SI1133 - Ambient Light and UV Index Sensor

Detailed Description

Driver for the Silicon Labs Si1133 Ambient Light and UV sensor.

Data Structures

struct SI1133_Coeff_TypeDef
Structure to store the calculation coefficients.
struct SI1133_LuxCoeff_TypeDef
Structure to store the coefficients used for Lux calculation.
struct SI1133_Samples_TypeDef
Structure to store the data measured by the Si1133.


uint32_t SI1133_deInit (void)
Stops the measurements on all channel and waits until the chip goes to sleep state.
uint32_t SI1133_getHardwareID (uint8_t *hardwareID)
Reads Hardware ID from the SI1133 sensor.
uint32_t SI1133_getIrqStatus (uint8_t *irqStatus)
Reads the interrupt status register of the device.
int32_t SI1133_getLux (int32_t vis_high, int32_t vis_low, int32_t ir, SI1133_LuxCoeff_TypeDef *lk)
Compute lux value.
uint32_t SI1133_getMeasurement (float *lux, float *uvi)
Retrieve the sample values from the chip and convert them to lux and UV index values.
int32_t SI1133_getUv (int32_t uv, SI1133_Coeff_TypeDef *uk)
Compute UV index.
uint32_t SI1133_init (void)
Initializes the Si1133 chip.
uint32_t SI1133_measureLuxUvi (float *lux, float *uvi)
Measure lux and UV index using the Si1133 sensor.
uint32_t SI1133_measurementForce (void)
Sends a FORCE command to the Si1133.
uint32_t SI1133_measurementGet ( SI1133_Samples_TypeDef *samples)
Read samples from the Si1133 chip.
uint32_t SI1133_measurementPause (void)
Sends a PAUSE command to the Si1133.
uint32_t SI1133_measurementStart (void)
Sends a START command to the Si1133.
uint32_t SI1133_paramRead (uint8_t address)
Reads a parameter from the Si1133.
uint32_t SI1133_paramSet (uint8_t address, uint8_t value)
Writes a byte to an Si1133 Parameter.
uint32_t SI1133_registerBlockRead (uint8_t reg, uint8_t length, uint8_t *data)
Reads a block of data from the Si1133 sensor.
uint32_t SI1133_registerBlockWrite (uint8_t reg, uint8_t length, uint8_t *data)
Writes a block of data to the Si1133 sensor.
uint32_t SI1133_registerRead (uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data)
Reads register from the Si1133 sensor.
uint32_t SI1133_registerWrite (uint8_t reg, uint8_t data)
Writes register in the Si1133 sensor.
uint32_t SI1133_reset (void)
Resets the Si1133.
uint32_t SI1133_resetCmdCtr (void)
Sends a RESET COMMAND COUNTER command to the Si1133.
static uint32_t SI1133_sendCmd (uint8_t command)
Helper function to send a command to the Si1133.
static uint32_t SI1133_waitUntilSleep (void)
Waits until the Si1133 is sleeping before proceeding.

Error Codes

#define SI1133_OK 0x0000
#define SI1133_ERROR_SLEEP_FAILED 0x0002


#define SI1133_REG_PART_ID 0x00
#define SI1133_REG_HW_ID 0x01
#define SI1133_REG_REV_ID 0x02
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTIN0 0x0A
#define SI1133_REG_COMMAND 0x0B
#define SI1133_REG_IRQ_ENABLE 0x0F
#define SI1133_REG_RESPONSE1 0x10
#define SI1133_REG_RESPONSE0 0x11
#define SI1133_REG_IRQ_STATUS 0x12
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT0 0x13
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT1 0x14
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT2 0x15
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT3 0x16
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT4 0x17
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT5 0x18
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT6 0x19
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT7 0x1A
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT8 0x1B
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT9 0x1C
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT10 0x1D
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT11 0x1E
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT12 0x1F
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT13 0x20
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT14 0x21
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT15 0x22
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT16 0x23
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT17 0x24
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT18 0x25
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT19 0x26
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT20 0x27
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT21 0x28
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT22 0x29
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT23 0x2A
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT24 0x2B
#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT25 0x2C


#define SI1133_PARAM_I2C_ADDR 0x00
#define SI1133_PARAM_CH_LIST 0x01
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG0 0x02
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS0 0x03
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST0 0x04
#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG0 0x05
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG1 0x06
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS1 0x07
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST1 0x08
#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG1 0x09
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG2 0x0A
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS2 0x0B
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST2 0x0C
#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG2 0x0D
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG3 0x0E
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS3 0x0F
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST3 0x10
#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG3 0x11
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG4 0x12
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS4 0x13
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST4 0x14
#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG4 0x15
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG5 0x16
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS5 0x17
#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST5 0x18
#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG5 0x19
#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASRATE_H 0x1A
#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASRATE_L 0x1B
#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCOUNT0 0x1C
#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCOUNT1 0x1D
#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCOUNT2 0x1E
#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD0_H 0x25
#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD0_L 0x26
#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD1_H 0x27
#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD1_L 0x28
#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD2_H 0x29
#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD2_L 0x2A
#define SI1133_PARAM_BURST 0x2B


#define SI1133_CMD_RESET_CMD_CTR 0x00
#define SI1133_CMD_RESET 0x01
#define SI1133_CMD_NEW_ADDR 0x02
#define SI1133_CMD_FORCE_CH 0x11
#define SI1133_CMD_PAUSE_CH 0x12
#define SI1133_CMD_START 0x13
#define SI1133_CMD_PARAM_SET 0x80
#define SI1133_CMD_PARAM_QUERY 0x40


#define SI1133_RSP0_CHIPSTAT_MASK 0xE0
#define SI1133_RSP0_COUNTER_MASK 0x1F
#define SI1133_RSP0_SLEEP 0x20

Macro Definition Documentation

#define SI1133_CMD_FORCE_CH   0x11

Initiates a set of measurements specified in CHAN_LIST parameter

Definition at line 199 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_measurementForce() .

#define SI1133_CMD_NEW_ADDR   0x02

Stores the new I2C address

Definition at line 198 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_CMD_PARAM_QUERY   0x40

Reads a parameter

Definition at line 203 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_CMD_PARAM_SET   0x80

Sets a parameter

Definition at line 202 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_CMD_PAUSE_CH   0x12

Pauses autonomous measurements

Definition at line 200 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_measurementPause() .

#define SI1133_CMD_RESET   0x01

Forces a Reset

Definition at line 197 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_reset() .

#define SI1133_CMD_RESET_CMD_CTR   0x00

Resets the command counter

Definition at line 196 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_resetCmdCtr() , and SI1133_sendCmd() .

#define SI1133_CMD_START   0x13

Starts autonomous measurements

Definition at line 201 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_measurementStart() .

#define SI1133_ERROR_I2C_TRANSACTION_FAILED   0x0001

I2C transaction failed

Definition at line 73 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_registerBlockRead() , SI1133_registerBlockWrite() , SI1133_registerRead() , and SI1133_registerWrite() .

#define SI1133_ERROR_SLEEP_FAILED   0x0002

Entering sleep mode failed

Definition at line 74 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_waitUntilSleep() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG0   0x02

ADC config for Channel 0

Definition at line 154 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG1   0x06

ADC config for Channel 1

Definition at line 158 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG2   0x0A

ADC config for Channel 2

Definition at line 162 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG3   0x0E

ADC config for Channel 3

Definition at line 166 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG4   0x12

ADC config for Channel 4

Definition at line 170 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCCONFIG5   0x16

ADC config for Channel 5

Definition at line 174 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST0   0x04

ADC resolution, shift and threshold settings for Channel 0

Definition at line 156 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST1   0x08

ADC resolution, shift and threshold settings for Channel 1

Definition at line 160 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST2   0x0C

ADC resolution, shift and threshold settings for Channel 2

Definition at line 164 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST3   0x10

ADC resolution, shift and threshold settings for Channel 3

Definition at line 168 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST4   0x14

ADC resolution, shift and threshold settings for Channel 4

Definition at line 172 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCPOST5   0x18

ADC resolution, shift and threshold settings for Channel 5

Definition at line 176 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS0   0x03

ADC sensitivity setting for Channel 0

Definition at line 155 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS1   0x07

ADC sensitivity setting for Channel 1

Definition at line 159 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS2   0x0B

ADC sensitivity setting for Channel 2

Definition at line 163 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS3   0x0F

ADC sensitivity setting for Channel 3

Definition at line 167 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS4   0x13

ADC sensitivity setting for Channel 4

Definition at line 171 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_ADCSENS5   0x17

ADC sensitivity setting for Channel 5

Definition at line 175 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_BURST   0x2B

Burst enable and burst count

Definition at line 189 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_CH_LIST   0x01

Channel list

Definition at line 153 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_deInit() , and SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_PARAM_I2C_ADDR   0x00

I2C address

Definition at line 152 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG0   0x05

ADC measurement counter selection for Channel 0

Definition at line 157 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG1   0x09

ADC measurement counter selection for Channel 1

Definition at line 161 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG2   0x0D

ADC measurement counter selection for Channel 2

Definition at line 165 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG3   0x11

ADC measurement counter selection for Channel 3

Definition at line 169 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG4   0x15

ADC measurement counter selection for Channel 4

Definition at line 173 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCONFIG5   0x19

ADC measurement counter selection for Channel 5

Definition at line 177 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCOUNT0   0x1C

Measurement rate extension counter 0

Definition at line 180 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCOUNT1   0x1D

Measurement rate extension counter 1

Definition at line 181 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASCOUNT2   0x1E

Measurement rate extension counter 2

Definition at line 182 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASRATE_H   0x1A

Main measurement rate counter MSB

Definition at line 178 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_MEASRATE_L   0x1B

Main measurement rate counter LSB

Definition at line 179 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD0_H   0x25

Threshold level 0 MSB

Definition at line 183 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD0_L   0x26

Threshold level 0 LSB

Definition at line 184 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD1_H   0x27

Threshold level 1 MSB

Definition at line 185 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD1_L   0x28

Threshold level 1 LSB

Definition at line 186 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD2_H   0x29

Threshold level 2 MSB

Definition at line 187 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_PARAM_THRESHOLD2_L   0x2A

Threshold level 2 LSB

Definition at line 188 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_COMMAND   0x0B

Initiated action in Sensor when specific codes written here

Definition at line 115 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_reset() , and SI1133_sendCmd() .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTIN0   0x0A

Data for parameter table on PARAM_SET write to COMMAND register

Definition at line 114 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_paramSet() .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT0   0x13

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 120 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT1   0x14

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 121 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT10   0x1D

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 130 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT11   0x1E

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 131 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT12   0x1F

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 132 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT13   0x20

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 133 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT14   0x21

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 134 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT15   0x22

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 135 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT16   0x23

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 136 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT17   0x24

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 137 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT18   0x25

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 138 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT19   0x26

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 139 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT2   0x15

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 122 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT20   0x27

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 140 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT21   0x28

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 141 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT22   0x29

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 142 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT23   0x2A

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 143 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT24   0x2B

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 144 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT25   0x2C

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 145 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT3   0x16

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 123 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT4   0x17

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 124 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT5   0x18

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 125 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT6   0x19

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 126 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT7   0x1A

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 127 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT8   0x1B

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 128 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HOSTOUT9   0x1C

Captured Sensor Data

Definition at line 129 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_HW_ID   0x01

Hardware ID

Definition at line 112 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_REG_IRQ_ENABLE   0x0F

Interrupt enable

Definition at line 116 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

#define SI1133_REG_IRQ_STATUS   0x12

Interrupt status

Definition at line 119 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_getIrqStatus() , SI1133_measureLuxUvi() , and SI1133_measurementGet() .

#define SI1133_REG_PART_ID   0x00

Part ID

Definition at line 111 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_getHardwareID() .

#define SI1133_REG_RESPONSE0   0x11

Chip state and error status

Definition at line 118 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_paramSet() , SI1133_sendCmd() , and SI1133_waitUntilSleep() .

#define SI1133_REG_RESPONSE1   0x10

Contains the readback value from a param query or a param set command

Definition at line 117 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_paramRead() .

#define SI1133_REG_REV_ID   0x02

Hardware revision

Definition at line 113 of file si1133.h .

#define SI1133_RSP0_CHIPSTAT_MASK   0xE0

Chip state mask in Response0 register

Definition at line 210 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_waitUntilSleep() .

#define SI1133_RSP0_COUNTER_MASK   0x1F

Command counter and error indicator mask in Response0 register

Definition at line 211 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_paramSet() , and SI1133_sendCmd() .

#define SI1133_RSP0_SLEEP   0x20

Sleep state indicator bit mask in Response0 register

Definition at line 212 of file si1133.h .

Referenced by SI1133_waitUntilSleep() .

Function Documentation

uint32_t SI1133_deInit ( void )

Stops the measurements on all channel and waits until the chip goes to sleep state.

Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 595 of file si1133.c .

References BOARD_alsEnable() , SI1133_measurementPause() , SI1133_PARAM_CH_LIST , SI1133_paramSet() , and SI1133_waitUntilSleep() .

uint32_t SI1133_getHardwareID ( uint8_t * hardwareID )

Reads Hardware ID from the SI1133 sensor.

[out] hardwareID The Hardware ID of the chip (should be 0x33)
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 873 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_REG_PART_ID , and SI1133_registerRead() .

uint32_t SI1133_getIrqStatus ( uint8_t * irqStatus )

Reads the interrupt status register of the device.

[out] irqStatus The contentof the IRQ status register
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 925 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_REG_IRQ_STATUS , and SI1133_registerRead() .

int32_t SI1133_getLux ( int32_t vis_high,
int32_t vis_low,
int32_t ir,
SI1133_LuxCoeff_TypeDef * lk

Compute lux value.

[in] vis_high Visible light sensor raw data
[in] vis_low Visible light sensor raw data
[in] ir Infrared sensor raw data
[in] lk Lux calculation coefficients
Lux value scaled by LUX_OUPTUT_FRACTION

Definition at line 794 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_LuxCoeff_TypeDef::coeff_high , and SI1133_LuxCoeff_TypeDef::coeff_low .

Referenced by SI1133_getMeasurement() , and SI1133_measureLuxUvi() .

uint32_t SI1133_getMeasurement ( float * lux,
float * uvi

Retrieve the sample values from the chip and convert them to lux and UV index values.

[out] lux The measured ambient light illuminace in lux
[out] uvi UV index
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 896 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch0 , SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch1 , SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch2 , SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch3 , SI1133_getLux() , SI1133_getUv() , and SI1133_measurementGet() .

int32_t SI1133_getUv ( int32_t uv,
SI1133_Coeff_TypeDef * uk

Compute UV index.

[in] uv UV sensor raw data
[in] uk UV calculation coefficients
UV index scaled by UV_OUPTUT_FRACTION

Definition at line 766 of file si1133.c .

Referenced by SI1133_getMeasurement() , and SI1133_measureLuxUvi() .

uint32_t SI1133_measureLuxUvi ( float * lux,
float * uvi

Measure lux and UV index using the Si1133 sensor.

[out] lux The measured ambient light illuminace in lux
[out] uvi UV index
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 830 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch0 , SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch1 , SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch2 , SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch3 , SI1133_getLux() , SI1133_getUv() , SI1133_measurementForce() , SI1133_measurementGet() , SI1133_REG_IRQ_STATUS , SI1133_registerRead() , and UTIL_delay() .

uint32_t SI1133_measurementForce ( void )

Sends a FORCE command to the Si1133.

Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 427 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_CMD_FORCE_CH , and SI1133_sendCmd() .

Referenced by SI1133_measureLuxUvi() .

uint32_t SI1133_measurementGet ( SI1133_Samples_TypeDef * samples )

Read samples from the Si1133 chip.

[out] samples Retrieves interrupt status and measurement data for channel 0..3 and converts the data to int32_t format
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 620 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch0 , SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch1 , SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch2 , SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::ch3 , SI1133_Samples_TypeDef::irq_status , SI1133_REG_IRQ_STATUS , and SI1133_registerBlockRead() .

Referenced by SI1133_getMeasurement() , and SI1133_measureLuxUvi() .

uint32_t SI1133_measurementPause ( void )

Sends a PAUSE command to the Si1133.

Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 542 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_CMD_PAUSE_CH , and SI1133_sendCmd() .

Referenced by SI1133_deInit() .

uint32_t SI1133_measurementStart ( void )

Sends a START command to the Si1133.

Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 439 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_CMD_START , and SI1133_sendCmd() .

uint32_t SI1133_paramRead ( uint8_t address )

Reads a parameter from the Si1133.

[in] address The address of the parameter.
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 454 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_OK , SI1133_REG_RESPONSE1 , SI1133_registerRead() , and SI1133_sendCmd() .

uint32_t SI1133_paramSet ( uint8_t address,
uint8_t value

Writes a byte to an Si1133 Parameter.

[in] address The parameter address
[in] value The byte value to be written to the Si1133 parameter
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
This function ensures that the Si1133 is idle and ready to receive a command before writing the parameter. Furthermore, command completion is checked. If setting parameter is not done properly, no measurements will occur. This is the most common error. It is highly recommended that host code make use of this function.

Definition at line 492 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_OK , SI1133_REG_HOSTIN0 , SI1133_REG_RESPONSE0 , SI1133_registerBlockWrite() , SI1133_registerRead() , SI1133_RSP0_COUNTER_MASK , and SI1133_waitUntilSleep() .

Referenced by SI1133_deInit() , and SI1133_init() .

uint32_t SI1133_registerBlockRead ( uint8_t reg,
uint8_t length,
uint8_t * data

Reads a block of data from the Si1133 sensor.

[in] reg The first register to begin reading from
[in] length The number of bytes to write to the sensor
[out] data The data read from the sensor
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 240 of file si1133.c .

References BOARD_i2cBusSelect() , I2CSPM_Transfer() , SI1133_ERROR_I2C_TRANSACTION_FAILED , and SI1133_OK .

Referenced by SI1133_measurementGet() .

uint32_t SI1133_registerBlockWrite ( uint8_t reg,
uint8_t length,
uint8_t * data

Writes a block of data to the Si1133 sensor.

[in] reg The first register to begin writing to
[in] length The number of bytes to write to the sensor
[in] data The data to write to the sensor
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 191 of file si1133.c .

References BOARD_i2cBusSelect() , I2CSPM_Transfer() , SI1133_ERROR_I2C_TRANSACTION_FAILED , and SI1133_OK .

Referenced by SI1133_paramSet() .

uint32_t SI1133_registerRead ( uint8_t reg,
uint8_t * data

Reads register from the Si1133 sensor.

[in] reg The register address to read from in the sensor.
[out] data The data read from the sensor
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 102 of file si1133.c .

References BOARD_i2cBusSelect() , I2CSPM_Transfer() , SI1133_ERROR_I2C_TRANSACTION_FAILED , and SI1133_OK .

Referenced by SI1133_getHardwareID() , SI1133_getIrqStatus() , SI1133_measureLuxUvi() , SI1133_paramRead() , SI1133_paramSet() , SI1133_sendCmd() , and SI1133_waitUntilSleep() .

uint32_t SI1133_registerWrite ( uint8_t reg,
uint8_t data

Writes register in the Si1133 sensor.

[in] reg The register address to write to in the sensor
[in] data The data to write to the sensor
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 145 of file si1133.c .

References BOARD_i2cBusSelect() , I2CSPM_Transfer() , SI1133_ERROR_I2C_TRANSACTION_FAILED , and SI1133_OK .

Referenced by SI1133_init() , SI1133_reset() , and SI1133_sendCmd() .

uint32_t SI1133_reset ( void )

Resets the Si1133.

Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 311 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_CMD_RESET , SI1133_REG_COMMAND , SI1133_registerWrite() , and UTIL_delay() .

Referenced by SI1133_init() .

uint32_t SI1133_resetCmdCtr ( void )

Sends a RESET COMMAND COUNTER command to the Si1133.

Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 415 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_CMD_RESET_CMD_CTR , and SI1133_sendCmd() .

static uint32_t SI1133_sendCmd ( uint8_t command )

Helper function to send a command to the Si1133.

[in] command The command to send to the sensor
Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 338 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_CMD_RESET_CMD_CTR , SI1133_OK , SI1133_REG_COMMAND , SI1133_REG_RESPONSE0 , SI1133_registerRead() , SI1133_registerWrite() , SI1133_RSP0_COUNTER_MASK , and SI1133_waitUntilSleep() .

Referenced by SI1133_measurementForce() , SI1133_measurementPause() , SI1133_measurementStart() , SI1133_paramRead() , and SI1133_resetCmdCtr() .

static uint32_t SI1133_waitUntilSleep ( void )

Waits until the Si1133 is sleeping before proceeding.

Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise

Definition at line 276 of file si1133.c .

References SI1133_ERROR_SLEEP_FAILED , SI1133_OK , SI1133_REG_RESPONSE0 , SI1133_registerRead() , SI1133_RSP0_CHIPSTAT_MASK , and SI1133_RSP0_SLEEP .

Referenced by SI1133_deInit() , SI1133_paramSet() , and SI1133_sendCmd() .