Structure representing HTTP server request parameters.

This structure holds the parameters for an HTTP server request, including the request URI, HTTP version, headers, request type, and data length.

Public Attributes#

URI of the request, including path and query parameters.

HTTP protocol version (e.g., HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2).


Number of request headers received.

Type of the request (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).


Length of the request data in bytes.

Public Attribute Documentation#


sl_http_server_request_uri_t sl_http_server_request_s::uri

URI of the request, including path and query parameters.

Definition at line 304 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


sl_http_request_version_t sl_http_server_request_s::version

HTTP protocol version (e.g., HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2).

Definition at line 305 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


uint16_t sl_http_server_request_s::request_header_count

Number of request headers received.

Definition at line 306 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


sl_http_server_request_type_t sl_http_server_request_s::type

Type of the request (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).

Definition at line 307 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


uint32_t sl_http_server_request_s::request_data_length

Length of the request data in bytes.

Definition at line 308 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h