Structure representing an MQTT Client Message.

This structure holds the information for a message received from or sent to the MQTT broker. It includes details such as the Quality of Service level, packet identifier, and message content.

Public Attributes#

Quality of Service level of the message.


Packet identifier of the received message.


Flag indicating whether the message is retained by the broker.


Flag indicating whether this is a duplicate message.

uint8_t *

Pointer to the topic name. Must not be NULL.


Length of the topic name. Should not exceed 200 bytes including NULL termination character.

uint8_t *

Pointer to the message content. Must not be NULL.


Length of the message content.

Public Attribute Documentation#


sl_mqtt_qos_t sl_mqtt_client_message_t::qos_level

Quality of Service level of the message.

Definition at line 190 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint16_t sl_mqtt_client_message_t::packet_identifier

Packet identifier of the received message.

Definition at line 191 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


bool sl_mqtt_client_message_t::is_retained

Flag indicating whether the message is retained by the broker.

Definition at line 192 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


bool sl_mqtt_client_message_t::is_duplicate_message

Flag indicating whether this is a duplicate message.

Definition at line 193 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint8_t* sl_mqtt_client_message_t::topic

Pointer to the topic name. Must not be NULL.

Definition at line 194 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint16_t sl_mqtt_client_message_t::topic_length

Length of the topic name. Should not exceed 200 bytes including NULL termination character.

Definition at line 196 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint8_t* sl_mqtt_client_message_t::content

Pointer to the message content. Must not be NULL.

Definition at line 197 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint32_t sl_mqtt_client_message_t::content_length

Length of the message content.

Definition at line 198 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h