EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef Struct Reference

SPI Advanced initialization structure.

#include <em_eusart.h>

Data Fields

EUSART_CsPolarity_TypeDef csPolarity
Chip select polarity.
EUSART_InvertIO_TypeDef invertIO
Enable inversion of RX and/or TX signals.
bool autoCsEnable
Enable automatic chip select. CS is managed by the peripheral.
bool msbFirst
If true, data will be send with most significant bit first.
uint8_t autoCsSetupTime
Auto CS setup time (before transmission) in baud cycles. Acceptable value ( 0 to 7 baud cycle).
uint8_t autoCsHoldTime
Auto CS hold time (after transmission) in baud cycles. Acceptable value ( 0 to 7 baud cycle).
uint8_t autoInterFrameTime
Inter-frame time in baud cycles. Acceptable value ( 0 to 7 baud cycle).
bool autoTxEnable
Enable AUTOTX mode.
uint16_t defaultTxData
Default transmitted data when the TXFIFO is empty.
bool dmaWakeUpOnRx
Enable the automatic wake up from EM2 to EM1 for DMA RX operation.
bool prsRxEnable
Enable EUSART capability to use a PRS channel as an input data line for the receiver.
EUSART_PrsChannel_TypeDef prsRxChannel
PRS Channel used to transmit data from PRS to the EUSART.
bool prsClockEnable
Enable EUSART capability to use a PRS channel as an input SPI Clock.
EUSART_PrsChannel_TypeDef prsClockChannel
PRS Channel used to transmit SCLK from PRS to the EUSART.
EUSART_RxFifoWatermark_TypeDef RxFifoWatermark
Interrupt and status level of the Receive FIFO.
EUSART_TxFifoWatermark_TypeDef TxFifoWatermark
Interrupt and status level of the Receive FIFO.
bool forceLoad
Force load the first FIFO value.
uint8_t setupWindow
Setup window in bus clock cycles before the sampling edge of SCLK at word-boundary to avoid force load error.

SPI Advanced initialization structure.

Field Documentation


EUSART_CsPolarity_TypeDef EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::csPolarity

Chip select polarity.


EUSART_InvertIO_TypeDef EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::invertIO

Enable inversion of RX and/or TX signals.


bool EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::autoCsEnable

Enable automatic chip select. CS is managed by the peripheral.


bool EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::msbFirst

If true, data will be send with most significant bit first.


uint8_t EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::autoCsSetupTime

Auto CS setup time (before transmission) in baud cycles. Acceptable value ( 0 to 7 baud cycle).


uint8_t EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::autoCsHoldTime

Auto CS hold time (after transmission) in baud cycles. Acceptable value ( 0 to 7 baud cycle).


uint8_t EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::autoInterFrameTime

Inter-frame time in baud cycles. Acceptable value ( 0 to 7 baud cycle).


bool EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::autoTxEnable

Enable AUTOTX mode.

Transmits as long as the RX FIFO is not full. Generates underflow interrupt if the TX FIFO is empty.


uint16_t EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::defaultTxData

Default transmitted data when the TXFIFO is empty.


bool EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::dmaWakeUpOnRx

Enable the automatic wake up from EM2 to EM1 for DMA RX operation.

Only applicable to EM2 (low frequency) capable EUSART instances.


bool EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::prsRxEnable

Enable EUSART capability to use a PRS channel as an input data line for the receiver.

The configured RX GPIO signal won't be routed to the EUSART receiver.


EUSART_PrsChannel_TypeDef EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::prsRxChannel

PRS Channel used to transmit data from PRS to the EUSART.


bool EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::prsClockEnable

Enable EUSART capability to use a PRS channel as an input SPI Clock.

Slave mode only.


EUSART_PrsChannel_TypeDef EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::prsClockChannel

PRS Channel used to transmit SCLK from PRS to the EUSART.


EUSART_RxFifoWatermark_TypeDef EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::RxFifoWatermark

Interrupt and status level of the Receive FIFO.


EUSART_TxFifoWatermark_TypeDef EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::TxFifoWatermark

Interrupt and status level of the Receive FIFO.


bool EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::forceLoad

Force load the first FIFO value.


uint8_t EUSART_SpiAdvancedInit_TypeDef::setupWindow

Setup window in bus clock cycles before the sampling edge of SCLK at word-boundary to avoid force load error.