Structure representing the MQTT Client Last Will message.

This structure holds the information for the Last Will message that will be sent by the MQTT broker if the client unexpectedly disconnects. The Last Will message is a retained message that can be used to notify other clients about the disconnection.

Public Attributes#


Flag indicating whether to retain the Last Will message.

Quality of Service level for the Last Will message.

uint8_t *

Pointer to the topic name for the Last Will message.


Length of the topic name. Should not exceed 200 bytes including NULL termination character.

uint8_t *

Pointer to the Last Will message content.


Length of the Last Will message content. Should not exceed 60 bytes including NULL termination character.

Public Attribute Documentation#


bool sl_mqtt_client_last_will_message_t::is_retained

Flag indicating whether to retain the Last Will message.

Definition at line 172 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


sl_mqtt_qos_t sl_mqtt_client_last_will_message_t::will_qos_level

Quality of Service level for the Last Will message.

Definition at line 173 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint8_t* sl_mqtt_client_last_will_message_t::will_topic

Pointer to the topic name for the Last Will message.

Definition at line 174 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint16_t sl_mqtt_client_last_will_message_t::will_topic_length

Length of the topic name. Should not exceed 200 bytes including NULL termination character.

Definition at line 176 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint8_t* sl_mqtt_client_last_will_message_t::will_message

Pointer to the Last Will message content.

Definition at line 177 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint32_t sl_mqtt_client_last_will_message_t::will_message_length

Length of the Last Will message content. Should not exceed 60 bytes including NULL termination character.

Definition at line 179 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h