Cluster Commands: Simple Metering#

This group describes the CLI commands for the Simple Metering cluster. Listed below is a description of the cluster: The Metering Cluster provides a mechanism to retrieve usage information from Electric, Gas, Water, and potentially Thermal metering devices.



zcl metering sch-snapshot-resp [issuerEventId:4] [snapshotResponsePayload:2]


zcl metering take-snapshot-resp [snapshotId:4] [snapshotConfirmation:1]


zcl metering pub-ss [snapshotId:4] [snapshotTime:4] [totalSnapshotsFound:1] [commandIndex:1] [totalCommands:1] [snapshotCause:4] [snapshotPayloadType:1] [snapshotPayload:1]


zcl metering cfg-mirror [issuerEventId:4] [reportingInterval:3] [mirrorNotificationReporting:1] [notificationScheme:1]


zcl metering cfg-nft-scheme [issuerEventId:4] [notificationScheme:1] [notificationFlagOrder:4]


zcl metering cfg-nft-flags [issuerEventId:4] [notificationScheme:1] [notificationFlagAttributeId:2] [clusterId:2] [manufacturerCode:2] [numberOfCommands:1] [commandIds:1]


zcl metering get-ntfy-msg [notificationScheme:1] [notificationFlagAttributeId:2] [notificationFlagsN:4]


zcl metering sup-stat-rsp [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [implementationDateTime:4] [supplyStatus:1]


zcl metering start-samp-rsp [sampleId:2]


zcl metering get-profile [intervalChannel:1] [endTime:4] [numberOfPeriods:1]


zcl metering mirror-removed [endpointId:2]


zcl metering req-fast-poll-mode [fastPollUpdatePeriod:1] [duration:1]


zcl metering sch-snapshot [issuerEventId:4] [commandIndex:1] [commandCount:1] [snapshotSchedulePayload:13]


zcl metering take-snapshot [snapshotCause:4]


zcl metering get-snapshot [earliestStartTime:4] [latestEndTime:4] [snapshotOffset:1] [snapshotCause:4]


zcl metering start-sampling [issuerEventId:4] [startSamplingTime:4] [sampleType:1] [sampleRequestInterval:2] [maxNumberOfSamples:2]


zcl metering get-sampled-data [sampleId:2] [earliestSampleTime:4] [sampleType:1] [numberOfSamples:2]


zcl metering rst-load-limit-ctr [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4]


zcl metering chg-supply [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [requestDateTime:4] [implementationDateTime:4] [proposedSupplyStatus:1] [supplyControlBits:1]


zcl metering local-chg-supply [proposedSupplyStatus:1]


zcl metering set-supply-status [issuerEventId:4] [supplyTamperState:1] [supplyDepletionState:1] [supplyUncontrolledFlowState:1] [loadLimitSupplyState:1]


zcl metering set-uncntrl-flow-threshold [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [uncontrolledFlowThreshold:2] [unitOfMeasure:1] [multiplier:2] [divisor:2] [stabilisationPeriod:1] [measurementPeriod:2]

Macro Definition Documentation#



zcl metering request-mirror

  • This command is used to request the ESI to mirror Metering Device data.

Definition at line 2450 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering remove-mirror

  • This command is used to request the ESI to remove its mirror of Metering Device data.

Definition at line 2455 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering sch-snapshot-resp [issuerEventId:4] [snapshotResponsePayload:2]

  • This command is generated in response to a ScheduleSnapshot command, and is sent to confirm whether the requested snapshot schedule has been set up.

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • snapshotResponsePayload - struct SnapshotResponsePayload

Definition at line 2462 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering take-snapshot-resp [snapshotId:4] [snapshotConfirmation:1]

  • This command is generated in response to a TakeSnapshot command, and is sent to confirm whether the requested snapshot has been accepted and successfully taken.

Definition at line 2471 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering pub-ss [snapshotId:4] [snapshotTime:4] [totalSnapshotsFound:1] [commandIndex:1] [totalCommands:1] [snapshotCause:4] [snapshotPayloadType:1] [snapshotPayload:1]

  • This command is generated in response to a GetSnapshot command. It is used to return a single snapshot to the client.

    • snapshotId - INT32U

    • snapshotTime - UTC_TIME

    • totalSnapshotsFound - INT8U

    • commandIndex - INT8U

    • totalCommands - INT8U

    • snapshotCause - SnapshotCause [BITMAP32]

    • snapshotPayloadType - SnapshotPayloadType [ENUM8]

    • snapshotPayload - INT8U See Also

Definition at line 2486 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering cfg-mirror [issuerEventId:4] [reportingInterval:3] [mirrorNotificationReporting:1] [notificationScheme:1]

  • ConfigureMirror is sent to the mirror once the mirror has been created. The command deals with the operational configuration of the Mirror.

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • reportingInterval - INT24U

    • mirrorNotificationReporting - BOOLEAN

    • notificationScheme - INT8U

Definition at line 2495 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering cfg-nft-scheme [issuerEventId:4] [notificationScheme:1] [notificationFlagOrder:4]

  • The ConfigureNotificationScheme is sent to the mirror once the mirror has been created. The command deals with the operational configuration of the Mirror and the device that reports to the mirror. No default schemes are allowed to be overwritten.

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • notificationScheme - INT8U

    • notificationFlagOrder - BITMAP32

Definition at line 2503 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering cfg-nft-flags [issuerEventId:4] [notificationScheme:1] [notificationFlagAttributeId:2] [clusterId:2] [manufacturerCode:2] [numberOfCommands:1] [commandIds:1]

  • The ConfigureNotificationFlags command is used to set the commands relating to the bit value for each NotificationFlags attribute that the scheme is proposing to use.

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • notificationScheme - INT8U

    • notificationFlagAttributeId - INT16U

    • clusterId - INT16U

    • manufacturerCode - INT16U

    • numberOfCommands - INT8U

    • commandIds - INT8U

Definition at line 2515 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering get-ntfy-msg [notificationScheme:1] [notificationFlagAttributeId:2] [notificationFlagsN:4]

  • The GetNotifiedMessage command is used only when a BOMD is being mirrored. This command provides a method for the BOMD to notify the Mirror message queue that it wants to receive commands that the Mirror has queued. The Notification flags set within the command shall inform the mirror of the commands that the BOMD is requesting.

    • notificationScheme - INT8U

    • notificationFlagAttributeId - INT16U

    • notificationFlagsN - BITMAP32

Definition at line 2523 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering sup-stat-rsp [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [implementationDateTime:4] [supplyStatus:1]

  • This command is transmitted by a Metering Device in response to a ChangeSupply command.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • implementationDateTime - UTC_TIME

    • supplyStatus - MeteringSupplyStatus [ENUM8] See Also

Definition at line 2534 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering start-samp-rsp [sampleId:2]

  • This command is transmitted by a Metering Device in response to a StartSampling command.

    • sampleId - INT16U

Definition at line 2540 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering get-profile [intervalChannel:1] [endTime:4] [numberOfPeriods:1]

  • The GetProfile command is generated when a client device wishes to retrieve a list of captured Energy, Gas or water consumption for profiling purposes.

Definition at line 2550 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering mirror-removed [endpointId:2]

  • The Mirror Removed Command allows the ESI to inform a sleepy Metering Device mirroring support has been removed or halted.

    • endpointId - INT16U

Definition at line 2556 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering req-fast-poll-mode [fastPollUpdatePeriod:1] [duration:1]

  • The Request Fast Poll Mode command is generated when the metering client wishes to receive near real-time updates of InstantaneousDemand.

    • fastPollUpdatePeriod - INT8U

    • duration - INT8U

Definition at line 2563 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering sch-snapshot [issuerEventId:4] [commandIndex:1] [commandCount:1] [snapshotSchedulePayload:13]

  • This command is used to set up a schedule of when the device shall create snapshot data.

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • commandIndex - INT8U

    • commandCount - INT8U

    • snapshotSchedulePayload - struct SnapshotSchedulePayload

Definition at line 2572 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering take-snapshot [snapshotCause:4]

  • This command is used to instruct the cluster server to take a single snapshot.

    • snapshotCause - SnapshotCause [BITMAP32]

Definition at line 2578 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering get-snapshot [earliestStartTime:4] [latestEndTime:4] [snapshotOffset:1] [snapshotCause:4]

  • This command is used to request snapshot data from the cluster server.

    • earliestStartTime - UTC_TIME

    • latestEndTime - UTC_TIME

    • snapshotOffset - INT8U

    • snapshotCause - SnapshotCause [BITMAP32]

Definition at line 2587 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering start-sampling [issuerEventId:4] [startSamplingTime:4] [sampleType:1] [sampleRequestInterval:2] [maxNumberOfSamples:2]

  • The sampling mechanism allows a set of samples of the specified type of data to be taken, commencing at the stipulated start time. This mechanism may run concurrently with the capturing of profile data, and may refer the same parameters, albeit possibly at a different sampling rate.

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • startSamplingTime - UTC_TIME

    • sampleType - SampleType [ENUM8]

    • sampleRequestInterval - INT16U

    • maxNumberOfSamples - INT16U See Also

Definition at line 2599 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering get-sampled-data [sampleId:2] [earliestSampleTime:4] [sampleType:1] [numberOfSamples:2]

  • This command is used to request sampled data from the server. Note that it is the responsibility of the client to ensure that it does not request more samples than can be held in a single command payload.

    • sampleId - INT16U

    • earliestSampleTime - UTC_TIME

    • sampleType - SampleType [ENUM8]

    • numberOfSamples - INT16U See Also

Definition at line 2610 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering rst-load-limit-ctr [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4]

  • The ResetLoadLimitCounter command shall cause the LoadLimitCounter attribute to be reset.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

Definition at line 2617 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering chg-supply [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [requestDateTime:4] [implementationDateTime:4] [proposedSupplyStatus:1] [supplyControlBits:1]

  • This command is sent from the Head-end or ESI to the Metering Device to instruct it to change the status of the valve or load switch, i.e. the supply.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • requestDateTime - UTC_TIME

    • implementationDateTime - UTC_TIME

    • proposedSupplyStatus - MeteringSupplyStatus [ENUM8]

    • supplyControlBits - SupplyControlBits [BITMAP8] See Also

Definition at line 2630 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering local-chg-supply [proposedSupplyStatus:1]

  • This command is a simplified version of the ChangeSupply command, intended to be sent from an IHD to a meter as the consequence of a user action on the IHD. Its purpose is to provide a local disconnection/reconnection button on the IHD in addition to the one on the meter.

Definition at line 2638 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering set-supply-status [issuerEventId:4] [supplyTamperState:1] [supplyDepletionState:1] [supplyUncontrolledFlowState:1] [loadLimitSupplyState:1]

  • This command is used to specify the required status of the supply following the occurance of certain events on the meter.

Definition at line 2653 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl metering set-uncntrl-flow-threshold [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [uncontrolledFlowThreshold:2] [unitOfMeasure:1] [multiplier:2] [divisor:2] [stabilisationPeriod:1] [measurementPeriod:2]

  • This command is used to update the 'Uncontrolled Flow Rate' configuration data used by flow meters.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • uncontrolledFlowThreshold - INT16U

    • unitOfMeasure - AmiUnitOfMeasure [ENUM8]

    • multiplier - INT16U

    • divisor - INT16U

    • stabilisationPeriod - INT8U

    • measurementPeriod - INT16U See Also

Definition at line 2668 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc