HTTP server configuration structure.

This structure holds the configuration parameters for the HTTP server, including the port number, list of request handlers, and the default handler.

Public Attributes#


Port number on which the HTTP server will listen for incoming requests.

Pointer to an array of request handlers. Each handler is associated with a specific URI pattern.


Number of request handlers in the handlers_list array.

Default request handler function to be called when no specific handler matches the request URI.


Idle duration in seconds before the client is considered inactive.

Public Attribute Documentation#


uint16_t sl_http_server_config_t::port

Port number on which the HTTP server will listen for incoming requests.

Definition at line 332 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


sl_http_server_handler_t* sl_http_server_config_t::handlers_list

Pointer to an array of request handlers. Each handler is associated with a specific URI pattern.

Definition at line 334 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


uint16_t sl_http_server_config_t::handlers_count

Number of request handlers in the handlers_list array.

Definition at line 335 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


sl_http_request_handler_t sl_http_server_config_t::default_handler

Default request handler function to be called when no specific handler matches the request URI.

Definition at line 337 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


uint16_t sl_http_server_config_t::client_idle_time

Idle duration in seconds before the client is considered inactive.

Definition at line 338 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h