ROMTABLE_TypeDef Struct ReferenceDevices > EZR32HG_ROMTABLE

Definition at line 47 of file ezr32hg_romtable.h .

Data Fields

__IM uint32_t CID0
__IM uint32_t PID0
__IM uint32_t PID1
__IM uint32_t PID2
__IM uint32_t PID3
__IM uint32_t PID4
__IM uint32_t PID5
__IM uint32_t PID6
__IM uint32_t PID7

Field Documentation

__IM uint32_t ROMTABLE_TypeDef::CID0


Definition at line 56 of file ezr32hg_romtable.h .

__IM uint32_t ROMTABLE_TypeDef::PID0

Chip family LSB, chip major revision

Definition at line 52 of file ezr32hg_romtable.h .

__IM uint32_t ROMTABLE_TypeDef::PID1

JEP_106_NO, Chip family MSB

Definition at line 53 of file ezr32hg_romtable.h .

__IM uint32_t ROMTABLE_TypeDef::PID2

Chip minor rev MSB, JEP_106_PRESENT, JEP_106_NO

Definition at line 54 of file ezr32hg_romtable.h .

__IM uint32_t ROMTABLE_TypeDef::PID3

Chip minor rev LSB

Definition at line 55 of file ezr32hg_romtable.h .

__IM uint32_t ROMTABLE_TypeDef::PID4


Definition at line 48 of file ezr32hg_romtable.h .

__IM uint32_t ROMTABLE_TypeDef::PID5


Definition at line 49 of file ezr32hg_romtable.h .

__IM uint32_t ROMTABLE_TypeDef::PID6


Definition at line 50 of file ezr32hg_romtable.h .

__IM uint32_t ROMTABLE_TypeDef::PID7


Definition at line 51 of file ezr32hg_romtable.h .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • C:/repos/super_h1/platform/Device/SiliconLabs/EZR32HG/Include/ ezr32hg_romtable.h