HTTP Upload


This application note describes the procedure for using the http_upload command.


This demonstration uses a Silabs Moray evaluation board, but it works for any board with a Gecko OS device. This assumes the module is configured the default factory settings.

Open a Gecko OS terminal to the module and configure the module to connect to your local network as follows:

set wlan.ssid               <YOUR SSID>
set wlan.passkey            <YOUR PASSWORD>
set wlan.auto_join.enabled  1

In an application that uses the http_upload command, a server is required to process the POST requests generated by the command.

Download the file upload server python script: (Python 2.7).

This HTTP server responds to file upload POST requests by saving the file in its working directory. The server also outputs details of each request on stdout.

Copy the downloaded script to a directory on your server computer.

Run the server from the directory containing the script. The server computer must be connected to the same network as the Gecko OS device. The output is similar to the following:

You can specify server port as an argument, e.g. 8003. Default port:8000
Serving at: http://localhost:8000
<Server IP>:

Note the local IP address of the computer running the server. Depending on the server computer configuration, the python script may display the local IP address correctly (shown as above). However if or similar is displayed, use another method to obtain the server local IP address. This needs to be substituted for the symbol <Server_IP> in the Gecko OS command sequences below.

In the example output below:

Creating Test Files

First create two test files on your module.

In the Gecko OS terminal, enter the following command sequence:

Gecko OS Commands Description

fcr test1.txt 9
fcr test2.txt 9

Create test1.txt
Create test2.txt

Uploading a Single File

The simplest way to use http_upload command is to upload a single file.

In the Gecko OS terminal, enter the following command sequence:

Gecko OS Commands Description

http_upload <Server IP>:8000 test1.txt

Upload a single file to the test server

The output is similar to the following:

Successful Upload:
from host: port:15294 - - [30/Sep/2015 15:57:11] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

The file has been uploaded to the server script directory.

The Gecko OS terminal output is similar to the following:

Uploading: test1.txt to server
Request POST /
Connecting (http):
HTTP response: 200

Uploading a Single File with a Different Remote File Name

You can specify a remote file name that is different to the original file name on the module.

In the Gecko OS terminal, enter the following command sequence:

Gecko OS Commands Description

http_upload <Server IP>:8000 test1.txt testOne.txt

Upload a single file to the test server

The output is similar to the following:

Successful Upload:
from host: port:20295 - - [30/Sep/2015 16:08:21] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

The Gecko OS terminal output is the same as for the previous example.

Uploading Multiple Files

You can upload multiple files with a single command using a manifest. The simplest manifest specifies only the server and the file names, for example:

  "path" : "",
  "files" : [
    "local"  : "test1.txt",
    "local"  : "test2.txt",

The manifest is in json format. You cannot include comments in the json.

The length of the above manifest is 140 characters, assuming the manifest line endings are <LF> , not <CR><LF> . Determine the length depending on the system you use to prepare your manifest.

In the Gecko OS terminal, enter the following command sequence:

Gecko OS Commands Description

http_upload -m 140
  "path" : "",
  "files" : [
    "local"  : "test1.txt",
    "local"  : "test2.txt",

Upload multiple files specifying manifest length of 140
Directly after issuing the command,
paste the manifest text into the Gecko OS terminal.

The output is similar to the following:

Successful Upload:
from host: port:40299 - - [30/Sep/2015 16:22:09] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Successful Upload:
from host: port:45300 - - [30/Sep/2015 16:22:09] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

The files have been uploaded to the server script directory.

The Gecko OS terminal output is similar to the following:

Uploading: test1.txt to server
Request POST /
Connecting (http):
HTTP response: 200
Uploading: test2.txt to server
Request POST /
Connecting (http):
HTTP response: 200

Uploading Multiple Files Specifying Remote Names and Mime Types

To specify remote names and mime types, add the required properties according to the description in http_upload . For example,

In the Gecko OS terminal, enter the following command sequence:

Gecko OS Commands Description

http_upload -m 311
  "path" : "",
  "files" : [
    "local"  : "test1.txt",
    "remote" : "FirstTest.txt",
    "name"   : "file",
    "type"   : "text/plain"
    "local"  : "test2.txt",
    "remote" : "SecondTest.txt",
    "name"   : "file",
"type" : "text/plain" }, ] }

Upload multiple files specifying manifest length of 311
Directly after issuing the command,
paste the manifest text into the Gecko OS terminal.

Note that the "name" property is set to the default value of "file" . The script assumes the form-data name property is set to file .

The output is similar to the following:

Successful Upload:
from host: port:36013 - - [30/Sep/2015 17:06:30] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Successful Upload:
from host: port:41014 - - [30/Sep/2015 17:06:30] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

The files have been uploaded to the server script directory.

The Gecko OS terminal output is the same as for the previous example.

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2015-09-30 Created