MQTT Client Topic Subscription Info structure.

This structure holds the information related to a topic subscription for the MQTT client. It includes the message handler for the topic, the Quality of Service (QoS) level, and the topic itself.

Public Attributes#


Next node in the linked list of subscriptions.

Function pointer to the message handler for the subscribed topic.

Quality of Service level for the subscription.


Length of the subscribed topic. Should not exceed 200 bytes including NULL termination character.


Flexible array to store the topic name.

Public Attribute Documentation#


sl_slist_node_t sl_mqtt_client_topic_subscription_info_t::next_subscription

Next node in the linked list of subscriptions.

Definition at line 313 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


sl_mqtt_client_message_received_t sl_mqtt_client_topic_subscription_info_t::topic_message_handler

Function pointer to the message handler for the subscribed topic.

Definition at line 315 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


sl_mqtt_qos_t sl_mqtt_client_topic_subscription_info_t::qos_of_subscription

Quality of Service level for the subscription.

Definition at line 316 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint16_t sl_mqtt_client_topic_subscription_info_t::topic_length

Length of the subscribed topic. Should not exceed 200 bytes including NULL termination character.

Definition at line 318 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h


uint8_t sl_mqtt_client_topic_subscription_info_t::topic[]

Flexible array to store the topic name.

Definition at line 319 of file components/service/mqtt/inc/sl_mqtt_client_types.h