MQTT Client credentials structure.

This structure holds the credentials required for the MQTT client to authenticate with the broker. It includes the lengths of the username and password, and a flexible array to store both the username and password.

Public Attributes#


Length of the username. Should not exceed 120 bytes including NULL termination character.


Length of the password. Should not exceed 60 bytes including NULL termination character.


Flexible array to store both the username and password.

Public Attribute Documentation#


uint16_t sl_mqtt_client_credentials_t::username_length

Length of the username. Should not exceed 120 bytes including NULL termination character.

Definition at line 227 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint16_t sl_mqtt_client_credentials_t::password_length

Length of the password. Should not exceed 60 bytes including NULL termination character.

Definition at line 229 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint8_t sl_mqtt_client_credentials_t::data[]

Flexible array to store both the username and password.

Definition at line 230 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h