint32_t flags )

Enable one or more MSC interrupts.

Depending on the use, a pending interrupt may already be set prior to enabling the interrupt. To ignore a pending interrupt, consider using MSC_IntClear() prior to enabling the interrupt.
[in] flags MSC interrupt sources to enable. Use a bitwise logic OR combination of valid interrupt flags for the MSC module (MSC_IF_nnn).


uint32_t MSC_IntGet ( void )

Get pending MSC interrupt flags.

The event bits are not cleared by the use of this function.
MSC interrupt sources pending. A bitwise logic OR combination of valid interrupt flags for the MSC module (MSC_IF_nnn).


uint32_t MSC_IntGetEnabled ( void )

Get enabled and pending MSC interrupt flags.

Useful for handling more interrupt sources in the same interrupt handler.

Interrupt flags are not cleared by the use of this function.
Pending and enabled MSC interrupt sources. The return value is the bitwise AND of
  • the enabled interrupt sources in MSC_IEN and
  • the pending interrupt flags MSC_IF


void MSC_IntSet ( uint32_t flags )

Set one or more pending MSC interrupts from SW.