CRYPTO - Cryptography Accelerator#

Cryptography accelerator peripheral API.

For cryptographic support, users should consider the crypto APIs of the mbedTLS library provided by Silicon Labs instead of the interface provided in em_crypto.h. The mbedTLS library provides a much richer crypto API, including hardware acceleration of several functions.

The main purpose of em_crypto.h is to implement a thin software interface for the CRYPTO hardware functions especially for the accelerated APIs of the mbedTLS library. Additionally, em_crypto.h implement the AES API of the em_aes.h (supported by classic EFM32) for backward compatibility. The following list summarizes the em_crypto.h interface:


The AES APIs include support for AES-128 and AES-256 with block cipher modes:

  • CBC - Cipher Block Chaining mode

  • CFB - Cipher Feedback mode

  • CTR - Counter mode

  • ECB - Electronic Code Book mode

  • OFB - Output Feedback mode

For the AES APIs, input/output data (plaintext, ciphertext, key, and so on) are treated as byte arrays, starting with most significant byte. In other words, 32 bytes of plaintext (B0...B31) is located in memory in the same order, with B0 at the lower address and B31 at the higher address.

Byte arrays must always be a multiple of AES block size, i.e., a multiple of 16. Padding, if required, is done at the end of the byte array.

Byte arrays should be word (32 bit)-aligned for performance considerations, since the array is accessed with 32 bit access type. The core MCUs supports unaligned accesses but with a performance penalty.

You can specify the same output buffer as input buffer as long as they point to the same address. In that case, the provided input buffer is replaced with the encrypted/decrypted output. Notice that the buffers must be exactly overlapping. If partly overlapping, the behavior is undefined.

It is up to the user to use a cipher mode according to its requirements to avoid breaking security. See the specific cipher mode theory for details.


  • Wikipedia - Cipher modes,

  • Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation, NIST Special Publication 800-38A, 2001 Edition,

  • Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation,


The SHA APIs include support for

The SHA-1 implementation is FIPS-180-1 compliant, ref:

  • Wikipedia - SHA-1,

  • SHA-1 spec -

The SHA-256 implementation is FIPS-180-2 compliant, ref:

  • Wikipedia - SHA-2,

  • SHA-2 spec -


CRYPTO_Mul is a function for multiplying big integers that are bigger than the operand size of the MUL instruction, which is 128 bits. CRYPTO_Mul multiplies all partial operands of the input operands using MUL to form a resulting number which may be twice the size of the operands.

CRPYTO_Mul is typically used by RSA implementations, which perform a huge amount of multiplication and square operations to implement modular exponentiation. Some RSA implementations use a number representation including arrays of 32-bit words of variable size. Compile with -D USE_VARIABLE_SIZED_DATA_LOADS to load these numbers directly into CRYPTO without converting the number representation.

Load and Execute Instruction Sequences#

The functions for loading data and executing instruction sequences can be used to implement complex algorithms, such as elliptic curve cryptography (ECC)) and authenticated encryption algorithms. There are two typical modes of operation, as follows:

  • Multi-sequence operation

  • Single static instruction sequence operation

In multi-sequence mode, the software starts by loading input data, an instruction sequence, execute, and finally read the result. This process is repeated until the full crypto operation is complete.

When using a single static instruction sequence, only one instruction sequence is loaded initially. The sequence can be set up to run multiple times. Data can be loaded during the execution of the sequence by using DMA, BUFC and/or programmed I/O directly from the MCU core. For details about how to program the instruction sequences, see the reference manual of the particular Silicon Labs device.

To load input data to the CRYPTO module, use any of the following functions:

To read output data from the CRYPTO module use any of the following functions:

To load an instruction sequence to the CRYPTO module, use CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceLoad.

To execute the current instruction sequence in the CRYPTO module, use CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceExecute.

To check whether an instruction sequence has completed, use CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceDone.

To wait for an instruction sequence to complete, use CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceWait.

To optimally load (with regards to speed) and execute an instruction sequence, use any of the CRYPTO_EXECUTE_X macros (where X is in the range 1-20) defined in em_crypto.h. E.g. CRYPTO_EXECUTE_19.


cryptoModulusBin256 = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_BIN256
cryptoModulusBin128 = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_BIN128
cryptoModulusGcmBin128 = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_GCMBIN128
cryptoModulusEccB233 = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_ECCBIN233P
cryptoModulusEccB163 = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_ECCBIN163P
cryptoModulusEccB233Order = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_ECCBIN233N
cryptoModulusEccB233KOrder = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_ECCBIN233KN
cryptoModulusEccB163Order = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_ECCBIN163N
cryptoModulusEccB163KOrder = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_ECCBIN163KN
cryptoModulusEccP256Order = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_ECCPRIME256N
cryptoModulusEccP224Order = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_ECCPRIME224N
cryptoModulusEccP192Order = CRYPTO_WAC_MODULUS_ECCPRIME192N

CRYPTO modulus identifiers.

cryptoMulOperand256Bits = CRYPTO_WAC_MULWIDTH_MUL256
cryptoMulOperand128Bits = CRYPTO_WAC_MULWIDTH_MUL128
cryptoMulOperandModulusBits = CRYPTO_WAC_MULWIDTH_MULMOD

CRYPTO multiplication widths for wide arithmetic operations.

cryptoResult128Bits = CRYPTO_WAC_RESULTWIDTH_128BIT
cryptoResult256Bits = CRYPTO_WAC_RESULTWIDTH_256BIT
cryptoResult260Bits = CRYPTO_WAC_RESULTWIDTH_260BIT

CRYPTO result widths for MUL operations.


CRYPTO result widths for MUL operations.

cryptoKey128Bits = 8
cryptoKey256Bits = 16

CRYPTO key width.


typedef uint32_t

CRYPTO data types used for data load functions.

typedef uint32_t

CRYPTO data type used for data load functions.

typedef uint32_t

CRYPTO data type used for data load functions.

typedef uint32_t

CRYPTO data type used for data load functions.

typedef uint32_t

CRYPTO data type used for data load functions.

typedef volatile uint32_t *

CRYPTO 128 bit Data register pointer type.

typedef volatile uint32_t *

CRYPTO 256 bit DData (Double Data) register pointer type.

typedef volatile uint32_t *

CRYPTO 512 bit QData (Quad data) register pointer type.

typedef uint8_t

Instruction sequence type.

typedef uint8_t

SHA-1 Digest type.

typedef uint8_t

SHA-256 Digest type.

typedef void(*

AES counter modification function pointer.


CRYPTO_ModulusSet(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, CRYPTO_ModulusId_TypeDef modulusId)

Set the modulus type used for wide arithmetic operations.

CRYPTO_MulOperandWidthSet(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, CRYPTO_MulOperandWidth_TypeDef mulOperandWidth)

Set the number of bits in the operands of the MUL instruction.

CRYPTO_ResultWidthSet(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, CRYPTO_ResultWidth_TypeDef resultWidth)

Set the width of the results of the non-modulus instructions.

CRYPTO_IncWidthSet(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, CRYPTO_IncWidth_TypeDef incWidth)

Set the width of the DATA1 increment instruction DATA1INC.

CRYPTO_BurstToCrypto(volatile uint32_t *reg, const uint32_t *val)

Write a 128 bit value into a crypto register.

CRYPTO_BurstFromCrypto(volatile uint32_t *reg, uint32_t *val)

Read a 128 bit value from a crypto register.

CRYPTO_DataWrite(CRYPTO_DataReg_TypeDef dataReg, const CRYPTO_Data_TypeDef val)

Write 128 bits of data to a DATAX register in the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_DataWriteUnaligned(volatile uint32_t *reg, const uint8_t *val)

Write 128 bits of unaligned data to a DATAX register in the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_DataRead(CRYPTO_DataReg_TypeDef dataReg, CRYPTO_Data_TypeDef val)

Read 128 bits of data from a DATAX register in the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_DataReadUnaligned(volatile uint32_t *reg, uint8_t *val)

Read 128 bits of data from a DATAX register in the CRYPTO module to an unaligned pointer.

CRYPTO_DDataWrite(CRYPTO_DDataReg_TypeDef ddataReg, const CRYPTO_DData_TypeDef val)

Write 256 bits of data to a DDATAX register in the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_DDataRead(CRYPTO_DDataReg_TypeDef ddataReg, CRYPTO_DData_TypeDef val)

Read 256 bits of data from a DDATAX register in the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_DDataReadUnaligned(CRYPTO_DDataReg_TypeDef ddataReg, uint8_t *val)

Read 256 bits of data from a DDATAX register in the CRYPTO module to an unaligned pointer.

CRYPTO_QDataWrite(CRYPTO_QDataReg_TypeDef qdataReg, const CRYPTO_QData_TypeDef val)

Write 512 bits of data to a QDATAX register in the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_QDataWriteUnaligned(CRYPTO_QDataReg_TypeDef qdataReg, const uint8_t *val)

Write 512 bits of unaligned data to a QDATAX register in the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_QDataRead(CRYPTO_QDataReg_TypeDef qdataReg, CRYPTO_QData_TypeDef val)

Read 512 bits of data from a QDATAX register in the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_KeyBufWrite(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, CRYPTO_KeyBuf_TypeDef val, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Set the key value to be used by the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_KeyBufWriteUnaligned(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, const uint8_t *val, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Set the key value to be used by the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_KeyRead(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, CRYPTO_KeyBuf_TypeDef val, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Read the key value currently used by the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_KeyReadUnaligned(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *val, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Read the key value currently used by the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_KeyBuf128Write(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, const uint32_t *val)

Quick write 128 bit key to the CRYPTO module.

CRYPTO_CarryIsSet(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto)

Quick read access of the carry bit from arithmetic operations.

CRYPTO_DData0_4LSBitsRead(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto)

Quick read access of the 4 LSbits of the DDATA0 register.

CRYPTO_DData0Read260(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, CRYPTO_Data260_TypeDef val)

Read 260 bits from the DDATA0 register.

CRYPTO_DData0Write260(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, const CRYPTO_Data260_TypeDef val)

Write 260 bits to the DDATA0 register.

CRYPTO_DData1_MSBitRead(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto)

Quick read the MSbit of the DDATA1 register.

CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceLoad(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, const CRYPTO_InstructionSequence_TypeDef instructionSequence)

Load a sequence of instructions to be executed on the current values in the data registers.

CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceExecute(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto)

Execute the current programmed instruction sequence.

CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceDone(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto)

Check whether the execution of an instruction sequence has completed.

CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceWait(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto)

Wait for completion of the current sequence of instructions.

CRYPTO_InstructionWait(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto)

Wait for completion of the current command.

CRYPTO_SHA_1(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, const uint8_t *msg, uint64_t msgLen, CRYPTO_SHA1_Digest_TypeDef msgDigest)

Perform a SHA-1 hash operation on a message.

CRYPTO_SHA_256(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, const uint8_t *msg, uint64_t msgLen, CRYPTO_SHA256_Digest_TypeDef msgDigest)

Perform a SHA-256 hash operation on a message.

CRYPTO_Mul(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint32_t *A, int aSize, uint32_t *B, int bSize, uint32_t *R, int rSize)

Multiply two big integers.

CRYPTO_AES_CBC128(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, bool encrypt)

AES Cipher-block chaining (CBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_CBC256(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, bool encrypt)

AES Cipher-block chaining (CBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_PCBC128(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, bool encrypt)

AES Propagating Cipher-block chaining (PCBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_PCBC256(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, bool encrypt)

AES Propagating Cipher-block chaining (PCBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_CFB128(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, bool encrypt)

AES Cipher feedback (CFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_CFB256(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, bool encrypt)

AES Cipher feedback (CFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_CTR128(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, uint8_t *ctr, CRYPTO_AES_CtrFuncPtr_TypeDef ctrFunc)

AES Counter (CTR) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_CTR256(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, uint8_t *ctr, CRYPTO_AES_CtrFuncPtr_TypeDef ctrFunc)

AES Counter (CTR) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.


Update the last 32 bits of 128 bit counter by incrementing with 1.

CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey128(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in)

Generate 128 bit AES decryption key from 128 bit encryption key.

CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey256(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in)

Generate 256 bit AES decryption key from 256 bit encryption key.

CRYPTO_AES_ECB128(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, bool encrypt)

AES Electronic Codebook (ECB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_ECB256(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, bool encrypt)

AES Electronic Codebook (ECB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_OFB128(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv)

AES Output feedback (OFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_OFB256(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv)

AES Output feedback (OFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.

CRYPTO_IntClear(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint32_t flags)

Clear one or more pending CRYPTO interrupts.

CRYPTO_IntDisable(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint32_t flags)

Disable one or more CRYPTO interrupts.

CRYPTO_IntEnable(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint32_t flags)

Enable one or more CRYPTO interrupts.

CRYPTO_IntGet(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto)

Get pending CRYPTO interrupt flags.

CRYPTO_IntGetEnabled(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto)

Get enabled and pending CRYPTO interrupt flags.

CRYPTO_IntSet(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint32_t flags)

Set one or more pending CRYPTO interrupts from software.

cryptoBurstToCryptoAndZeroize(volatile uint32_t *reg, const uint32_t *val)
cryptoBurstFromCryptoAndZeroize(volatile uint32_t *reg, uint32_t *val)
cryptoBigintZeroize(uint32_t *words32bits, unsigned num32bitWords)

Set the 32 bit word array to zero.

cryptoBigintIncrement(uint32_t *words32bits, unsigned num32bitWords)

Increment value of 32bit word array by one.

CRYPTO_AES_CBCx(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, bool encrypt, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Cipher-block chaining (CBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_PCBCx(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, bool encrypt, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Propagating cipher-block chaining (PCBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_CFBx(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, bool encrypt, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Cipher feedback (CFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_CTRx(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, uint8_t *ctr, CRYPTO_AES_CtrFuncPtr_TypeDef ctrFunc, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Counter (CTR) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_ECBx(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, bool encrypt, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Electronic Codebook (ECB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_OFBx(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Output feedback (OFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.

CRYPTO_AES_ProcessLoop(CRYPTO_TypeDef *crypto, unsigned int len, CRYPTO_DataReg_TypeDef inReg, const uint8_t *in, CRYPTO_DataReg_TypeDef outReg, uint8_t *out)

Perform generic AES loop.



The maximum number of crypto instructions in an instruction sequence.


Default instruction sequence consisting of all ENDs.

Enumeration Documentation#



CRYPTO modulus identifiers.


Generic 256 bit modulus 2^256.


Generic 128 bit modulus 2^128.


GCM 128 bit modulus = 2^128 + 2^7 + 2^2 + 2 + 1.


ECC B233 prime modulus = 2^233 + 2^74 + 1


ECC B163 prime modulus = 2^163 + 2^7 + 2^6 + 2^3 + 1.


ECC P256 prime modulus = 2^256 - 2^224 + 2^192 + 2^96 - 1.


ECC P224 prime modulus = 2^224 - 2^96 - 1.


ECC P192 prime modulus = 2^192 - 2^64 - 1.


ECC B233 order modulus


ECC B233K order modulus.


ECC B163 order modulus.


ECC B163K order modulus.


ECC P256 order modulus.


ECC P224 order modulus.


ECC P192 order modulus.

Definition at line 499 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



CRYPTO multiplication widths for wide arithmetic operations.


256 bits operands


128 bits operands


MUL operand width is specified by the modulus type.

Definition at line 518 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



CRYPTO result widths for MUL operations.


Multiplication result width is 128 bits.


Multiplication result width is 256 bits.


Multiplication result width is 260 bits.

Definition at line 527 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



CRYPTO result widths for MUL operations.


inc width is 1 byte


inc width is 2 byte


inc width is 3 byte


inc width is 4 byte

Definition at line 534 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



CRYPTO key width.


Key width is 128 bits.


Key width is 256 bits.

Definition at line 542 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h

Typedef Documentation#



CRYPTO data types used for data load functions.

This data type is capable of storing a 128 bits value as used in the crypto DATA registers.

Definition at line 441 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



CRYPTO data type used for data load functions.

This data type is capable of storing a 256 bits value as used in the crypto DDATA registers.

Definition at line 448 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



CRYPTO data type used for data load functions.

This data type is capable of storing a 512 bits value as used in the crypto QDATA registers.

Definition at line 459 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



CRYPTO data type used for data load functions.

This data type is capable of storing a 260 bits value as used by the CRYPTO_DData0Write260 function.

Note that this data type is multiple of 32 bit words, so the actual storage used by this type is 32x9=288 bits.

Definition at line 469 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



CRYPTO data type used for data load functions.

This data type is capable of storing 256 bits as used in the crypto KEYBUF register.

Definition at line 475 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


typedef volatile uint32_t* CRYPTO_DataReg_TypeDef

CRYPTO 128 bit Data register pointer type.

The 128 bit registers are used to load 128 bit values as input and output data for cryptographic and big integer arithmetic functions of the CRYPTO module.

Definition at line 482 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


typedef volatile uint32_t* CRYPTO_DDataReg_TypeDef

CRYPTO 256 bit DData (Double Data) register pointer type.

The 256 bit registers are used to load 256 bit values as input and output data for cryptographic and big integer arithmetic functions of the CRYPTO module.

Definition at line 489 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


typedef volatile uint32_t* CRYPTO_QDataReg_TypeDef

CRYPTO 512 bit QData (Quad data) register pointer type.

The 512 bit registers are used to load 512 bit values as input and output data for cryptographic and big integer arithmetic functions of the CRYPTO module.

Definition at line 496 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



Instruction sequence type.

Fill in the desired operations from step1, step2, and so on. The CRYPTO_CMD_INSTR_END marks the end of the sequence. Bit fields are used to format the memory layout of the struct equal to the sequence registers in the CRYPTO module.

Definition at line 559 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



SHA-1 Digest type.

Definition at line 575 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



SHA-256 Digest type.

Definition at line 578 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


typedef void(* CRYPTO_AES_CtrFuncPtr_TypeDef) (uint8_t *ctr) )(uint8_t *ctr)

AES counter modification function pointer.


A counter value to be modified.


  • This is defined for backwards compatibility with EFM32 em_aes.h. The CRYPTO implementation of counter mode does not support counter update callbacks.

Definition at line 591 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h

Function Documentation#


void CRYPTO_ModulusSet (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, CRYPTO_ModulusId_TypeDef modulusId)

Set the modulus type used for wide arithmetic operations.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A modulus type.

This function sets the modulus type to be used by the modulus instructions of the CRYPTO module.

Definition at line 435 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_MulOperandWidthSet (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, CRYPTO_MulOperandWidth_TypeDef mulOperandWidth)

Set the number of bits in the operands of the MUL instruction.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


Multiplication width in bits.

This function sets the number of bits to be used in the operands of the MUL instruction.

Definition at line 629 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void CRYPTO_ResultWidthSet (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, CRYPTO_ResultWidth_TypeDef resultWidth)

Set the width of the results of the non-modulus instructions.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A result width of non-modulus instructions.

This function sets the result width of the non-modulus instructions.

Definition at line 650 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void CRYPTO_IncWidthSet (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, CRYPTO_IncWidth_TypeDef incWidth)

Set the width of the DATA1 increment instruction DATA1INC.


A pointer to CRYPTO peripheral register block.


An incrementation width.

This function sets the width of the DATA1 increment instruction CRYPTO_CMD_INSTR_DATA1INC.

Definition at line 671 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void CRYPTO_BurstToCrypto (volatile uint32_t * reg, const uint32_t * val)

Write a 128 bit value into a crypto register.


A pointer to the crypto register.


This is a pointer to 4 32 bit integers that contains the 128 bit value which will be written to the crypto register.


Definition at line 196 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_BurstFromCrypto (volatile uint32_t * reg, uint32_t * val)

Read a 128 bit value from a crypto register.


A pointer to the crypto register.


This is a pointer to an array that is capable of holding 4 32 bit integers that will be filled with the 128 bit value from the crypto register.


  • This function provides a low-level API for reading one of the multi-word registers in the crypto peripheral. Applications should use CRYPTO_DataRead, CRYPTO_DDataRead or CRYPTO_QDataRead for reading the value of DATA, DDATA, and QDATA registers.

Definition at line 211 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_DataWrite (CRYPTO_DataReg_TypeDef dataReg, const CRYPTO_Data_TypeDef val)

Write 128 bits of data to a DATAX register in the CRYPTO module.


The 128 bit DATA register.


Value of the data to write to the DATA register. Has to be word-aligned.

Write 128 bits of data to a DATAX register in the crypto module. The data value is typically input to a big integer operation (see crypto instructions).

Definition at line 225 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_DataWriteUnaligned (volatile uint32_t * reg, const uint8_t * val)

Write 128 bits of unaligned data to a DATAX register in the CRYPTO module.


The 128 bit DATA register.


Pointer to value to write to the DATA register. Can be unaligned.

Write 128 bits of unaligned data to a DATAX register in the CRYPTO module. The data pointer does not have to be word-aligned, but an unaligned pointer might incur a performance hit.

Definition at line 231 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_DataRead (CRYPTO_DataReg_TypeDef dataReg, CRYPTO_Data_TypeDef val)

Read 128 bits of data from a DATAX register in the CRYPTO module.


The 128 bit DATA register.


Location where to store the value in memory. Has to be word-aligned.

Read 128 bits of data from a DATAX register in the crypto module. The data value is typically output from a big integer operation (see crypto instructions)

Definition at line 249 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_DataReadUnaligned (volatile uint32_t * reg, uint8_t * val)

Read 128 bits of data from a DATAX register in the CRYPTO module to an unaligned pointer.


The 128 bit DATA register.


Location where to store the value in memory. Can be unaligned.

Write 128 bits of unaligned data to a DATAX register in the CRYPTO module to an unaligned pointer. The output pointer does not have to be word-aligned, but an unaligned pointer might incur a performance penalty.

Definition at line 255 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_DDataWrite (CRYPTO_DDataReg_TypeDef ddataReg, const CRYPTO_DData_TypeDef val)

Write 256 bits of data to a DDATAX register in the CRYPTO module.


The 256 bit DDATA register.


Value of the data to write to the DDATA register.

Write 256 bits of data into a DDATAX (Double Data) register in the crypto module. The data value is typically input to a big integer operation (see crypto instructions).

Definition at line 273 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_DDataRead (CRYPTO_DDataReg_TypeDef ddataReg, CRYPTO_DData_TypeDef val)

Read 256 bits of data from a DDATAX register in the CRYPTO module.


The 256 bit DDATA register.


Location where to store the value in memory.

Read 256 bits of data from a DDATAX (Double Data) register in the crypto module. The data value is typically output from a big integer operation (see crypto instructions).

Definition at line 280 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_DDataReadUnaligned (CRYPTO_DDataReg_TypeDef ddataReg, uint8_t * val)

Read 256 bits of data from a DDATAX register in the CRYPTO module to an unaligned pointer.


The 256 bit DDATA register.


Location where to store the value in memory. Can be unaligned.

Read 256 bits from a DDATAX register in the CRYPTO module. The output buffer pointer does not have to be word-aligned, but an unaligned pointer might incur a performance penalty.

Definition at line 287 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_QDataWrite (CRYPTO_QDataReg_TypeDef qdataReg, const CRYPTO_QData_TypeDef val)

Write 512 bits of data to a QDATAX register in the CRYPTO module.


The 512 bits QDATA register.


Value of the data to write to the QDATA register.

Write 512 bits of data into a QDATAX (Quad Data) register in the crypto module The data value is typically input to a big integer operation (see crypto instructions).

Definition at line 314 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_QDataWriteUnaligned (CRYPTO_QDataReg_TypeDef qdataReg, const uint8_t * val)

Write 512 bits of unaligned data to a QDATAX register in the CRYPTO module.


The 512 bits QDATA register.


Pointer to value to write to the QDATA register. Can be unaligned.

Write 512 bits of unaligned data to a QDATAX register in the CRYPTO module. The data pointer does not have to be word-aligned, but an unaligned pointer might incur a performance hit.

Definition at line 323 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_QDataRead (CRYPTO_QDataReg_TypeDef qdataReg, CRYPTO_QData_TypeDef val)

Read 512 bits of data from a QDATAX register in the CRYPTO module.


The 512 bits QDATA register.


Value of the data to write to the QDATA register.

Read 512 bits of data from a QDATAX register in the crypto module. The data value is typically input to a big integer operation (see crypto instructions).

Definition at line 305 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_KeyBufWrite (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, CRYPTO_KeyBuf_TypeDef val, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Set the key value to be used by the CRYPTO module.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


Value of the data to write to the KEYBUF register. Has to be word-aligned.


Key width - 128 or 256 bits.

Write 128 or 256 bit key to the KEYBUF register in the crypto module.

Definition at line 384 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_KeyBufWriteUnaligned (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, const uint8_t * val, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Set the key value to be used by the CRYPTO module.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


Pointer to value to write to the KEYBUF register. Can be unaligned.


Key width - 128 or 256 bits.

Write 128 or 256 bit key to the KEYBUF register in the crypto module. The input key buffer does not have to be word-aligned, but an unaligned value might incur a performance penalty.

Definition at line 401 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_KeyRead (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, CRYPTO_KeyBuf_TypeDef val, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Read the key value currently used by the CRYPTO module.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A value of the data to write to the KEYBUF register.


Key width - 128 or 256 bits

Read 128 bits or 256 bits from the KEY register in the CRYPTO module.

Definition at line 489 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_KeyReadUnaligned (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * val, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Read the key value currently used by the CRYPTO module.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A pointer to a buffer which the key will be written to. Can be unaligned.


Key width - 128 or 256 bits

Read 128 bits or 256 bits from the KEY register in the CRYPTO module. The destination pointer does not have to be word-aligned, but an unaligned pointer might incur a performance penalty.

Definition at line 520 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_KeyBuf128Write (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, const uint32_t * val)

Quick write 128 bit key to the CRYPTO module.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


Value of the data to write to the KEYBUF register.

Quick write 128 bit key to the KEYBUF register in the CRYPTO module.

Definition at line 429 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


bool CRYPTO_CarryIsSet (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto)

Quick read access of the carry bit from arithmetic operations.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.

This function reads the carry bit of the CRYPTO ALU.


  • Returns 'true' if carry is 1, and 'false' if carry is 0.

Definition at line 964 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


uint8_t CRYPTO_DData0_4LSBitsRead (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto)

Quick read access of the 4 LSbits of the DDATA0 register.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.

This function quickly retrieves the 4 least significant bits of the DDATA0 register via the DDATA0LSBS bit field in the DSTATUS register.


  • Returns the 4 LSbits of DDATA0.

Definition at line 984 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void CRYPTO_DData0Read260 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, CRYPTO_Data260_TypeDef val)

Read 260 bits from the DDATA0 register.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A location to store the value in memory.

This functions reads 260 bits from the DDATA0 register in the CRYPTO module. The data value is typically output from a big integer operation (see crypto instructions) when the result width is set to 260 bits by calling CRYPTO_ResultWidthSet(cryptoResult260Bits);

Definition at line 1006 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void CRYPTO_DData0Write260 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, const CRYPTO_Data260_TypeDef val)

Write 260 bits to the DDATA0 register.


Pointer to CRYPTO peripheral register block.


Location where of the value in memory.

This functions writes 260 bits to the DDATA0 register in the CRYPTO module. The data value is typically input to a big integer operation (see crypto instructions) when the result width is set to 260 bits by calling CRYPTO_ResultWidthSet(cryptoResult260Bits);

Definition at line 1030 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


bool CRYPTO_DData1_MSBitRead (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto)

Quick read the MSbit of the DDATA1 register.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.

This function reads the most significant bit (bit 255) of the DDATA1 register via the DDATA1MSB bit field in the DSTATUS register. This can be used to quickly check the signedness of a big integer resident in the CRYPTO module.


  • Returns 'true' if MSbit is 1, and 'false' if MSbit is 0.

Definition at line 1053 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


CRYPTO_WARNINGS_NO_CAST_ALIGN void CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceLoad (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, const CRYPTO_InstructionSequence_TypeDef instructionSequence)

Load a sequence of instructions to be executed on the current values in the data registers.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


An instruction sequence to load.

This function loads a sequence of instructions to the crypto module. The instructions will be executed when the CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceExecute function is called. The first END marks the end of the sequence.

Definition at line 1077 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


CRYPTO_WARNINGS_RESET void CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceExecute (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto)

Execute the current programmed instruction sequence.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.

This function starts the execution of the current instruction sequence in the CRYPTO module.

Definition at line 1101 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


bool CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceDone (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto)

Check whether the execution of an instruction sequence has completed.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.

This function checks whether an instruction sequence has completed.


  • Returns 'true' if the instruction sequence is done, and 'false' if not.

Definition at line 1120 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void CRYPTO_InstructionSequenceWait (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto)

Wait for completion of the current sequence of instructions.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.

This function "busy"-waits until the execution of the ongoing instruction sequence has completed.

Definition at line 1138 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void CRYPTO_InstructionWait (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto)

Wait for completion of the current command.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.

This function "busy"-waits until the execution of the ongoing instruction has completed.

Definition at line 1155 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void CRYPTO_SHA_1 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, const uint8_t * msg, uint64_t msgLen, CRYPTO_SHA1_Digest_TypeDef msgDigest)

Perform a SHA-1 hash operation on a message.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


Message to hash.


Length of message in bytes.


A message digest.

This function performs a SHA-1 hash operation on the message specified by msg with length msgLen and returns the message digest in msgDigest.

Definition at line 566 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_SHA_256 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, const uint8_t * msg, uint64_t msgLen, CRYPTO_SHA256_Digest_TypeDef msgDigest)

Perform a SHA-256 hash operation on a message.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A message to hash.


The length of message in bytes.


A message digest.

This function performs a SHA-256 hash operation on the message specified by msg with length msgLen and returns the message digest in msgDigest.

Definition at line 713 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_Mul (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint32_t * A, int aSize, uint32_t * B, int bSize, uint32_t * R, int rSize)

Multiply two big integers.


CRYPTO module


An operand A


The size of the operand A in bits


An operand B


The size of the operand B in bits


The result of multiplication


The size of the result buffer R in bits

This function uses the CRYPTO unit to multiply two big integer operands. If USE_VARIABLE_SIZED_DATA_LOADS is defined, the sizes of the operands may be any multiple of 32 bits. If USE_VARIABLE_SIZED_DATA_LOADS is not defined, the sizes of the operands must be a multiple of 128 bits.

Definition at line 879 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_CBC128 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv, bool encrypt)

AES Cipher-block chaining (CBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


When encrypting, this is the 128 bit encryption key. When decrypting, this is the 128 bit decryption key. The decryption key may be generated from the encryption key with CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey128(). If this argument is null, the key will not be loaded, as it is assumed the key has been loaded into KEYHA previously.


128 bit initialization vector to use.


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.


*           Plaintext                  Plaintext
*               |                          |
*               V                          V
* InitVector ->XOR        +-------------->XOR
*               |         |                |
*               V         |                V
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher |  |  Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  encryption  |  |        |  encryption  |
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
*               |---------+                |
*               V                          V
*           Ciphertext                 Ciphertext


*         Ciphertext                 Ciphertext
*              |----------+                |
*              V          |                V
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher |  |  Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  decryption  |  |        |  decryption  |
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
*               |         |                |
*               V         |                V
* InitVector ->XOR        +-------------->XOR
*               |                          |
*               V                          V
*           Plaintext                  Plaintext

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1127 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_CBC256 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv, bool encrypt)

AES Cipher-block chaining (CBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


When encrypting, this is the 256 bit encryption key. When decrypting, this is the 256 bit decryption key. The decryption key may be generated from the encryption key with CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey256().


128 bit initialization vector to use.


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.

See CRYPTO_AES_CBC128() for the CBC figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1173 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_PCBC128 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv, bool encrypt)

AES Propagating Cipher-block chaining (PCBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


When encrypting, this is the 128 bit encryption key. When decrypting, this is the 128 bit decryption key. The decryption key may be generated from the encryption key with CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey128(). If this argument is null, the key will not be loaded, as it is assumed the key has been loaded into KEYHA previously.


128 bit initialization vector to use.


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.


*           Plaintext                  Plaintext
*               |--------------+           |
*               V              V           V
* InitVector ->XOR        +-->XOR-------->XOR
*               |         |                |
*               V         |                V
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher |  |  Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  encryption  |  |        |  encryption  |
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
*               |---------+                |
*               V                          V
*           Ciphertext                 Ciphertext


*         Ciphertext                 Ciphertext
*              |----------+                |
*              V          |                V
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher |  |  Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  decryption  |  |        |  decryption  |
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
*               |         |               |
*               V         V               V
* InitVector ->XOR  +--->XOR------------>XOR
*               |---+                     |
*               V                         V
*           Plaintext                  Plaintext

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1250 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_PCBC256 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv, bool encrypt)

AES Propagating Cipher-block chaining (PCBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


When encrypting, this is the 256 bit encryption key. When decrypting, this is the 256 bit decryption key. The decryption key may be generated from the encryption key with CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey256().


128 bit initialization vector to use.


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.

See CRYPTO_AES_PCBC128() for the PCBC figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1296 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_CFB128 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv, bool encrypt)

AES Cipher feedback (CFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


128 bit encryption key is used for both encryption and decryption modes.


128 bit initialization vector to use.


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.


*           InitVector    +----------------+
*               |         |                |
*               V         |                V
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher |  |  Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  encryption  |  |        |  encryption  |
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
*               |         |                |
*               V         |                V
*  Plaintext ->XOR        |   Plaintext ->XOR
*               |---------+                |
*               V                          V
*           Ciphertext                 Ciphertext


*          InitVector     +----------------+
*               |         |                |
*               V         |                V
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher |  |  Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  encryption  |  |        |  encryption  |
*       +--------------+  |        +--------------+
*               |         |                |
*               V         |                V
*              XOR<- Ciphertext           XOR<- Ciphertext
*               |                          |
*               V                          V
*           Plaintext                  Plaintext

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1369 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_CFB256 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv, bool encrypt)

AES Cipher feedback (CFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


256 bit encryption key is used for both encryption and decryption modes.


128 bit initialization vector to use.


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.

See CRYPTO_AES_CFB128() for the CFB figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1412 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_CTR128 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, uint8_t * ctr, CRYPTO_AES_CtrFuncPtr_TypeDef ctrFunc)

AES Counter (CTR) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.


A pointer to CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


128 bit encryption key. If this argument is null, the key will not be loaded, as it is assumed the key has been loaded into KEYHA previously.


128 bit initial counter value. The counter is updated after each AES block encoding through use of ctrFunc.


A function used to update the counter value. Not supported by CRYPTO. This parameter is included for backwards compatibility with the EFM32 em_aes.h API.


*           Counter                    Counter
*              |                          |
*              V                          V
*       +--------------+           +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher |     Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  encryption  |           |  encryption  |
*       +--------------+           +--------------+
*              |                          |
* Plaintext ->XOR            Plaintext ->XOR
*              |                          |
*              V                          V
*         Ciphertext                 Ciphertext


*           Counter                    Counter
*              |                          |
*              V                          V
*       +--------------+           +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher |     Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  encryption  |           |  encryption  |
*       +--------------+           +--------------+
*               |                          |
* Ciphertext ->XOR           Ciphertext ->XOR
*               |                          |
*               V                          V
*           Plaintext                  Plaintext

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1488 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_CTR256 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, uint8_t * ctr, CRYPTO_AES_CtrFuncPtr_TypeDef ctrFunc)

AES Counter (CTR) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


256 bit encryption key.


128 bit initial counter value. The counter is updated after each AES block encoding through use of ctrFunc.


A function used to update counter value. Not supported by CRYPTO. This parameter is included in order for backwards compatibility with the EFM32 em_aes.h API.

See CRYPTO_AES_CTR128() for CTR figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1534 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_CTRUpdate32Bit (uint8_t * ctr)

Update the last 32 bits of 128 bit counter by incrementing with 1.


A buffer holding 128 bit counter to be updated.

Notice that no special consideration is given to the possible wrap around. If 32 least significant bits are 0xFFFFFFFF, they will be updated to 0x00000000, ignoring overflow.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1560 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey128 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in)

Generate 128 bit AES decryption key from 128 bit encryption key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place 128 bit decryption key. Must be at least 16 bytes long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding 128 bit encryption key. Must be at least 16 bytes long.

The decryption key is used for some cipher modes when decrypting.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1585 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey256 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in)

Generate 256 bit AES decryption key from 256 bit encryption key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place 256 bit decryption key. Must be at least 32 bytes long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding 256 bit encryption key. Must be at least 32 bytes long.

The decryption key is used for some cipher modes when decrypting.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1623 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_ECB128 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, bool encrypt)

AES Electronic Codebook (ECB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


When encrypting, this is the 128 bit encryption key. When decrypting, this is the 128 bit decryption key. The decryption key may be generated from the encryption key with CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey128().


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.


*          Plaintext                  Plaintext
*              |                          |
*              V                          V
*       +--------------+           +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher |     Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  encryption  |           |  encryption  |
*       +--------------+           +--------------+
*              |                          |
*              V                          V
*         Ciphertext                 Ciphertext


*         Ciphertext                 Ciphertext
*              |                          |
*              V                          V
*       +--------------+           +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher |     Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  decryption  |           |  decryption  |
*       +--------------+           +--------------+
*              |                          |
*              V                          V
*          Plaintext                  Plaintext

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1700 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_ECB256 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, bool encrypt)

AES Electronic Codebook (ECB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


When encrypting, this is the 256 bit encryption key. When decrypting, this is the 256 bit decryption key. The decryption key may be generated from the encryption key with CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey256().


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.

See CRYPTO_AES_ECB128() for ECB figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1742 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_OFB128 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv)

AES Output feedback (OFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


128 bit encryption key.


128 bit initialization vector to use.


*          InitVector    +----------------+
*              |         |                |
*              V         |                V
*       +--------------+ |        +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher | |  Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  encryption  | |        |  encryption  |
*       +--------------+ |        +--------------+
*              |         |                |
*              |---------+                |
*              V                          V
* Plaintext ->XOR            Plaintext ->XOR
*              |                          |
*              V                          V
*         Ciphertext                 Ciphertext


*          InitVector    +----------------+
*              |         |                |
*              V         |                V
*       +--------------+ |        +--------------+
* Key ->| Block cipher | |  Key ->| Block cipher |
*       |  encryption  | |        |  encryption  |
*       +--------------+ |        +--------------+
*              |         |                |
*              |---------+                |
*              V                          V
* Ciphertext ->XOR           Ciphertext ->XOR
*              |                          |
*              V                          V
*          Plaintext                  Plaintext

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1813 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_OFB256 (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv)

AES Output feedback (OFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 256 bit key.


A pointer to CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


256 bit encryption key.


128 bit initialization vector to use.

See CRYPTO_AES_OFB128() for OFB figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1852 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_IntClear (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint32_t flags)

Clear one or more pending CRYPTO interrupts.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A pending CRYPTO interrupt source to clear. Use a bitwise logic OR combination of valid interrupt flags for the CRYPTO module (CRYPTO_IF_nnn).

Definition at line 1285 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void CRYPTO_IntDisable (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint32_t flags)

Disable one or more CRYPTO interrupts.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


CRYPTO interrupt sources to disable. Use a bitwise logic OR combination of valid interrupt flags for the CRYPTO module (CRYPTO_IF_nnn).

Definition at line 1301 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void CRYPTO_IntEnable (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint32_t flags)

Enable one or more CRYPTO interrupts.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


CRYPTO interrupt sources to enable. Use a bitwise logic OR combination of valid interrupt flags for the CRYPTO module (CRYPTO_IF_nnn).


  • Depending on the use, a pending interrupt may already be set prior to enabling the interrupt. Consider using CRYPTO_IntClear() prior to enabling if such a pending interrupt should be ignored.

Definition at line 1322 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


uint32_t CRYPTO_IntGet (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto)

Get pending CRYPTO interrupt flags.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


  • The event bits are not cleared by the use of this function.


  • CRYPTO interrupt sources pending. A bitwise logic OR combination of valid interrupt flags for the CRYPTO module (CRYPTO_IF_nnn).

Definition at line 1341 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


uint32_t CRYPTO_IntGetEnabled (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto)

Get enabled and pending CRYPTO interrupt flags.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.

Useful for handling more interrupt sources in the same interrupt handler.


  • Interrupt flags are not cleared by the use of this function.


  • Pending and enabled CRYPTO interrupt sources The return value is the bitwise AND of

    • the enabled interrupt sources in CRYPTO_IEN and

    • the pending interrupt flags CRYPTO_IF

Definition at line 1363 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void CRYPTO_IntSet (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint32_t flags)

Set one or more pending CRYPTO interrupts from software.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


CRYPTO interrupt sources to set to pending. Use a bitwise logic OR combination of valid interrupt flags for the CRYPTO module (CRYPTO_IF_nnn).

Definition at line 1386 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h


void cryptoBurstToCryptoAndZeroize (volatile uint32_t * reg, const uint32_t * val)

Definition at line 344 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void cryptoBurstFromCryptoAndZeroize (volatile uint32_t * reg, uint32_t * val)

Definition at line 366 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void cryptoBigintZeroize (uint32_t * words32bits, unsigned num32bitWords)

Set the 32 bit word array to zero.


A pointer to the 32 bit word array.


A number of 32 bit words in array.

Definition at line 833 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void cryptoBigintIncrement (uint32_t * words32bits, unsigned num32bitWords)

Increment value of 32bit word array by one.


Pointer to 32bit word array


Number of 32bit words in array

Definition at line 849 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


static void CRYPTO_AES_CBCx (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv, bool encrypt, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Cipher-block chaining (CBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


When encrypting, this is the 256 bit encryption key. When decrypting, this is the 256 bit decryption key. The decryption key may be generated from the encryption key with CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey256().


128 bit initialization vector to use.


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.


Set to cryptoKey128Bits or cryptoKey256Bits.

See CRYPTO_AES_CBC128() for CBC figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1903 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


static void CRYPTO_AES_PCBCx (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv, bool encrypt, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Propagating cipher-block chaining (PCBC) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


When encrypting, this is the 256 bit encryption key. When decrypting, this is the 256 bit decryption key. The decryption key may be generated from the encryption key with CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey256().


128 bit initialization vector to use.


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.


Set to cryptoKey128Bits or cryptoKey256Bits.

See CRYPTO_AES_PCBC128() for PCBC figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 1976 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


static void CRYPTO_AES_CFBx (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv, bool encrypt, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Cipher feedback (CFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


256 bit encryption key is used for both encryption and decryption modes.


128 bit initialization vector to use.


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.


Set to cryptoKey128Bits or cryptoKey256Bits.

See CRYPTO_AES_CFB128() for CFB figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 2048 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


static void CRYPTO_AES_CTRx (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, uint8_t * ctr, CRYPTO_AES_CtrFuncPtr_TypeDef ctrFunc, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Counter (CTR) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


256 bit encryption key.


128 bit initial counter value. The counter is updated after each AES block encoding through use of ctrFunc.


A function used to update counter value. Not supported by CRYPTO. This parameter is included for backwards compatibility with the EFM32 em_aes.h API.


Set to cryptoKey128Bits or cryptoKey256Bits.

See CRYPTO_AES_CTR128() for CTR figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 2126 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


static void CRYPTO_AES_ECBx (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, bool encrypt, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Electronic Codebook (ECB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


When encrypting, this is the 256 bit encryption key. When decrypting, this is the 256 bit decryption key. The decryption key may be generated from the encryption key with CRYPTO_AES_DecryptKey256().


Set to true to encrypt, false to decrypt.


Set to cryptoKey128Bits or cryptoKey256Bits.

See CRYPTO_AES_ECB128() for ECB figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 2193 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


static void CRYPTO_AES_OFBx (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, uint8_t * out, const uint8_t * in, unsigned int len, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv, CRYPTO_KeyWidth_TypeDef keyWidth)

Output feedback (OFB) cipher mode encryption/decryption, 128/256 bit key.


A pointer to CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


256 bit encryption key.


128 bit initialization vector to use.


Set to cryptoKey128Bits or cryptoKey256Bits.

See CRYPTO_AES_OFB128() for OFB figure.

See general comments on layout and byte ordering of parameters.

Definition at line 2253 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c


void CRYPTO_AES_ProcessLoop (CRYPTO_TypeDef * crypto, unsigned int len, CRYPTO_DataReg_TypeDef inReg, const uint8_t * in, CRYPTO_DataReg_TypeDef outReg, uint8_t * out)

Perform generic AES loop.


A pointer to the CRYPTO peripheral register block.


A number of bytes to encrypt/decrypt. Must be a multiple of 16.


An input register - one of DATA0,DATA1,DATA2,DATA3


A buffer holding data to encrypt/decrypt. Must be at least len long.


An output register - one of DATA0,DATA1,DATA2,DATA3


A buffer to place encrypted/decrypted data. Must be at least len long. It may be set equal to in, in which case the input buffer is overwritten.

Function loads given register with provided input data. Triggers CRYPTO to perform sequence of instructions and read specified output register to output buffer.

Definition at line 2310 of file platform/emlib/src/em_crypto.c

Macro Definition Documentation#



The maximum number of crypto instructions in an instruction sequence.

Definition at line 550 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h



Default instruction sequence consisting of all ENDs.

The user can initialize the instruction sequence with this default value set and fill in the desired operations from step 1. The first END instruction marks the end of the sequence.

Definition at line 565 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_crypto.h