TWT request structure to configure a session.

Public Attributes#


Nominal minimum wake duration. Range : 0 - 255.


Tolerance allowed for wake duration in case of suggest TWT. Received TWT wake duration from AP will be validated against tolerance limits and decided if TWT config received is in acceptable range. Range : 0 - 255.


Wake interval exponent to the base 2. Range : 0 - 31.


Tolerance allowed for wake_int_exp in case of suggest TWT request. Received TWT wake interval exponent from AP will be validated against tolerance limits and decided if TWT config received is in acceptable range. Range : 0 - 31.


Wake interval mantissa. Range : 0 - 65535.


Tolerance allowed for wake_int_mantissa in case of suggest TWT. Received TWT wake interval mantissa from AP will be validated against tolerance limits and decided if TWT config received is in acceptable range. Range : 0 - 65535.


If enabled (1), the TWT requesting STA calculates the next TWT by adding a fixed value to the current TWT value. Explicit TWT is currently not allowed.


If enabled (1), the TWT requesting STA does not announce its wake up to AP through PS-POLLs or UAPSD Trigger frames. Values : 0 or 1.


If enabled(1), at least one trigger frame is included in the TWT Service Period(TSP). Values : 0 or 1.


Negotiation type : 0 - Individual TWT; 1 - Broadcast TWT.


Currently this configuration is not supported. Range : 0 - 7.


If enabled (1), TSP is protected. This is negotiable with AP. Currently this is not supported. Values : 0 or 1.


TWT session flow id. 0 - 7 valid. 0xFF to disable all active TWT sessions.


1 - Any Tx outside the TSP is restricted. 0 - TX can happen outside the TSP also.


TWT retry limit. Range : 0 - 15.


TWT retry interval in seconds between two twt requests. Range : 5 - 255.


TWT request type. 0 - Request TWT; 1 - Suggest TWT; 2 - Demand TWT.


TWT enable. 0 - TWT session teardown; 1 - TWT session setup.


Wake duration unit. 0 - 256 microseconds ; 1 - 1024 microseconds.

Public Attribute Documentation#


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::wake_duration

Nominal minimum wake duration. Range : 0 - 255.

Definition at line 318 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::wake_duration_tol

Tolerance allowed for wake duration in case of suggest TWT. Received TWT wake duration from AP will be validated against tolerance limits and decided if TWT config received is in acceptable range. Range : 0 - 255.

Definition at line 320 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::wake_int_exp

Wake interval exponent to the base 2. Range : 0 - 31.

Definition at line 321 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::wake_int_exp_tol

Tolerance allowed for wake_int_exp in case of suggest TWT request. Received TWT wake interval exponent from AP will be validated against tolerance limits and decided if TWT config received is in acceptable range. Range : 0 - 31.

Definition at line 323 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint16_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::wake_int_mantissa

Wake interval mantissa. Range : 0 - 65535.

Definition at line 324 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint16_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::wake_int_mantissa_tol

Tolerance allowed for wake_int_mantissa in case of suggest TWT. Received TWT wake interval mantissa from AP will be validated against tolerance limits and decided if TWT config received is in acceptable range. Range : 0 - 65535.

Definition at line 326 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::implicit_twt

If enabled (1), the TWT requesting STA calculates the next TWT by adding a fixed value to the current TWT value. Explicit TWT is currently not allowed.

Definition at line 328 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::un_announced_twt

If enabled (1), the TWT requesting STA does not announce its wake up to AP through PS-POLLs or UAPSD Trigger frames. Values : 0 or 1.

Definition at line 330 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::triggered_twt

If enabled(1), at least one trigger frame is included in the TWT Service Period(TSP). Values : 0 or 1.

Definition at line 332 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::negotiation_type

Negotiation type : 0 - Individual TWT; 1 - Broadcast TWT.

Definition at line 333 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::twt_channel

Currently this configuration is not supported. Range : 0 - 7.

Definition at line 334 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::twt_protection

If enabled (1), TSP is protected. This is negotiable with AP. Currently this is not supported. Values : 0 or 1.

Definition at line 336 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::twt_flow_id

TWT session flow id. 0 - 7 valid. 0xFF to disable all active TWT sessions.

Definition at line 337 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::restrict_tx_outside_tsp

1 - Any Tx outside the TSP is restricted. 0 - TX can happen outside the TSP also.

Definition at line 339 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::twt_retry_limit

TWT retry limit. Range : 0 - 15.

Definition at line 340 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::twt_retry_interval

TWT retry interval in seconds between two twt requests. Range : 5 - 255.

Definition at line 341 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::req_type

TWT request type. 0 - Request TWT; 1 - Suggest TWT; 2 - Demand TWT.

Definition at line 342 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::twt_enable

TWT enable. 0 - TWT session teardown; 1 - TWT session setup.

Definition at line 343 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h


uint8_t sl_wifi_twt_request_t::wake_duration_unit

Wake duration unit. 0 - 256 microseconds ; 1 - 1024 microseconds.

Definition at line 344 of file components/protocol/wifi/inc/sl_wifi_types.h