IDAC_Init_TypeDef Struct Reference

IDAC initialization structure, common for both channels.

#include <em_idac.h>

Data Fields

bool enable
Enable IDAC.
IDAC_OutMode_TypeDef outMode
Output mode.
bool prsEnable
Enables Peripheral reflex system (PRS) to control IDAC output.
IDAC_PRSSEL_TypeDef prsSel
Peripheral reflex system channel selection.
bool sinkEnable
Enable/disable current sink mode.

IDAC initialization structure, common for both channels.

Field Documentation


bool IDAC_Init_TypeDef::enable

Enable IDAC.


IDAC_OutMode_TypeDef IDAC_Init_TypeDef::outMode

Output mode.


bool IDAC_Init_TypeDef::prsEnable

Enables Peripheral reflex system (PRS) to control IDAC output.

If false, IDAC output is controlled by writing to IDAC_OUTEN in IDAC_CTRL or by calling IDAC_OutEnable() .


IDAC_PRSSEL_TypeDef IDAC_Init_TypeDef::prsSel

Peripheral reflex system channel selection.

Only applicable if prsEnable is enabled.


bool IDAC_Init_TypeDef::sinkEnable

Enable/disable current sink mode.