Initialization structure.

Public Attributes#

Specifies whether TX and/or RX will be enabled when initialization completes.


EUSART reference clock assumed when configuring baud rate setup.


Desired baud rate.

Number of data bits in frame.

Parity mode to use.

Number of stop bits to use.

Majority Vote can be disabled for 16x, 8x and 6x oversampling modes.

Enable Loop Back configuration.

Advanced initialization structure pointer. It can be NULL.

Public Attribute Documentation#


EUSART_Enable_TypeDef EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef::enable

Specifies whether TX and/or RX will be enabled when initialization completes.

Definition at line 520 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_eusart.h


uint32_t EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef::refFreq

EUSART reference clock assumed when configuring baud rate setup.

Set to 0 if using currently configured reference clock.

Definition at line 524 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_eusart.h


uint32_t EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef::baudrate

Desired baud rate.

If set to 0, Auto Baud feature is enabled and the EUSART will wait for (0x55) frame to detect the Baudrate.

Definition at line 528 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_eusart.h


EUSART_OVS_TypeDef EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef::oversampling

Oversampling used.

Definition at line 531 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_eusart.h


EUSART_Databits_TypeDef EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef::databits

Number of data bits in frame.

Definition at line 534 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_eusart.h


EUSART_Parity_TypeDef EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef::parity

Parity mode to use.

Definition at line 537 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_eusart.h


EUSART_Stopbits_TypeDef EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef::stopbits

Number of stop bits to use.

Definition at line 540 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_eusart.h


EUSART_MajorityVote_TypeDef EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef::majorityVote

Majority Vote can be disabled for 16x, 8x and 6x oversampling modes.

Definition at line 543 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_eusart.h


EUSART_LoopbackEnable_TypeDef EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef::loopbackEnable

Enable Loop Back configuration.

Definition at line 546 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_eusart.h


EUSART_AdvancedInit_TypeDef* EUSART_UartInit_TypeDef::advancedSettings

Advanced initialization structure pointer. It can be NULL.

Definition at line 549 of file platform/emlib/inc/em_eusart.h