DMA_CfgRect_TypeDef Struct Reference

Configuration structure for rectangular copy.

#include <em_dma.h>

Data Fields

uint16_t dstStride
DMA channel destination stride (width of destination image, distance between lines).
uint16_t srcStride
DMA channel source stride (width of source image, distance between lines).
uint16_t height
2D copy height.

Configuration structure for rectangular copy.

Field Documentation


uint16_t DMA_CfgRect_TypeDef::dstStride

DMA channel destination stride (width of destination image, distance between lines).


uint16_t DMA_CfgRect_TypeDef::srcStride

DMA channel source stride (width of source image, distance between lines).


uint16_t DMA_CfgRect_TypeDef::height

2D copy height.