i2ccaptouch.c File Reference

I2C touch support on Touch Display.


Copyright 2018 Silicon Laboratories Inc. www.silabs.com

The licensor of this software is Silicon Laboratories Inc. Your use of this software is governed by the terms of Silicon Labs Master Software License Agreement (MSLA) available at www.silabs.com/about-us/legal/master-software-license-agreement. This software is distributed to you in Source Code format and is governed by the sections of the MSLA applicable to Source Code.

Definition in file i2ccaptouch.c .

#include " i2ccaptouch.h "
#include "captouchconfig.h"
#include "i2cspmconfig.h"
#include " i2cspm.h "
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "em_device.h"
#include " em_cmu.h "
#include " em_core.h "
#include " em_gpio.h "
#include " em_i2c.h "
#include " emstatus.h "
#include " ustimer.h "


uint32_t CAPT_enable (bool enable, bool wait)
Enable touch controller. When enabling this function will wait until the controller is started before returning.
uint32_t CAPT_getTouches ( CAPT_Touch *touchBuffer, uint8_t len, uint8_t *nTouches)
Update the list of registered touches This function also updates the list of new touches since last time CAPT_update was called.
uint32_t CAPT_init (void)
Initialize capacitive touch controller.
static I2C_TransferReturn_TypeDef controllerRead (void)
Read contents of all registers in the touch controller.
static uint32_t gpioInit (void)
Initialize all GPIO pins.
static uint32_t i2cInit (void)
Initialize I2C peripheral.
static uint32_t parseData ( CAPT_Touch *buffer, uint8_t len, uint8_t *nTouches)
Parse data from i2cReadBuffer into buffer.


static I2C_TypeDef * i2c = CAPT_CONFIG_I2C
static uint8_t i2cReadBuffer [CAPT_I2C_BUFFER_SIZE]
static volatile uint8_t samplesSinceLastUpdate = 0

Function Documentation

uint32_t CAPT_enable ( bool enable,
bool wait

Enable touch controller. When enabling this function will wait until the controller is started before returning.

enable If true the controller will be enabled, otherwise it will be disabled.
wait If true when enabling controller, wait for the touch controller to boot after enabling it. Has no effect when disabling the touch controller.
CAPT_OK on success.

Definition at line 116 of file i2ccaptouch.c .

References USTIMER_DeInit() , USTIMER_DelayIntSafe() , and USTIMER_Init() .

uint32_t CAPT_getTouches ( CAPT_Touch * touchBuffer,
uint8_t len,
uint8_t * nTouches

Update the list of registered touches This function also updates the list of new touches since last time CAPT_update was called.

*buffer Pointer to a buffer in which to store the CAPT_Touch structs
len Length (in number of CAPT_Touch elements) of the buffer
*nTouches Number of touches read out
CAPT_OK on success. CAPT_ERROR_PARSE_ERROR if data is invalid. CAPT_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if the buffer is too short. In this case as much data as possible is stored in the buffer. CAPT_ERROR_I2C_ERROR on I2C transfer error

Definition at line 164 of file i2ccaptouch.c .

References controllerRead() , and parseData() .

uint32_t CAPT_init ( void )

Initialize capacitive touch controller.

CAPT_OK on success

Definition at line 84 of file i2ccaptouch.c .

References gpioInit() , and i2cInit() .

static I2C_TransferReturn_TypeDef controllerRead ( void )

Read contents of all registers in the touch controller.

i2cTransferDone on success.

Definition at line 259 of file i2ccaptouch.c .

References I2CSPM_Transfer() .

Referenced by CAPT_getTouches() .

static uint32_t gpioInit ( void )

Initialize all GPIO pins.

CAPT_OK on success

Definition at line 204 of file i2ccaptouch.c .

Referenced by CAPT_init() .

static uint32_t i2cInit ( void )

Initialize I2C peripheral.

CAPT_OK on success

Definition at line 238 of file i2ccaptouch.c .

References I2CSPM_Init() .

Referenced by BOARD_init() , BSP_initBoard() , CAPT_init() , and I2CSPM_Init() .

static uint32_t parseData ( CAPT_Touch * buffer,
uint8_t len,
uint8_t * nTouches

Parse data from i2cReadBuffer into buffer.

*buffer Pointer to a buffer in which to store the CAPT_Touch structs
len Length (in number of CAPT_Touch elements) of the buffer
*nTouches Number of touches read out
CAPT_OK on success. CAPT_ERROR_PARSE_ERROR if data is invalid. CAPT_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if the buffer is too short. In this case as much data as possible is stored in the buffer.

Definition at line 319 of file i2ccaptouch.c .

Referenced by CAPT_getTouches() .