Deprecated Functions


Deprecated Functions.

Data Structures

struct SE_OTPInit_t
SE OTP initialization struct.
struct SE_DebugStatus_t
SE debug status.
struct SE_Status_t
SE status.


SE_Response_t SE_initOTP ( SE_OTPInit_t *otp_init) SL_DEPRECATED_API_SDK_3_0
SE_Response_t SE_initPubkey (uint32_t key_type, void *pubkey, uint32_t numBytes, bool signature) SL_DEPRECATED_API_SDK_3_0

Function Documentation


SE_Response_t SE_initOTP ( SE_OTPInit_t * otp_init )

Initialize SE one-time-programmable (OTP) configuration.

Configuration is performed by setting the desired options in the SE_OTPInit_t structure.

This function can be used to enable secure boot, to configure flash page locking, and to enable anti-rollback protection when using the SE to perform an application upgrade, typically a Gecko bootloader upgrade.

Before secure boot can be enabled, the public key used for secure boot verification must be uploaded using SE_initPubkey() .

This command can only be executed once per device! When the configuration has been programmed it is not possible to update any of the fields.
[in] otp_init SE_OTPInit_t structure containing the SE configuration.
One of the SE_RESPONSE return codes.
Return values
SE_RESPONSE_OK when the command was executed successfully


SE_Response_t SE_initPubkey ( uint32_t key_type,
void * pubkey,
uint32_t numBytes,
bool signature

Init pubkey or pubkey signature.

Initialize public key stored in the SE, or its corresponding signature. The command can be used to write:

  • SE_KEY_TYPE_BOOT – public key used to perform secure boot
  • SE_KEY_TYPE_AUTH – public key used to perform secure debug
These keys can not be overwritten, so this command can only be issued once per key per part.
[in] key_type ID of key type to initialize.
[in] pubkey Pointer to a buffer that contains the public key or signature. Must be word aligned and have a length of 64 bytes.
[in] numBytes Length of pubkey buffer (64 bytes).
[in] signature If true, initialize signature for the specified key type instead of the public key itself.
One of the SE_RESPONSE return codes.
Return values
SE_RESPONSE_OK when the command was executed successfully
SE_RESPONSE_TEST_FAILED when the pubkey is not set
SE_RESPONSE_INVALID_PARAMETER when an invalid type is passed