Contains arguments for RAIL_BLE_ConfigAox function.

#include < rail_ble.h >

Data Fields

RAIL_BLE_AoxOptions_t aoxOptions
See RAIL_BLE_AOX_OPTIONS_* for bitfield defines for different AoX features.
uint16_t cteBuffSize
Size of the raw AoX CTE (continuous tone extension) data capture buffer in bytes.
uint32_t * cteBuffAddr
Address to where the received CTE is written.
uint32_t * antArrayAddr
Address to first element of antenna pattern array.
uint8_t antArraySize
Size of the antenna pattern array.

Contains arguments for RAIL_BLE_ConfigAox function.

Definition at line 406 of file rail_ble.h .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • protocol/ble/ rail_ble.h