Trust Center Keepalive#

Callbacks for Trust Center Keepalive Component.


sl_zigbee_af_trust_center_keepalive_overwrite_default_timing_cb(uint16_t *baseTimeSeconds, uint16_t *jitterTimeSeconds)

Overwrite default timing parameters. This function is called by the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin when the Trust Center Keep Alive process is started. Applications may consume this callback and have it return true to have the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code to start the keep alive process with timing parameters other than the default values. If this callback returns false, the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code will proceed to start with the default timing parameters.


Read attributes response callback.


Connectivity established. This function is called by the Trust Center Keepalive plugin when a read attribute response command from the trust center is received after trust center connectivity had previously been lost. This function is also called after a match descriptor response.


Serverless Keepalive supported. This function is called by the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin when service discovery receives a response indicating that the server does not support the cluster. Applications may consume this callback and have it return true to have the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code to still start the keep alive process even if the server cluster is not discovered. If this callback returns false, the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code will only proceed to start the process in case the service discovery was successful.


Serverless Keepalive enabled. This function is called by the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin when a service discovery is done, a response has arrived and sl_zigbee_af_trust_center_keepalive_serverless_is_supported_cb() returned true. Applications may consume this callback and have it return true to have the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code to start the keep alive process right away. If this callback returns false, the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code will return to the disabled state waiting to be enabled.

Callbacks Documentation#


bool sl_zigbee_af_trust_center_keepalive_overwrite_default_timing_cb (uint16_t * baseTimeSeconds, uint16_t * jitterTimeSeconds)

Overwrite default timing parameters. This function is called by the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin when the Trust Center Keep Alive process is started. Applications may consume this callback and have it return true to have the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code to start the keep alive process with timing parameters other than the default values. If this callback returns false, the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code will proceed to start with the default timing parameters.


time for keep alive signalling to be set in seconds


time for keep alive signalling to be set in seconds


  • bool

Definition at line 116 of file app/framework/plugin/trust-center-keepalive/trust-center-keepalive.h


void sli_zigbee_af_trust_center_keepalive_read_attributes_response_callback (uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t bufLen)

Read attributes response callback.


Ver.: always


Ver.: always

Definition at line 125 of file app/framework/plugin/trust-center-keepalive/trust-center-keepalive.h


bool sl_zigbee_af_trust_center_keepalive_timeout_cb (void )



This function is called by the Trust Center Keepalive plugin when the Trust Center fails to acknowledge enough keepalive messages. Upon timing out, the Trust Center Keepalive plugin code will initiate a search for a new Trust Center, which falls in line with the Trust Center Swapout feature. Applications may consume this callback and have it return true in order to prevent the Trust Center Keepalive plugin code from issuing a Trust Center (insecure) rejoin. Doing so will also give the application a chance to implement its own rejoin algorithm or logic. If this callback returns false, the Trust Center Keepalive plugin code will proceed with issuing a Trust Center rejoin.


  • bool

Definition at line 144 of file app/framework/plugin/trust-center-keepalive/trust-center-keepalive.h


void sl_zigbee_af_trust_center_keepalive_connectivity_established_cb (void )

Connectivity established. This function is called by the Trust Center Keepalive plugin when a read attribute response command from the trust center is received after trust center connectivity had previously been lost. This function is also called after a match descriptor response.


Definition at line 152 of file app/framework/plugin/trust-center-keepalive/trust-center-keepalive.h


bool sl_zigbee_af_trust_center_keepalive_serverless_is_supported_cb (void )

Serverless Keepalive supported. This function is called by the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin when service discovery receives a response indicating that the server does not support the cluster. Applications may consume this callback and have it return true to have the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code to still start the keep alive process even if the server cluster is not discovered. If this callback returns false, the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code will only proceed to start the process in case the service discovery was successful.



  • bool

Definition at line 167 of file app/framework/plugin/trust-center-keepalive/trust-center-keepalive.h


bool sl_zigbee_af_trust_center_keepalive_serverless_is_enabled_cb (void )

Serverless Keepalive enabled. This function is called by the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin when a service discovery is done, a response has arrived and sl_zigbee_af_trust_center_keepalive_serverless_is_supported_cb() returned true. Applications may consume this callback and have it return true to have the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code to start the keep alive process right away. If this callback returns false, the Trust Center Keep Alive plugin code will return to the disabled state waiting to be enabled.



  • bool

Definition at line 181 of file app/framework/plugin/trust-center-keepalive/trust-center-keepalive.h