
ZLL Commissioning Callback Network

ZLL Commissioning Network#

API and Callbacks for the ZLL Commissioning Network Component.

(NOTE: This component is deprecated as it is not compliant to Zigbee 3.0 requirements. See Network Creator and Network Steering components instead for Zigbee 3.0-compliant implementations of this behavior.) Provides legacy Zigbee Light Link 1.0 implementation of routines for finding and joining any viable network via scanning, rather than joining a specific network.



Scan for joinable networks.


Scan for an unused PAN ID.

API Documentation#


EmberStatus emberAfZllScanForJoinableNetwork (void )

Scan for joinable networks.


This function scans the primary channel set for joinable networks. If a joinable network is found, the plugin will attempt to join to it. If no joinable networks are found or if joining is not successful, the plugin will scan the secondary channel set for joinable networks. If a joinable network is found, the plugin will attempt to join to it. The plugin will only scan the secondary channel set if ::EMBER_AF_PLUGIN_ZLL_COMMISSIONING_COMMON_SCAN_SECONDARY_CHANNELS is defined. Otherwise, scanning stops after the initial scan of the primary channel set.

Routers and end devices should scan for joinable networks when directed by the application. Scanning for joinable networks enables classic Zigbee commissioning with non-ZLL devices.

Note, for Zigbee 3.0 compatibility, an application should use emberAfPluginNetworkSteeringStart rather than this routine, which may be deprecated in a future release.


  • An ::EmberStatus value that indicates the success or failure of the command.

Definition at line 65 of file app/framework/plugin/zll-commissioning-network/zll-commissioning-network.h


EmberStatus emberAfZllScanForUnusedPanId (void )

Scan for an unused PAN ID.


This function scans the primary channel set for a channel with low average energy and then selects a PAN ID that is not in use on that channel. The plugin will then form a ZLL network on that channel with the chosen PAN ID.

Factory new routers may form a new ZLL network at startup, but this is not mandatory, since a network is created during touch linking if required. Similarly, a router may chose to form a new ZLL network if classical ZigBee commissioning has failed, but this is not mandatory either. However, if a router choses not to form a network, the application should call ::emberAfPluginZllCommissioningInitCallback to ensure the radio is switched on and is tuned to the default channel. Alternatively, the 'Rx always on' plugin option, ::EMBER_AF_PLUGIN_ZLL_COMMISSIONING_RX_ALWAYS_ON, may be set to true.

End devices should not use this API and should instead form ZLL networks via touch linking (or to be precise, join a ZLL network formed by a router target or a router initiator).

Note, for Zigbee 3.0 compatibility, a router device should use emberAfPluginNetworkCreatorStart with centralizedNetwork=false to form a distributed network rather than this routine, which may be deprecated in a future release.


  • An ::EmberStatus value that indicates the success or failure of the command.

Definition at line 99 of file app/framework/plugin/zll-commissioning-network/zll-commissioning-network.h