Structure representing HTTP server response parameters.

This structure holds the parameters for an HTTP server response, including the response code, content type, headers, and data buffer.

Public Attributes#

HTTP response code (e.g., 200 for OK, 404 for Not Found)

char *

Content type of the response (e.g., "text/html", "application/json"). Must be a null-terminated string.

Pointer to an array of headers. Each header is a key-value pair.


Number of headers in the headers array.

uint8_t *

Pointer to the data buffer containing the response body.


Length of the data currently in the data buffer.


Total length of the data to be sent in the response.

Public Attribute Documentation#


sl_http_response_code_t sl_http_server_response_t::response_code

HTTP response code (e.g., 200 for OK, 404 for Not Found)

Definition at line 261 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


char* sl_http_server_response_t::content_type

Content type of the response (e.g., "text/html", "application/json"). Must be a null-terminated string.

Definition at line 263 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


sl_http_header_t* sl_http_server_response_t::headers

Pointer to an array of headers. Each header is a key-value pair.

Definition at line 264 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


uint16_t sl_http_server_response_t::header_count

Number of headers in the headers array.

Definition at line 265 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


uint8_t* sl_http_server_response_t::data

Pointer to the data buffer containing the response body.

Definition at line 266 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


uint32_t sl_http_server_response_t::current_data_length

Length of the data currently in the data buffer.

Definition at line 267 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h


uint32_t sl_http_server_response_t::expected_data_length

Total length of the data to be sent in the response.

Definition at line 268 of file components/service/sl_http_server/inc/sl_http_server_types.h