EM_TypeDef Struct ReferenceKit Drivers > SegmentLcd

Defines segment COM and BIT fields for Energy Modes on display.

Definition at line 99 of file segmentlcd.c .

Data Fields

uint8_t bit [5]
uint8_t com [5]

Field Documentation

uint8_t EM_TypeDef::bit[5]

LCD bit number

Definition at line 101 of file segmentlcd.c .

uint8_t EM_TypeDef::com[5]

LCD COM line (for multiplexing)

Definition at line 100 of file segmentlcd.c .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • C:/cygwin/home/caamunds/work/super/hardware/kit/common/drivers/ segmentlcd.c