HTTP read data parameters.

This structure holds the parameters for reading data from an HTTP request, including the request details, buffer for storing the data, and the length of the data received.

Public Attributes#

Pointer to the request structure received in the request handler. Must not be NULL.

uint8_t *

Pointer to the user-defined memory buffer for storing received data. Must not be NULL.


Length of the user-defined memory buffer.


Amount of data received in the read operation.

Public Attribute Documentation#


sl_http_server_request_t* sl_http_recv_req_data_t::request

Pointer to the request structure received in the request handler. Must not be NULL.

Definition at line 372 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


uint8_t* sl_http_recv_req_data_t::buffer

Pointer to the user-defined memory buffer for storing received data. Must not be NULL.

Definition at line 373 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


uint32_t sl_http_recv_req_data_t::buffer_length

Length of the user-defined memory buffer.

Definition at line 374 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


uint32_t sl_http_recv_req_data_t::received_data_length

Amount of data received in the read operation.

Definition at line 375 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h