Deprecated List

The maximum length in bytes of the application payload for a secured message. This define has been deprecated, you should use the emberGetMaximumPayloadLength API instead.
The maximum length in bytes of the application payload for an unsecured message. This define has been deprecated, you should use the emberGetMaximumPayloadLength API instead.
Global emberIncomingBeaconHandler (EmberPanId panId, EmberNodeId nodeId, int8_t rssi, bool permitJoining, uint8_t payloadLength, uint8_t *payload)
This stack handler has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The application should implement emberIncomingBeaconExtendedHandler instead.
Global emberMacSetAllocateAddressFlag (bool allocateAddress)
Configures the "allocate address" flag in the association request command for nodes joining as EMBER_MAC_MODE_DEVICE or EMBER_MAC_MODE_SLEEPY_DEVICE . This flag should be set if the device wishes to obtain a random 16-bit address from the coordinator. If cleared, the coordinator will not assign a 16-bit address to the device.