Data Structures

union tVectorEntry


void ACMP0_IRQHandler (void)
void ADC0_IRQHandler (void)
Interrupt handler is executed with frequency ~28Hz when panel is not pressed and with frequency ~140Hz when panel is pressed - this will give ~50 readings per second.
void AES_IRQHandler (void)
void BURTC_IRQHandler (void)
void BusFault_Handler (void)
void CMU_IRQHandler (void)
void DAC0_IRQHandler (void)
void DebugMon_Handler (void)
void DMA_IRQHandler (void)
Interrupt handler for the DMA cycle completion handling.
void EBI_IRQHandler (void)
void EMU_IRQHandler (void)
EMU Interrupt Handler.
void GPIO_EVEN_IRQHandler (void)
void GPIO_ODD_IRQHandler (void)
void HardFault_Handler (void)
void I2C0_IRQHandler (void)
void I2C1_IRQHandler (void)
void LCD_IRQHandler (void)
void LESENSE_IRQHandler (void)
LESENSE interrupt handler.
void LETIMER0_IRQHandler (void)
void LEUART0_IRQHandler (void)
void LEUART1_IRQHandler (void)
void MemManage_Handler (void)
void MSC_IRQHandler (void)
void NMI_Handler (void)
void PCNT0_IRQHandler (void)
void PCNT1_IRQHandler (void)
void PCNT2_IRQHandler (void)
void PendSV_Handler (void)
void Reset_Handler (void)
void RTC_IRQHandler (void)
void SVC_Handler (void)
uint32_t SystemCoreClockGet (void)
Get the current core clock frequency.
static __INLINE void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
Update CMSIS SystemCoreClock variable.
uint32_t SystemHFClockGet (void)
Get the current HFCLK frequency.
uint32_t SystemHFXOClockGet (void)
Get high frequency crystal oscillator clock frequency for target system.
void SystemHFXOClockSet (uint32_t freq)
Set high frequency crystal oscillator clock frequency for target system.
void SystemInit (void)
Initialize the system.
uint32_t SystemLFRCOClockGet (void)
Get low frequency RC oscillator clock frequency for target system.
uint32_t SystemLFXOClockGet (void)
Get low frequency crystal oscillator clock frequency for target system.
void SystemLFXOClockSet (uint32_t freq)
Set low frequency crystal oscillator clock frequency for target system.
uint32_t SystemMaxCoreClockGet (void)
Get the maximum core clock frequency.
uint32_t SystemULFRCOClockGet (void)
Get ultra low frequency RC oscillator clock frequency for target system.
void SysTick_Handler (void)
Interrupt Service Routine for system tick counter.
void TIMER0_IRQHandler (void)
TIMER0 interrupt handler.
void TIMER1_IRQHandler (void)
void TIMER2_IRQHandler (void)
void TIMER3_IRQHandler (void)
void UART0_RX_IRQHandler (void)
void UART0_TX_IRQHandler (void)
void UART1_RX_IRQHandler (void)
void UART1_TX_IRQHandler (void)
void UsageFault_Handler (void)
void USART0_RX_IRQHandler (void)
void USART0_TX_IRQHandler (void)
void USART1_RX_IRQHandler (void)
void USART1_TX_IRQHandler (void)
void USART2_RX_IRQHandler (void)
void USART2_TX_IRQHandler (void)
void USB_IRQHandler (void)
void VCMP_IRQHandler (void)


uint32_t SystemCoreClock
System System Clock Frequency (Core Clock).

Function Documentation

void ACMP0_IRQHandler ( void )

ACMP0 IRQ Handler

void AES_IRQHandler ( void )

AES IRQ Handler

void BURTC_IRQHandler ( void )


void BusFault_Handler ( void )

Bus Fault Handler

void CMU_IRQHandler ( void )

CMU IRQ Handler

void DAC0_IRQHandler ( void )

DAC0 IRQ Handler

void DebugMon_Handler ( void )

Debug Monitor Handler

void DMA_IRQHandler ( void )

Interrupt handler for the DMA cycle completion handling.

DMA IRQ Handler

Clears any pending flags and calls registered callback (if any).

If using the default interrupt vector table setup provided, this function is automatically placed in the IRQ table due to weak linking. If taking control over the interrupt vector table in some other way, this interrupt handler must be installed to support callback actions.

For the user to implement a custom IRQ handler or run without a DMA IRQ handler, define EXCLUDE_DEFAULT_DMA_IRQ_HANDLER with a #define statement or with the compiler option -D.

Definition at line 264 of file em_dma.c .

References DMA_CB_TypeDef::cbFunc , DMA_CB_TypeDef::primary , and DMA_CB_TypeDef::userPtr .

void EBI_IRQHandler ( void )

EBI IRQ Handler

void EMU_IRQHandler ( void )

EMU Interrupt Handler.

EMU IRQ Handler

The EMU_IRQHandler provided by TEMPDRV will call TEMPDRV_IRQ_Handler. Configure EMU_CUSTOM_IRQ_HANDLER = true if the application wants to implement its own EMU_IRQHandler. This is typically needed if one of the non-temperature related EMU interrupt flags are in use.

Definition at line 100 of file tempdrv.c .

References TEMPDRV_IRQHandler() .

void GPIO_EVEN_IRQHandler ( void )


Referenced by GPIOINT_CallbackRegister() .

void GPIO_ODD_IRQHandler ( void )


Referenced by GPIOINT_CallbackRegister() .

void HardFault_Handler ( void )

Hard Fault Handler

void I2C0_IRQHandler ( void )

I2C0 IRQ Handler

void I2C1_IRQHandler ( void )

I2C1 IRQ Handler

void LCD_IRQHandler ( void )

LCD IRQ Handler

void LESENSE_IRQHandler ( void )

LESENSE interrupt handler.


Definition at line 354 of file caplesense.c .

References channelMaxValues , channelsInUse , channelValues , currentChannel , LESENSE_IntClear() , LESENSE_IntGetEnabled() , LESENSE_ScanResultDataGet() , lesenseChCb , and lesenseScanCb .

void LETIMER0_IRQHandler ( void )


void LEUART0_IRQHandler ( void )


void LEUART1_IRQHandler ( void )


void MemManage_Handler ( void )

MPU Fault Handler

MemManage exception handler.

Definition at line 341 of file sl_mpu.c .

References mpu_fault_handler() .

void MSC_IRQHandler ( void )

MSC IRQ Handler

void NMI_Handler ( void )

NMI Handler

void PCNT0_IRQHandler ( void )

PCNT0 IRQ Handler

void PCNT1_IRQHandler ( void )

PCNT1 IRQ Handler

void PCNT2_IRQHandler ( void )

PCNT2 IRQ Handler

void PendSV_Handler ( void )

PendSV Handler

void Reset_Handler ( void )

Reset Handler

void RTC_IRQHandler ( void )

RTC IRQ Handler

Definition at line 160 of file sl_sleeptimer_hal_rtc.c .

References CORE_DECLARE_IRQ_STATE , CORE_ENTER_ATOMIC , CORE_EXIT_ATOMIC , RTC_CompareSet() , RTC_IntClear() , and RTC_IntGet() .

void SVC_Handler ( void )

SVCall Handler

uint32_t SystemCoreClockGet ( void )

Get the current core clock frequency.

Calculate and get the current core clock frequency based on the current configuration. Assuming that the SystemCoreClock global variable is maintained, the core clock frequency is stored in that variable as well. This function will however calculate the core clock based on actual HW configuration. It will also update the SystemCoreClock global variable.

This is an EFM32 proprietary function, not part of the CMSIS definition.
The current core clock frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 125 of file system_efm32gg.c .

References SystemCoreClock , and SystemHFClockGet() .

Referenced by CMU_ClockDivSet() , CMU_ClockFreqGet() , CMU_ClockSelectSet() , CMU_HFRCOBandSet() , SystemCoreClockUpdate() , SystemHFXOClockSet() , SystemLFXOClockSet() , TFT_AddressMappedInit() , and TFT_DirectInit() .

static __INLINE void SystemCoreClockUpdate ( void )

Update CMSIS SystemCoreClock variable.

CMSIS defines a global variable SystemCoreClock that shall hold the core frequency in Hz. If the core frequency is dynamically changed, the variable must be kept updated in order to be CMSIS compliant.

Notice that if only changing core clock frequency through the EFM32 CMU API, this variable will be kept updated. This function is only provided for CMSIS compliance and if a user modifies the the core clock outside the CMU API.

Definition at line 145 of file system_efm32gg.h .

References SystemCoreClockGet() .

Referenced by CAPLESENSE_setupCMU() , EMU_EnterEM2() , and EMU_EnterEM3() .

uint32_t SystemHFClockGet ( void )

Get the current HFCLK frequency.

This is an EFM32 proprietary function, not part of the CMSIS definition.
The current HFCLK frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 168 of file system_efm32gg.c .

References EFM32_LFRCO_FREQ , and GetProdRev() .

Referenced by CMU_ClockDivSet() , CMU_ClockFreqGet() , and SystemCoreClockGet() .

uint32_t SystemHFXOClockGet ( void )

Get high frequency crystal oscillator clock frequency for target system.

This is an EFM32 proprietary function, not part of the CMSIS definition.
HFXO frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 253 of file system_efm32gg.c .

Referenced by CMU_ClockSelectSet() , CMU_HFXOInit() , USBD_Init() , and USBH_Init() .

void SystemHFXOClockSet ( uint32_t freq )

Set high frequency crystal oscillator clock frequency for target system.

This function is mainly provided for being able to handle target systems with different HF crystal oscillator frequencies run-time. If used, it should probably only be used once during system startup.
This is an EFM32 proprietary function, not part of the CMSIS definition.
[in] freq HFXO frequency in Hz used for target.

Definition at line 278 of file system_efm32gg.c .

References SystemCoreClockGet() .

Referenced by BSP_initClocks() .

void SystemInit ( void )

Initialize the system.

Do required generic HW system init.

This function is invoked during system init, before the main() routine and any data has been initialized. For this reason, it cannot do any initialization of variables etc.

Definition at line 306 of file system_efm32gg.c .

uint32_t SystemLFRCOClockGet ( void )

Get low frequency RC oscillator clock frequency for target system.

This is an EFM32 proprietary function, not part of the CMSIS definition.
LFRCO frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 327 of file system_efm32gg.c .

References EFM32_LFRCO_FREQ .

Referenced by BURTC_ClockFreqGet() .

uint32_t SystemLFXOClockGet ( void )

Get low frequency crystal oscillator clock frequency for target system.

This is an EFM32 proprietary function, not part of the CMSIS definition.
LFXO frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 361 of file system_efm32gg.c .

Referenced by BURTC_ClockFreqGet() , and UARTDRV_InitLeuart() .

void SystemLFXOClockSet ( uint32_t freq )

Set low frequency crystal oscillator clock frequency for target system.

This function is mainly provided for being able to handle target systems with different HF crystal oscillator frequencies run-time. If used, it should probably only be used once during system startup.
This is an EFM32 proprietary function, not part of the CMSIS definition.
[in] freq LFXO frequency in Hz used for target.

Definition at line 386 of file system_efm32gg.c .

References SystemCoreClockGet() .

Referenced by BSP_initClocks() .

uint32_t SystemMaxCoreClockGet ( void )

Get the maximum core clock frequency.

This is an EFM32 proprietary function, not part of the CMSIS definition.
The maximum core clock frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 149 of file system_efm32gg.c .

References EFM32_HFRCO_MAX_FREQ , and EFM32_HFXO_FREQ .

uint32_t SystemULFRCOClockGet ( void )

Get ultra low frequency RC oscillator clock frequency for target system.

This is an EFM32 proprietary function, not part of the CMSIS definition.
ULFRCO frequency in Hz.

Definition at line 345 of file system_efm32gg.c .

References EFM32_ULFRCO_FREQ .

Referenced by BURTC_ClockFreqGet() .

void SysTick_Handler ( void )

Interrupt Service Routine for system tick counter.

SysTick Handler


Definition at line 82 of file util.c .

void TIMER0_IRQHandler ( void )

TIMER0 interrupt handler.

TIMER0 IRQ Handler

When TIMER0 expires the number of pulses on TIMER1 is inserted into channelValues. If this values is bigger than what is recorded in channelMaxValues, channelMaxValues is updated. Finally, the next ACMP channel is selected.

Definition at line 119 of file capsense.c .

References channelMaxValues , channelValues , and currentChannel .

void TIMER1_IRQHandler ( void )

TIMER1 IRQ Handler

void TIMER2_IRQHandler ( void )

TIMER2 IRQ Handler

void TIMER3_IRQHandler ( void )

TIMER3 IRQ Handler

void UART0_RX_IRQHandler ( void )

UART0 RX IRQ Handler

void UART0_TX_IRQHandler ( void )

UART0 TX IRQ Handler

void UART1_RX_IRQHandler ( void )

UART1 RX IRQ Handler

void UART1_TX_IRQHandler ( void )

UART1 TX IRQ Handler

void UsageFault_Handler ( void )

Usage Fault Handler

void USART0_RX_IRQHandler ( void )


void USART0_TX_IRQHandler ( void )


void USART1_RX_IRQHandler ( void )


void USART1_TX_IRQHandler ( void )


void USART2_RX_IRQHandler ( void )


void USART2_TX_IRQHandler ( void )


void USB_IRQHandler ( void )

USB IRQ Handler

void VCMP_IRQHandler ( void )

VCMP IRQ Handler

Variable Documentation

uint32_t SystemCoreClock

System System Clock Frequency (Core Clock).

System Clock Frequency (Core Clock)

Required CMSIS global variable that must be kept up-to-date.

Definition at line 102 of file system_efm32gg.c .

Referenced by SystemCoreClockGet() .