VCMP_Init_TypeDef Struct Reference

VCMP Initialization structure.

#include <em_vcmp.h>

Data Fields

bool halfBias
If set to true, reduces the bias current by half.
int biasProg
BIAS current configuration, depends on Half Bias setting above, see reference manual for more information.
bool irqFalling
Enable interrupt for falling edge.
bool irqRising
Enable interrupt for rising edge.
VCMP_WarmTime_TypeDef warmup
Warm-up time in clock cycles.
VCMP_Hysteresis_TypeDef hyst
Hysteresis configuration.
int inactive
Output value when comparator is inactive, should be 0 or 1.
bool lowPowerRef
Enable low power mode for VDD and band gap reference.
int triggerLevel
Trigger level, according to formula: VDD Trigger Level = 1.667V + 0.034V x triggerLevel.
bool enable
Enable VCMP after configuration.

VCMP Initialization structure.

Field Documentation


bool VCMP_Init_TypeDef::halfBias

If set to true, reduces the bias current by half.


int VCMP_Init_TypeDef::biasProg

BIAS current configuration, depends on Half Bias setting above, see reference manual for more information.


bool VCMP_Init_TypeDef::irqFalling

Enable interrupt for falling edge.


bool VCMP_Init_TypeDef::irqRising

Enable interrupt for rising edge.


VCMP_WarmTime_TypeDef VCMP_Init_TypeDef::warmup

Warm-up time in clock cycles.


VCMP_Hysteresis_TypeDef VCMP_Init_TypeDef::hyst

Hysteresis configuration.


int VCMP_Init_TypeDef::inactive

Output value when comparator is inactive, should be 0 or 1.


bool VCMP_Init_TypeDef::lowPowerRef

Enable low power mode for VDD and band gap reference.


int VCMP_Init_TypeDef::triggerLevel

Trigger level, according to formula: VDD Trigger Level = 1.667V + 0.034V x triggerLevel.


bool VCMP_Init_TypeDef::enable

Enable VCMP after configuration.